The Balearic property market in data and interactive charts.

Here you will find much of the publicly available housing market data for the Balearics from different sources like the government (Ministry of Housing), professional organisations, the National Institute of Statistics (INE), the Spanish notaries’ association, the land registrars’ association and local government institutions. SPI adds value by bringing all the data together in one place, making it easy to compare in standardised tables and charts, and updating it as soon as new data is published. Subscribe for access to all Spanish housing market data including the Balearics (Mallorca, Menorca & Ibiza / Formentera) here.

House Prices

House Prices in the Balearics

Balearic house prices in data and charts.

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ibiza property market report

Housing Supply

Balearic Housing Starts

Housing starts in the Balearics based on planning applications (visados)

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Home Sales

Balearic Home Sales

Data and analysis of homes sales in the Balearic islands: Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.

euro euribor spanish mortgage rates

Mortgage Market

Balearic Mortgage Market

The Balearic mortgage market in data and charts.

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