We are one of the many caught up in the administration of MF. I received this letter on the 24th. I tried Babelfish to get a translation and posted to colleagues on another site and although they tried their best they basically suggested the same. Unfortunately I don’t have sufficient Spanish and cannot quite get the gist. Is there a fluent or native Spanish speaker out there who can help? It would be really helpful.
Muy Sr(es) nuestra(s):
Como se les indico en la carta de fecha 12 de agosto de 2.008, nos dirigimos a ustedes en nuestra condicion de Administradores Concursales de MARTINSA FADESA S.A-, en el procedimiento de concurso NO408/2008.
La Administracion concursal tiene la obligacion de determinar quienes son los acreedores de ia sociedad y la cuantia de sus creditos, para formar la lista completa de acreedores que se incluye en el informe que fue presentado ante el Juzgado Mercantil nO1 de A Coruria el dia 2 de diciembre del presente ano. Tras el analisis de los datos contenidos en su presentacion ante el Registro del Juzgado Decano de A Coruria, o si no presento dicha informacion del saldo obrante en la contabilidad de la sociedad, la Administracion Concursal le reconoce la existencia de un credito contingente por su condicion de adquirientes de bienes inmuebles.
A continuacion, trascribimos lo indicado en la ley Concursal respecto a los credito contingentes:
Articulo 87. Supuestos especiales de reconocimiento,
3. Los creditos sometidos a condicion suspensiva y los litigiosos seran reconocidos en el concurso como creditos contingentes sin cuantia propia y con la calificacion que corresponda, admitiemdose a sus titulares como acreedores legitimados en el juicio sin mas limitaciones que la suspension de los derechos de adhesion, de voto y de cobra, En todo caso, la confirmacion del credito contingente o su reconocimiento en sentencia firme o susceptible de ejecucion provisional, otorgara a su titular la totalidad de los derechos concursales que correspondan a su cuantia y calificacion.
4. Cuando el juez del concurso estime probable el cumplimiento de la condicion resolutoria o la confirmacion del credito contingente, podra, a peticion de parte, adoptar las medidas cautelares de constitucion de provisiones con cargo a la masa, de prestacion de fianzas por las partes y cualesquiera otras que considere oportunas en cada caso.
En consecuencia, el comprador de un bien inmueble (vivienda, garaje, local, oficina, trastero, parcela, suelo o cualquier otro bien) que suscribio un contrato privado de compra con MARTINSA-FADESA, S.A. no se considera -en principio- acreedor de la concursada, pues no se le debe cantidad economica alguna, aunque existe evidentemente una obligacion de escriturar y entregar el bien en la fecha pactada en el contrato privado, pero ello no convierte sin mas al comprador en acreedor durante el concurso, salvo en los supuestos de incumplimiento. Del procedimiento de resolucion de los contratos, es informado en nuestra pagina Web, http://www.administracionconcursalmartinsafadesa.es
El plazo maxima para, en caso de discrepancia con la cuantia, es de diez dias desde la recepcion de esta carta o en algunos casos, los Juzgados ordenan publicar en el BOE y/o periodicos la recepcion del informe para consulta. Si asi fuera el plazo para el computo de los 10 dias se iniciaria en la fecha de la ultima de las publicaciones ,que eventualmente pudieran acordarse. Tendran conocimiento del desarrollo de esta fase a traves de nuestra pagina Web.
Como indica la Ley Concursal en su articulo 86, podra iniciar los tramites de un incidente concursal ante el Juzgado Mercantil n° 1 de A Coruria mediante abogado y pracurador, indicando la cuantia y concepto en que considera deben ser reconocidos sus creditos.
We are one of the many caught up in the administration of MF. I received this letter on the 24th. I tried Babelfish to get a translation and posted to colleagues on another site and although they tried their best they basically suggested the same. Unfortunately I don’t have sufficient Spanish and cannot quite get the gist. Is there a fluent or native Spanish speaker out there who can help? It would be really helpful.
Muy Sr(es) nuestra(s):
4. En consecuencia, el comprador de un bien inmueble (vivienda, garaje, local, oficina, trastero, parcela, suelo o cualquier otro bien) que suscribio un contrato privado de compra con MARTINSA-FADESA, S.A. no se considera -en principio- acreedor de la concursada, pues no se le debe cantidad economica alguna, aunque existe evidentemente una obligacion de escriturar y entregar el bien en la fecha pactada en el contrato privado, pero ello no convierte sin mas al comprador en acreedor durante el concurso, salvo en los supuestos de incumplimiento. Del procedimiento de resolucion de los contratos, es informado en nuestra pagina Web, http://www.administracionconcursalmartinsafadesa.es
El plazo maxima para, en caso de discrepancia con la cuantia, es de diez dias desde la recepcion de esta carta o en algunos casos, los Juzgados ordenan publicar en el BOE y/o periodicos la recepcion del informe para consulta. Si asi fuera el plazo para el computo de los 10 dias se iniciaria en la fecha de la ultima de las publicaciones ,que eventualmente pudieran acordarse. Tendran conocimiento del desarrollo de esta fase a traves de nuestra pagina Web.
