As we know, a lot of drug money was/is laundered through Spanish property over the years.
Someone I know, has a colleague who worked in a well known Estate Agent near Marbella, I won´t mention their name but most people know of them, they are not very nice people to deal with!
Whilst he was there, he witnessed suitcase loads of cash leaving Spain from their offices and heading to South Africa which became a new real estate market for this firm.
A reshuffle occured within this Company too, maybe things were getting too hot. The inept Spanish Government were informed of this several years ago, but did absolutely nothing about it, not even an investigation.
Firms like this it seems still operate with impunity in Spain, and spoil things for the smaller maybe more honest agents. 😡
What amazes me is that the South African Government allows Awful Estates to sell property there after all the recorded exposes on this Company, this is true of all those emerging markets too. It can only mean one thing, that they will do anything for property revenues.
Maybe Spain and these other countries should check out how payments were made to buy properties, how much dodgy cash was involved, it shouldn’t be hard to do. 😯
Hi Angie
Think yer answered the question.
Many got away with the plastic bags leaving the companies in financial ruin.
Some companies were also left holding the baby.
Which countries are they now in we may never know but where money is concerned they will be welcome by the next government that will either be corrupt or turn a blind eye.
One I am aware of is looking at Brazil 😕
There is not that money to be made in Spain for the majority of the corrupt,at the time being,they are long gone.
Frank, one who I know/knew was looking at Brazil, he was in the missing plane last week. They were hoping to start a golf/development project. Had his fingers in a lot of “pies”.
I heard about that too and apparently wasnt an accident.
Oh what a shame!
Hearsay or nay…
Do you think that an appropriate think to say Inez?
A plane goes missing in the jungle, there were by all accounts five or six people on board, all of these people I am sure have families and friends who must be at their wits end, worried sick about where these people are and what has happened to them.
And what do you do?
Make a facile post, with I would hazard a guess, your obtuse and completed unfounded opinion that this wasn’t an accident.
Which suggests what then in your opinion?
And says what to the families of these people?
And what if you are completely wrong in your so easy and glib remark?
And then, you say “Oh what a shame” which is to be taken, as what exactly? The opposite one presumes, that you think it a good thing that these people are missing and one must presume are not alive or if so must be lost out there somewhere.
How cold and callous as you follow this up with:
“Better ask the other snakes out there what happened to their cousins!”
Who do you think you are to make this kind of monstrous statement?
I have no idea who these people are, except for one of them who I am aware has something of reputation, but that is only hearsay for sure, and I know a thing or two about you also, and your reputation that isn’t hearsay!
So, shame on you for this, I think you are all too free with your comments on a number of issues, I actually think you are a misguided individual altogether and dupe a lot of people on this forum with your positioning and statements which you are in the main completely unqualified to give, yet are all designed to get you clients and seems to me to be your single and only means of doing so, but I fear you overstep the mark here.
Way overstep the mark actually, you should not let your forum farming get you so carried away, you should think before you post sometimes, most especially in a tragic case such as this appears most certainly to be, what you posted was a disgrace and you should apologise within this thread to the relatives and loved ones in case they should ever have occasion to read your post.
Unbelievable it really is what some of you guys think you can say and impugn sometimes, I just couldn’t let that one slide by, I really could not!
Stick to the facts people, not this kind of awful slander, when so many real lives are obviously at stake, whatever the reputation or otherwise of people who can’t answer back or whatever self appointed position of high morals you think you possess.
Although Inez is perfectly capable of replying & she has done it. I know her for a while and can assure you that she is not a person who will flourish in other peoples misfortune or tragedies.
Kindness, care & sympathy has to be earned and can not be demanded or expected. The people in the plane & for what ever happened to them, have apparently caused so much grief to ordinary simple decent people that I for one will not shed a tear for them.
I feel that Roca could have been on this plane if it wasn’t for him to be sent in again.
