Celebrity property wires are buzzing with news that Antonio Banderas is buying an apartment in Málaga, following his divorce from actress Melanie Griffith.
Banderas’ new bachelor pad is reportedly a sixth-floor penthouse on Calle Alcazabilla, one of the main center streets of the popular Andalucía city. The terrace of the apartment offers views of the Picasso museum and the city’s old Customs House, which is being converted into the Museum of Málaga, El Pais reports.
Banderas and Griffith own a house in nearby Marbella, which was the source of controversy when it was found to be illegally constructed by the previous owners. The fate of that house will be decided by the divorce settlement, according to published reports.
More than most Hollywood stars, Banderas has stayed close to his roots, maintaining close ties to Andalucía. His new Malaga home will offer views of the city’s annual Easter procession; Banderas is a regular participant in the ceremony.
“He is a real Málaga man and for a long time he had been wanting to have his own place right in the heart of Málaga, in the middle of things,” a family friend told El Pais.
Michael O'Kane says:
This is actually old news. Banderas bought this property quite some time ago and long before his split with his wife. Indeed, the property was being renovated for Banderas before last Easter.
Miggins says:
‘the fate of the house of the house will be decided after the divorce’ For an English couple the bulldozers came and demolished the property without time for them to find a solution – what prejudice.
Chris says:
Of course it is prejudice. What do you expect from Spain? It’s all about who has the money. Spain has always worked this way and probably always will. The politicians of Spain still haven’t addressed the issue of developers getting away with robbery as they don’t want the laws changed (because they have also done the same). You open a business, screw everyone and then declare bankrupcy and go to Panama for a few years. By the way, that’s where ALL the developers from Spain that screwed everyone are living (with all the money they transferred out of the country when the crisis started). They are operating in that country the same way they did in Spain, as the legal system works the same.