Como indica la Ley Concursal en su articulo 86, podra iniciar los tramites de un incidente concursal ante el Juzgado Mercantil n° 1 de A Coruria mediante abogado y pracurador, indicando la cuantia y concepto en que considera deben ser reconocidos sus creditos.
Think all of this is too important to be fully translated on a forum. Much of it is couched in legal and financial terms.
The above seems to be the main point:
Purchasers of property(house, land etc.) who have a private contract with MF will not (in principal) be considered as creditors. Although there exists an obligation to hand over said property/escrituras on the date of the contract……Full details are on the link to the administrators site.
There are two forms to be filled in A and B giving full details of your purchase, contract/bank guarantee etc. which should be sent by Bureau-fax within 10 days of receipt of this letter.
If you and others have Lawyers I just wonder what they are doing for their money!
Thanks Katy – that is much as I expected – unfortunately when I rang my lawyer on Christmas Eve I got a recorded message to say that they were closed for the holiday and would not be back until the 12th January which is way past the 10 day arrangement. I simply don’t know what to do. We did not get sight of a bank guarantee, were only verbally given a completion date – there is nothing I can see in our contract and although the property is completed it does not meet the standard as expected. So we had been trying to get an exchange but they want more money for a limited choice than buying from fresh and that is without taking the euro into consideration. Think we just have to right our 60000 euros off.
Hmmm. The cynic in me thinks those letter could have been sent over Chrismas holidays for a purpose 😕 Your Lawyer should have received the notification before you, maybe they will act on it?
User of the forum, should well be aware that in Spain consumers have no rights for all practical purposes and this should be a bench mark for things in Spain.
When ever you need anybody to do anything for you, it will happen when it will happen irrespective of your situation, predicament etc.
However, when the tables are turned everything has to be done on their terms, no sense of responsibility, duty or professionalism and the time allowed to the customer is always the minimum & in most cases as laid down in some legislation. This in a country which has the second highest number of public holidays, besides regional & local holidays & practically does not work of Fridays.
Its the above that will continue to drag the economy of Spain down once the recovery gather momentum. Spain does not have the monopoly of the sun north of equator.
However try & convince the Spanish tourism, housing industry & even the staff at the Consulate are deluded about it. If you convince them that other countries also offer sunshine. They start talking about Spanish Cuisine. Try & convince a vegan or a vegetarian the joys of Jamon Serrano.
Hmmm. The cynic in me thinks those letter could have been sent over Chrismas holidays for a purpose 😕 Your Lawyer should have received the notification before you, maybe they will act on it?
Don’t really have a lot of faith in them I am afraid – we were going to move solicitors when we were given only a couple of weeks to get a load of documents together for the administrator and felt we had no time to do it all so stayed with them. Then they extended the date by a further three weeks but we had already committed then.
If they have done what was necessary they should have told us. As it was I was so unsure they had completed all the first lot of forms in October I sent them by courier at great expense and then found out they had sent them but they had not answered our calls, emails previously so we did not know what they had done.
The cynical side of me suggests that these letters went out at this time deliberately – everyone is preoccupied and cannot do anything anyway. I think we will be forgetting about our wish to have somewhere in Spain. I know I will never ever trust a Spanish solicitor again. Unfortunately, they seemed so nice. Our contract had no bank guarantee, no completion date (all we have had is verbals on this). If I could sue the solicitor at no or little cost and could actually know how to do it I would do it.
I think you should still send the document applicable in your case. All you may know that the date will be extended.
While I agree with your cynical thinking. The Country is so unprofessional and non caring on a non personal level, that the person who dished out the letter perhaps did even bother to look at the calender or he had a number of days as per legislation’s.
There is one silver lining. In Spain the weekend, local holidays etc does not count towards the requisite number of days. However please get this verified as no one can be sure of anything.
😳 we got the same letter from fadesa on xmas eve lawyer on holiday till 5th jan i had faxed it to her on boxing day she has got back to me it is urgent you get your lawyer to sort this letter it is very bad news thats if it could be any worse . lawyer says there has been news in spanish press but i have not read any has anybody else read it ❓
😳 we got the same letter from fadesa on xmas eve lawyer on holiday till 5th jan i had faxed it to her on boxing day she has got back to me it is urgent you get your lawyer to sort this letter it is very bad news thats if it could be any worse . lawyer says there has been news in spanish press but i have not read any has anybody else read it ❓
What is the news Scott OR ANYONE ELSE? Our solicitor is not back until tomorrow – 12TH – GOOD LONG BREAK EH? I have heard from a couple of others who also got it who say that they are to be considered creditors – they did not suggest there was any really bad news. When I got it translated mine indicated we were not going to be considered creditors so I don’t know what to believe. Can you shed any light?
the letter says we have no credit with fadesa because we have private contract with fadesa to buy a property legally he has the obligation to complete the purchase (which he now cannot do so technically they owe you no money)we will not be creditors the lawyer needs to act on this. the judge has laid out several other things but it is very complicated and i really did not understand all the legal jargen .i hope you will understand a bit more than me and let me know any news ❓
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