Well thanks Shakeel – and to court further misguided rantings from HH, my understanding is there were 4 on the plane and all were involved in dodgy dealings – and that it wasnt an accident
Play with fire you get burned, eventually!
If we english werent so damned civil, there would be quite a few rogues and crooks without kneecaps or other bits – and rightly so!
Hearsay Harry wrote: “I have no idea who these people are, except for one of them who I am aware has something of reputation, but that is only hearsay for sure”.
“Something of a reputation”?
“Only hearsay for sure”?
Those comments alone show his total ignorance of anything factual regarding these characters and certain millions of euros ‘disappeared’.
Try telling those out of pocket it’s just ‘hearsay’.
And to make an insinuation re. Inez without substantiating it is disgraceful and should be edited out by Mark.
If a plane crashes, there are bodies. No bodies means they’re alive and have gone somewhere.
Unless of course they’ve been eaten by lions…… 😆
or they could all be innocent, and carried away by a caring tribe to have their wounds tended by the local witchdoctor……
we could strike a deal…..they pay back in full, everyone who’s lives they’ve ruined, and we will have sympathy for any mis-fortune that might become them!
In the case of the agent I was referring to the money went off to South Africa definitely, not hearsay, which is why things began to get hot for the two monkeys who left the firm. 😉
“hearsay” or not there is no smoke without a fire. On the assumption that they have been eaten by the Lions. what a feast for the Lions !!!!! Where are the bones ?. Perhaps used by the Brazilians for their black magic rituals or Voodoo.
Sorry, to revisit the legal position, as there is no credible legal system in Spain on which the citizens have confidence. Hearsay in favour or against the person is meaningless as the citizens formed their own opinions
….based on the thousands stolen from them, not from hearsay.
Maybe ‘arry should do some research before posting again, and give himself a new name ResearchHarry. HearsayHarry says it all really.
Apologies to Angie for hijacking the thread, but at least it’s keeping it top of the pile. 😉
Charlie: Of course the people who have lost a lot of money and know that the system has let them down, do not or do not have to rely on hearsay.
Hearsay would be for the third party.
Due to the rising level of human-lion encounters the ministry of fish and wild life in Brazil is advising hunters fisherman and conmen that uses the ole Maxwel trick in our jungle should observe the followng notes.
We advise these low lifes to wear a little but loud bell on clothing so as to give advanced warning to any lions that may be close so not taking them by surprise.
We also advise anyone should carry a “pepper spray” on him or her in case of encounter with said lion.
Those that have massive brown paper bags full or Euros should also be on the watch for fresh activity and be able to tell the difference between lion cub shit and big lion shit,the lion cub shit is smaller with berries and dashier fur.
Big lion shit has bells in it and smells like pepper. 😉
Goodstich44 Perhaps it wasne soooo bad with the pepper to take the taste away 🙂
SOO Hersay Harry ? Inez has a problem and is starts at about 5.00p/m everyday, however today perhaps a little earlier.(probably on er back by now so nuffin new there) 🙄
Charlie 🙂 No need to delete as she was saying what we all thought and this guy just dosent realize just who this lot are and they wouldnt be a loss to no one.
Pity Mugabi wasnt wiv them.
Now now Frank – dont upset littl ole hearsay rattle on harry, poor peep will throw his toys out of his pram!
Charlie – I didnt read his full vent so didnt see it was aimed at me personally – and he knows a thing or two about me eh – lucky boy – many would LOVE to know a thing or two!
And hes right you know, I do tell it like it is and you know what – people love it. Ive had a pretty busy week cos people have read what I have said in the papers and heard on the radio!
As for being qualified, well 24 years in property, from building sites upwards – I know about bricks, mortar and how to fool the surveyors as well. Also mortgage broker from the 88/90s rental agency owner, ran EA office wood green london, worked auctions yawn – so boring really! 1st boyfriend was a property developer, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
And 5pm Frank far too late to start on the old red stuff! My goodness, coffee and brandy at 10am in the good days!
