Tourist rental licence Andalucia

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    • #189559
      Sandra Wales

      There may be a thread or forum about this so please point me in right direction if so.   My question is  we have just purchased a 12 year old property in Axarquia region of Andalucia  we want to rent it out for a few weeks a year.

      we understand the new laws coming into place require us to apply for tourist rental licence. We think as we are rural that we can simply use the VTAR form  Vivienda de Turismo en Alojamiento Rural.

      We have all necessary paperwork up to date Catastro and Escritura etc.

      Our house is built on rural land and but never had a Licencia Primera Ocupacion issued.   When we purchased the property in an effort to regularise/legalise the property we applied for DAFO status on the property Declaracion Asimilado a Fuera de Ordenancion.

      Apparently the fact that we have a DAFO prevents us from obtaining a licence of first occupation. Can we apply for a Certificad de Habitabilidad instead? How do we go about this?  Before completing purchase we had an architect check the property conformed with all the original plans (which it does).

      Can anyone help?

      thank you

    • #189569
      Mark Stücklin

      Sandra, have you read Raymundo’s latest article on the regulations in Andalusia, and the comments to the article where he answers questions in considerable detail? You might find your answer there:

      ANDALUSIA: Holiday rental regulations in new Decree explained in detail

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