Zapatero and His Gov’t

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    • #55879

      Instead of Zapatero coming out with ridiculous statements saying the ‘Spanish property market has bottomed out’ why doesn’t he get real and announce firm measures to properly regulate that industry from now on, end Land Grab and the Illegal Build fiasco, end ‘B’ Money for good, speed up their legal system for redress against mis-selling, reduce costs of buying and selling etc etc

      If he did, then some confidence would likely return to the market a lot quicker than is actually happening. 🙄

      Does he think we are all fools? 😉

    • #100933

      angie: You are talking tooooooooo much sense. Why would Zapatero or others do anything when in their opinion nothing is wrong with the system.
      He may/may not think that we are stupid. The facts, cases in the courts, appeal will only tell him that we are the fools.

    • #100936

      It’s a bit of wishful thinking on my part shakeel, I was hoping someone from his Gov’t might one day read the forums page on Mark’s site and think there may be a good idea or two, you know start using their little brain cells and actually try and help their property industry 😆

    • #100946

      One thing you can be sure that they have more brain cells than you & I have. There motives and end objects are very different to our’s

    • #100950

      The Spanish property market may have bottomed out, but Mr Zapatero and his government have done nothing to tackle the widespread negligence, illegalities and corruption that have been and are still widespread in his countrys property sector.

      He thinks a few empty words are enough:

      “My country is based on the rule of law and it respects and ensures that
      laws are respected. The courts are responsible for the application of law.
      We stand shoulder to shoulder with those people who, maybe, have had the
      wool pulled over their eyes in the property sector”

      But he needs to back up his words by taking immediate action and put measures in place to effectively and quickly deal with all outstanding cases and just as importantly, implement changes for the future so this corruption is never allowed to happen again.

      Kind regards


    • #100970

      Judging by the mood in Madrid yesterday, Zapatero and his lot have more grief to come from Spaniards and not just from people, Brits etc,who’ve bought in Spain at their cost.

      I do sympathise with all those in Europe and elsewhere who ask why they should suffer as they didn’t cause these problems and they all point the finger at the greedy bankers and poor regulators who are back to their old tricks, like Goldmine Sucks and the FSA.

    • #100975

      I went to have a look at yesterday’s demonstration in Barcelona. Clearly there are a lot of pissed off people around.

      They blame it on Zapatero, but he is powerless (and useless). It should be obvious he wouldn’t do anything to annoy the left unless he had no choice, which he doesn’t. The days of cheap money are over, and Spain now has to live within it’s means, as will other countries (once the ECB turns off the taps). It’s going to take time for this to sink in, and there will be plenty of trouble along the way.

      For what it’s worth, I believe bond-holders should be forced to share the pain. After all, they were reckless lenders and should be taught a lesson they never should have forgotten in the first place. All the bail outs to date have been primarily about protecting bond-holders.

      Either the bond-holders take a hit, or the street erupts. That is my forecast. We shall see.

    • #100978

      The custodians of the Banking Industry are very powerful & ruthless. They will not change because the Western democracies are powerless in dealing with them. Just have to refer to recent history or read the ” Merchant of Vienice”

    • #100981

      Now a third Ratings Agency this year has downgraded Spain’s economy to not far off junk status whilst calling for even more severe austerity measures.

      A Winter of discontent? 🙄

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