Just back from traipsing around Casares with clients, nice day fo rit is all I can really report on that!
Well Inez, at least while you are out playing….sorry, WORKING! you leave the office in the capable paws of your gorgeous retriever, Charlie! He looks very at home and competent. 😉
Inez said
“I do tell it like it is and you know what – people love it”
Add my name to the said list. As I myself is like that I can see how is working inside the skull. Please do not change for anyone and be yourself and I know that you will not and good on you.
Is that the Lion let lose from the jungles of Brazil. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looks well fed to me.
I am simply staggered at the wolverine pack like nature of you people.
For goodness sake, please step back and look carefully at what you have all posted here.
For pity’s sake please do so.
A party of people are missing, one must presume dead, not only the people you malign from the Costa del Sol, I don’t even know who they are, I am supposing that I only know as much about one of them as you do which is indeed all hearsay based on what you have to offer, then there are two pilots missing and the plane was found crashed in the jungle.
And just take a look at what you all have to say about this.
I said on another post that I thought many of you had lost the plot.
You must take responsibility for what you say here.
You continually talk about the nature of so many people that have apparently caused you so much harm and distress while buying property in Spain (ignoring that literally tens of thousands own happily here and don’t even know you guys exist and would not recognise their experiences as remotely akin to your own), you talk about their callousness, their heartlessness and so much other self pitying drivel, but then what do you become.
You become the very shallow beast that you all spend so many countless hours on here prattling on about.
Have you really all lost all sense of reason?
You are laughing, joking and poking a stick at what most certainly must be a desperate tragedy for the families of all these missing people.
Think about that; please for goodness sake think about that.
Do you really think that four men have connived in their collective disappearance, and are putting their extended families through so much distress individually?
Do you really think they must have also allied to this conspiracy the pilots of the plane who would allow their families to also suffer in such a way?
Do you have the slightest shred of evidence for this?
You are all so corrupted by your time and endless meanderings on this forum that you have completely lost sight of reason and responsible behaviour.
Your reactions, attitude and comment are despicable and this applies to the lot of you. You are back in the playground and now rallying around Inez. You are blind to your own folly.
Can you not see that?
Inez began this, and I raised the question as to who was Inez to comment in so hurtful and insensitive a manner, to so often elsewhere present herself as the voice of all that is just and righteous on this or any other matter really. And to highlight that so corrupted by this pack mentality have you people become in the child’s playground that this forum has actually become, that you all blindly follow.
I will indeed ask questions about Inez as the subject of a separate thread, not to attack Inez as an individual or for any reason other than to simply treat Inez with the same level of enquiry and open comment as to the validity of her positioning on so many others she has attacked and maligned over the years.
But this thread is about people who are missing, lost, presumed dead, and just look at what you have had to all say about that!
It is simply staggering that you can speak in these terms and act collectively in this manner.
You have all been sucked into your own self destructive, vicious and internecine vortex here; you turn on each other regularly. You also turn on any that come here with an open mind looking for debate, and attack them too, but then lo, somebody asks if what you are saying might be hearsay, someone asks you to just think about the despicable comments you are making, that must be so hurtful to so many people who in desperation about their families,
Have none of you ever lost someone close to you?
If you had a family member on that plane, no matter what they were alleged by this group here to have done, what would you feel about what you have all written and said?
I notice that Katy has so far not joined in with the gang, I often think that despite her acerbic lashings, she has a balance at least, the rest of you really need to think about this. Or Katy needs to give you some motherly advice about going too far.
It is not me that needs to get a life, it is you.
Inez I will come back to you at another time.
For now… shame on you all. Really shame on you all, you are a disgrace. If you cannot see that, then really, you are not worth the time or effort and do destroy what this forum should be about.
Do you really think that four men have connived in their collective disappearance, and are putting their extended families through so much distress individually?
Do you really think they must have also allied to this conspiracy the pilots of the plane who would allow their families to also suffer in such a way?
Yup. They wouldn’t be the first and I doubt they’ll be the last. If it was an accident then God works in wonderous ways! People who have no scruples such as these don’t give a toss about anyone including family members. Look at the couple who decieved their two sons into thinking the father was dead so that the wife could claim compensation from his life policy to get them out of debt. There he was hiding in the family home for years!
You are the pathetic one Harry. Your sanctimonious posts are pathetic and threatening in their tone to members of this forum. Why are you using this forum anyway? There are some very wierd people using the internet. 🙄 IMO you are not new to this forum….(.and I know it’s not you Frank, just in case ! :wink:)
I’m amazed that the topic of the thread completely changed from ‘where did the money go?’ to missing people in Brazil, would have thought that could have been a seperate thread.
Are you all saying that the agents involved with drug money laundering via South Africa also caused the plane crash that killed 4 people in Brazil, that it was connected somehow?
Inez 🙂
If he looking to propose will need to see the ole bank account so she can be looked after in the manner she is accustomed.
Just think a virgin marrage on Don Carlos Beach 😀
Back to the plane crash.
Now of course if the plane was in control of a pilot that wasnt involved ?then this would be a very sad case.
The thread was started to ask where the money went and in this case perhaps a large chunk is accounted for.
Just came from a meeting of people that have had dealings and lost everything and can report they were devasted about the news. 🙄
Charlie . The cannibal theory could be the other serious factor in this case but whichever they will remain in our thoughts. 👿
We should also respect that some of the posters feel that some of us have no respect for those that have just departed.
If you look at it from their point of view we do have a case where people have actually died and here we are talking about whether they have been eaten by Lions or Cannibals.
I trust you you all now start showing some respect. 🙄
That is the whole point of the remarks made Frank. 🙄 Have they actually died in a plane crash, OR have they conveniently (for themselves) gone AWOL? Many believe the latter due to their very dodgy business dealings.
If it is the former, then maybe justice was served from Above. 😉
Basically what happened was some really nice people decided to help tourists follow their dream and buy a lovely home in Spain. They got paid lots of money as deposits. However, one of them was a tiny bit naughty and said to the others ‘Listen, I’ve got a really good idea – if we put all this money in a suitcase we could charter a little aeroplane and take it all to South America and never have to work again’. Now, as we all know, you don’t find Lions in Brazil unless you visit the local zoo – and, yes, you’ve guessed it – the plane run out of fuel and crashed in into the Lion reserve. The big mystery is – What happened to the passengers. Some think the Lions eat them, others that the Wari people eat them.
I think they just walked down to the local bank and opened an account – but I’ve always been an old synic!
Maximus 🙂
What are you saying here 😯
Are you saying that Charlie and me may just have got wrong and the havent been eaten. 😯
If this is the case then that would mean they have done a runner with the clients dosh with the family following know doupt.
Na. The second is to far fetched and no one would stoop so low as that.
What sort of people would fake their own demize with those nice people at the fraud squad arranging a party.
Nope 😯 They have been eaten for sure 😥
Hi All
Here I feel is where some of the money went and perhaps someone may wish to look,listen and not rely on hearsay. 😯
The article mentions OV, the developer & also Sean Woodhall who is now missing.!!! it also refers to the development at Estepona of 395 units, the same as EBCC. As OV show such a loss in their accounts, the money could be where this article suggests.
The Police cree that part of the embezzled from Marbella is invested in the Caribbean
According to a report of the fight against money laundering, Carlos Sanchez and his business partners have millionaires in the Dominican Republic
Antonio Rubio
Madrid .- Operation Malaya, which began last March with 28 detainees, has not yet finished. Now police are trying to know where the hundreds of millions of euros that got some of the main accused by the judge Miguel Angel Torres-Juan Antonio Roca, Olive Thomas, Carlos Sanchez, Andres Lietor and others-have been invested and where. The ICU (Central Intelligence Unit of the Police) and SEPBLAC (Executive Service of the Commission on Prevention of Money Laundering) have concluded that some of that money may already be in the Dominican Republic.
The police has prepared a report, which has had access to the world, dated September 15, 2006, which incorporates several companies linked to Carlos Sanchez, a teacher and partner of Juan Antonio Roca, and Andres Lietor ‘van to carry out a major development project in Punta Perla (Dominican Republic). Specifically some 8,000 homes will be built until the end of 2009. Those companies are: Sungolf Real Estate Development, Ocean View Properties, Tropical Paradise and Manager of the Sea tourism.
In the same police document indicated that “some of the previous companies are also carrying out a development project of 395 houses in Estepona (Malaga). And specifically: “Speaking in this case Hallard Investiments Limited, a Gibraltar company owned by Ocean View Properties, as a marketing promotion.”
The SEPBLAC, which agency is responsible for combating money laundering and which is composed of policemen, civil guards, inspectors of Finance and the Bank of Spain, has complemented the police report on the accused in Operation Malaya with another much more comprehensive , With five annexes, which analyzes companies, shareholders, percentages and capital movement. The report has also had access this newspaper.
The police investigations, judicial and SEPBLAC brought to Gibraltar as one of tax havens used by the accused in Operation Malaya to put their profits outside our country. Another of the conclusions he has reached that the police is an important part of the capital invested in the Dominican Republic has had to come to this country in cash, and suggest, as a collaborator necessary, perfectly organized an airlift between Spain and Caribbean islands.
Last July, before Carlos Sanchez was arrested and jailed by judge Miguel Angel Torres, the world found the teacher and godfather Juan Antonio Roca in Santo Domingo. Carlos Sanchez, who weighed on the location of an order by Judge Torres admitted to this newspaper that was conducting a series of investments in that Caribbean country along with Andres Lietor, his partner: ‘Here I have houses, hotels and real estate businesses’ .
Sanchez also confirmed that another of the accused in Operation Malaya, businessman Thomas Olivo, was making investments in the Dominican Republic. Rafael Gomez, better known in environments Cordoban by sandokan, also was another of the accused in the Malaya operation that had intentions to invest in the Caribbean island.
The Shield, a partner and conseguidor Carlos Sanchez in the Dominican Republic is Miguel Vargas Maldonado, former secretary of State for Works. Vargas Maldonado is postulated as the next candidate for president in elections in 2008 by the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD).
And the development project at Punta Perla, where 8,000 houses will be built, is funded and promoted by a number of societies where SEPBLAC has detected the presence of Carlos Sanchez, Andres Lietor and others.
In Tropical Paradise, a major investor of the project, with a capital of $ 90 million Dominicans (weights), since April 2005 listed companies and investors as CCF Investments, Greco Development Corporation, CCF21 Real Estate, Rivoire Carret and Spanish, Oncedisa, Andres Lietor, Carlos Sanchez and Ignacio Coronado.
All these listed companies with a 19.99% stake and are controlled, directly or indirectly, by the master Juan Antonio Roca and his partner Andrew Lietor. At present, Carlos Sanchez and Lietor prisoners are in jail Alhaurin de la Torre (Malaga) on the orders of Judge Miguel Angel Torres, who charged a crime of bribery and misappropriation of public funds.
It is the fact that society Oncedisa, as contained in the report SEPBLAC, has its head office in Bangkok, particularly in the Finca El Rio. In that farmhouse where he was held in December 2004, a game of poker with an amount of three million euros and where gestó denunciation against Juan Antonio Roca, a former adviser Urbana Marbella, and some of its partners .
The organizer of that poker game was precisely Carlos Sanchez, and attended Juan Antonio Roca, the wife of Sanchez, Rafael Gomez (sandokan), Francisco J. Pozuelo, the owner of an airline and travel agent and father-in-law of an important businessman and banker Spanish, among others. One of the players who was in line felt cheated and delató the police business irregular Rock.
Another of the shareholders involved in the project is Dominican Punta Perla Ignacio Coronado, with a 0.01% stake. Coronado is reported in Spain by the Inland Revenue for tax fraud amounting to 284,171 euros. At the beginning of last June, had not yet been submitted to testify because he was outside our country.
There is an annotation in Annex III of the report SEPBLAC, which appears under the title “information about others involved in the operation, which clearly mark the route that has followed most of the money that has come to the Dominican Republic.
Eslabón necessary
The SEPBLAC indicates that the company ‘Punta Perla Caribbean Ltd. forwards more than U.S. $ 11,000,000 in Tropical Paradise “. Tropical Paradise is controlled directly by Carlos Sanchez and his Spanish partners. In the same report stresses that “this company has offices in Sean Ronald Woodhall (director).
And from that moment, Sean Woodhall appears and becomes the report SEPBLAC the necessary link between investors and Spanish projects Dominicans. The document puts Woodhall at Berkeley Property Investiments and as a beneficiary of the funds remitted by Sungolf Real Estate Development (another of the companies participating in the project at Punta Perla).
Members of the fight against money laundering in Spain set over and over again on their investigations and Sean Woodhall suggest that “with this name contains a person in the Central Register of Companies and has had positions in several Spanish companies. And also reflect a note last July: ‘It collects information on a construction project in Punta Cana Punta conducted by Golf, Marina and Spa valued at $ 2.5 billion [$ 2,500 million] to be conducted Tropical Paradise by [company controlled by Carlos Sanchez]. At the reception hosted by this company to announce the project attended, among others, Sean Woodhall (president of WWD) and Leonel Fernández (president of Dominican Republic).
Officials SEPBLAC also put Sean Woodhall at Ocean View Properties of that society and say: ‘It was announced as a company that specializes in investing in properties that are bought to rent them later. They offer real estate on the Costa del Sol and in the Dominican Republic. ” Finally, the police report recalls that society Ocean View Properties, which contains Sean Ronald Woodhall, is responsible for marketing the promotion of 395 homes in Estepona.
The judge Miguel Angel Torres, the police have investigated and made possible the operation Malaya and agents SEPBLAC are already closer to the money they could take some of the defendants in this case.
I think maybe ralita talked to them about his “in depth knowledge of nothing” (especially Spanish Poperty) and they are now in hiding in case ralita tries to brain wash them with nothing of any common sense – once again!
A plane ride to hell would be better than most of ralita’s rubbish rantings.
‘One who knew him from his time in Sutton Coldfield and Solihull described him as “mercenary” and “certainly capable” of faking his death’.
Just speculative comments by someone from his past. So what?
Harry said “And just take a look at what you all have to say about this.
I said on another post that I thought many of you had lost the plot.
You must take responsibility for what you say here.
Hi, I’ve just stumbled across your forum and got hooked temporarily.
I find it dreadful when good honest people are scammed out of their hard earned savings. These guys are brit gangsters with all the kudos and prestige that brings them. Totally undeserved. But I can’t believe this Harry guy. He is obviously a friend or relative of these characters or involved in some property scamming himself. No-one would ‘leap’ to the defence of these conartists otherwise. He could even be one of the guys or even the main man, upset to read you talk of his death is such a disparaging way even though he may be alive and well and responding to your comments.
However, I must pick up Harry on his typo. He says that many of you had lost the plot. Surely he meant lost the pilot!!
This could be a freudian slip. Maybe he is the pi-lot who did a last minute parachute jump to eveade detection.
I suggest you all meet up together in Marbella, try to find Hearsay Harry and ask him for your money back!
Mr C Ment
so what do you think the truth is about the crash?
Well i reserve the right to comment and i mean it when i say i have the right as none of you do it wasnt youre family was it so why are youre filling youre days commenting on other peoples lives and concentrate on youre own!!!
so what do you think the truth is about the crash?
Well i reserve the right to comment and i mean it when i say i have the right as none of you do it wasnt youre family was it so why are youre filling youre days commenting on other peoples lives and concentrate on youre own!!!
Of course you have the right to post and welcome to the forum.
Please excuse us all.
Because of said mentioned person/s many dont have a life to concentrate on because this guy and his cronies have ruined them.
Now what they never did take into account is the resolve of some to track them down and the trail of each of the main persons involved in that massive con can be tracked to Brazil 😕 .Now thats amazing 😯
Please understand just what these so called people did to so many that put their trust in them.
Of course you have the right to post and welcome to the forum.
Please excuse us all.
Because of said mentioned person/s many dont have a life to concentrate on because this guy and his cronies have ruined them.
Now what they never did take into account is the resolve of some to track them down and the trail of each of the main persons involved in that massive con can be tracked to Brazil 😕 .Now thats amazing 😯
Please understand just what these so called people did to so many that put their trust in them.
if you are genuine, and this is not a wind up, and someone close to you was lost in that crash, then of course we feel very sorry for you. Please understand though, some in that crash (if that’s what happened?) did as Frank mentioned and it’s hard to have sympathy for those who would do these things, then try and jump ship!
if you are genuine, and this is not a wind up, and someone close to you was lost in that crash, then of course we feel very sorry for you. Please understand though, some in that crash (if that’s what happened?) did as Frank mentioned and it’s hard to have sympathy for those who would do these things, then try and jump ship!
As I said welcome to the forum and would be great to have some feedback from you as you may be able to offer some information
1 Why is it that we never have a reply from O.V.P on the forum.
2 Why like today is it that on the Eye Of Spain Forum threads get shut down by O.V.P lawyers everytime we start to get near the money or find links to where the money is thats ruined so many lives.
3 Why is it that the directors are so naive to realise that some never give up and this world is just not big enough for them to hide.
Even if someone is beyond the grave then some will find him there too
Robbed pensions.Life Savings.and Peoples Homes.
The sad thing about it is that they could have made a massive amount of money be a straight company
That wasnt enough for them though and they went for the millions without loosing a moments sleep.
Would appreciate any comments as everyone is welcome on the forum we would like them to stay and as you appear to have reason to post regarding links we need. Excuse us if we feel that perhaps you may be prepared to help now you have some facts
As I said welcome to the forum and would be great to have some feedback from you as you may be able to offer some information
1 Why is it that we never have a reply from O.V.P on the forum.
2 Why like today is it that on the Eye Of Spain Forum threads get shut down by O.V.P lawyers everytime we start to get near the money or find links to where the money is thats ruined so many lives.
3 Why is it that the directors are so naive to realise that some never give up and this world is just not big enough for them to hide.
Even if someone is beyond the grave then some will find him there too
Robbed pensions.Life Savings.and Peoples Homes.
The sad thing about it is that they could have made a massive amount of money be a straight company
That wasnt enough for them though and they went for the millions without loosing a moments sleep.
Would appreciate any comments as everyone is welcome on the forum we would like them to stay and as you appear to have reason to post regarding links we need. Excuse us if we feel that perhaps you may be prepared to help now you have some facts
As I said welcome to the forum and would be great to have some feedback from you as you may be able to offer some information
1 Why is it that we never have a reply from O.V.P on the forum.
2 Why like today is it that on the Eye Of Spain Forum threads get shut down by O.V.P lawyers everytime we start to get near the money or find links to where the money is thats ruined so many lives.
3 Why is it that the directors are so naive to realise that some never give up and this world is just not big enough for them to hide.
Even if someone is beyond the grave then some will find him there too
Robbed pensions.Life Savings.and Peoples Homes.
The sad thing about it is that they could have made a massive amount of money be a straight company
That wasnt enough for them though and they went for the millions without loosing a moments sleep.
Would appreciate any comments as everyone is welcome on the forum we would like them to stay and as you appear to have reason to post regarding links we need excuse us if we feel that perhaps you may be prepared to help now you have some facts Im not looking for any sympathy my name is tina and ricky was my brother who was on the plane
As I said welcome to the forum and would be great to have some feedback from you as you may be able to offer some information
1 Why is it that we never have a reply from O.V.P on the forum.
2 Why like today is it that on the Eye Of Spain Forum threads get shut down by O.V.P lawyers everytime we start to get near the money or find links to where the money is thats ruined so many lives.
3 Why is it that the directors are so naive to realise that some never give up and this world is just not big enough for them to hide.
Even if someone is beyond the grave then some will find him there too
Robbed pensions.Life Savings.and Peoples Homes.
The sad thing about it is that they could have made a massive amount of money be a straight company
That wasnt enough for them though and they went for the millions without loosing a moments sleep.
Would appreciate any comments as everyone is welcome on the forum we would like them to stay and as you appear to have reason to post regarding links we need excuse us if we feel that perhaps you may be prepared to help now you have some facts Im not looking for any sympathy my name is tina and ricky was my brother who was on the plane
Hi rickty69
Thank you for your reply .
I have altered my last paragraph as it didnt read as it should ( not unusual for me however)
I am a little confused as you say you are called Tina and Ricky was your brother on the plane.
Sadly if Ricky was anywhere near this lot then there will probably be no sympathy coming from this forum.
Now you may be able to help us as you must be concerned that not one body was found in that crash. ?NOT ONE 🙄
Why do all of the links to O.V.P and those involve with Sean still all link to Brazil.( Forget the ones that have been planted to take the flack)
I do mean the main [layers as they can be linked through intensive amounts of time tracking them through various companies /websites where they try to duck and dive.
Why do those main players often seem to be out of the country at the same time?
If you dont mind my asking? What bought you to post on this Spanish Property forum in the first place.( hardly something you would find by chance )?
Tina ? If your are sincere then surely you would want to help us to clear your brothers name as being in the company of bastards like this lot.
This plane was hardly a scheduled flight was it ?
He was hardly invited to come on board as a passenger for a fun day out?
Dont you think its strange that most on board were lets say avoiding issues and questions.
I am not like the others on the forum as I do have an open mind/sensible
and keep to facts at all times .So ?
Was Sean Woodhall got by the Wari-Tride or was it the Lions . 😕
Hi rickty69
Thank you for your reply .
I have altered my last paragraph as it didnt read as it should ( not unusual for me however)
I am a little confused as you say you are called Tina and Ricky was your brother on the plane.
Sadly if Ricky was anywhere near this lot then there will probably be no sympathy coming from this forum.
Now you may be able to help us as you must be concerned that not one body was found in that crash. ?NOT ONE 🙄
Why do all of the links to O.V.P and those involve with Sean still all link to Brazil.( Forget the ones that have been planted to take the flack)
I do mean the main [layers as they can be linked through intensive amounts of time tracking them through various companies /websites where they try to duck and dive.
Why do those main players often seem to be out of the country at the same time?
If you dont mind my asking? What bought you to post on this Spanish Property forum in the first place.( hardly something you would find by chance )?
Tina ? If your are sincere then surely you would want to help us to clear your brothers name as being in the company of bastards like this lot.
This plane was hardly a scheduled flight was it ?
He was hardly invited to come on board as a passenger for a fun day out?
Dont you think its strange that most on board were lets say avoiding issues and questions.
I am not like the others on the forum as I do have an open mind/sensible
and keep to facts at all times .So ?
Was Sean Woodhall got by the Wari-Tride or was it the Lions . 😕
Just Frank 8)
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