What on earth is it with England? Over the festive season I’ve had several requests from extremely close family back home who now desperately want to come to Spain and are asking for my advice.
One asked me for advice about Calahonda on the Costa del Sol, having just bought a property there. I would have told him not to, but it’s too late. They don’t listen do they?
My family are not silly people and have all made a reasonable success of their lives, but now it seems they all want to come and live in Spain. Because they’ve had enough of England.
If they are a representative sample of people from the UK, it seems an exodus from there is on the way. And that’s despite all the doom and gloom and verifiable bad news about Spain.
Rocker, you’re talking absolute b—shite in a vain attempt to mislead people who aren’t foolish, you must be on some sort of agenda or you’ve become another w.u.m, 😡 you even say your family aren’t silly people, que? 😆 BTW is your estate agent mate paying you? 😆
I’ve posted the truth and the two silly women who haunt this forum have come on within minutes to post their absolute bile. It doesn’t seem fair that this sort of rudeness is allowed to disrupt an otherwise sensible forum.
All indications are the opposite. British have been heading back to the UK since 2008. They that remain are faced with a choice of leaving their property empty and renting in UK.
Retirement in UK is being put back due to hopeless returns on annuities and pensions. QE is damaging savers and the UK property market is not exactly booming.
Faced with these persisting economic headwinds and uncertainty, I think it unlikely many British would risk uprooting themselves and risking life in Spain where things are even worse.
Wishing all forum members a very happy and prosperous New Year. 🙂
I agree it would have been good to start off without more mierda from the vested interest brigade, just because you want to talk up your own property price Rocker, methinks you’re the silly one, you can’t accept the truth can you? 😆 😆
45% of British home owners in Spain want to sell up and return to the UK! 🙄
Happy new year to you as well Katy. Do two wrongs make a right ??? People on the forum are well versed and aware.
I do not think that any one here trying to talk up the market, have a very large data base to target that could talk up or down the market or have any real influence. Besides there will always be movement of people for whatever reason since inception of this planet.
To be honest with the depressing weather that we had atleast in London for the last week or so I was thinking of leaving.
I agree it would have been good to start off without more mierda from the vested interest brigade, just because you want to talk up your own property price Rocker, methinks you’re the silly one, you can’t accept the truth can you? 😆 😆
45% of British home owners in Spain want to sell up and return to the UK! 🙄
I’ve never come across anyone with as much Mala Leche as you, it must be coming out of your ears. I was disgusted when you exposed a fellow member’s true identity on an open forum, over and over again.
It wasn’t just nasty, you must have realised that you were putting him in danger in real life. And why? Just because he posted some good news about Spain.
Look at my opening post on this thread. Does it warrant your response? Does anything warrant your hatred for a country you once lived in?
I don’t care what you think Rocker, apart from the 3 of you continually trying to mislead newbies into buying in a market that still isn’t safe yet. ‘Someone’s life in danger?’ because someone trolls under multiple identities on different forums, a bit too much sun methinks! Look at your opening response to katy and myself, you dish it out and don’t like it back because it affects you 😡
This is a forum about Spanish property and sometimes what you say is potentially dangerous to unwary buyers and we will continue to warn them, unless Mark says otherwise! 🙄 Get used to it 😡
I reckon that any poll that asks if people wanted to leave the UK for sunnier climes would answer yes, especially in post Xmas depression. Means nothing, some will be losers who are on benefits and never been abroad, others think more about the security of their family than subject young kids to a life with no future.
The weather in the UK has been dire but I have spent some dire winters in Spain too. At least in the UK there are things to do, restaurants full whereas in Marbella apart from one or two, Dcecember would see you sitting in a cold, cheerless restaurant with about 3 other people. Lots for the kids too, interactive museums etc. A few days ago it was 14C in Málaga…12C where I live in the UK. Hardly a reason to commit financial suicide is it. Why do you think rich people live in London, Berlin, Paris, Dublin etc…..they all get dire weather too!
…and Rocker, you have been extremely rude over the past month, the only reason being that some don’t sing from your hymn sheet. Some of your posts give the impression that you are cracking up or pissed! What is clear about your posts is that you are frantically trying to big up the market.
I think that it’s the grey winter post Christmas talking…. they are doing it here in Ireland ‘oh to live in the sun’. My husband always tells them that they can have the August sunshine which burns and when you can’t sleep for the rays of sunshine and breeze that was what met us today on our walk through the woods. Yes coats and hats on but lovely….
Too many people think that the UK isn’t as great as it should be, what should it actually be….that we all win the lottery or live the ‘OK Magazine’ life? The Brits have always had itchy feet but a holiday isn’t the same as living there. Get a life would be better….the grass is not always greener and in southern Spain there hardly is any grass 😉
A million British people have come to live in Spain for a better quality of life. To make such a move in the first place requires a degree of financial security and an amount of courage.
They stopped coming in any great numbers when the world-wide recession struck, which was perfectly understandable. From my own personal observations, I now see greater numbers wanting to make the big move again.
To those that ask me, I advise them against buying property in Spain at this time because the market is still falling. I would in any case advise renting first until you know whether Spain is for you, it is not for everyone.
To clear up any misunderstanding, I’m not trying to sell my property in Spain. I love living here and it would break my heart to have to move.
Mr Rocker, you say quote ‘From my own personal observations, I now see greater numbers wanting to make the big move again’. Could you qualify your personal observations please, are you regularly travelling up and down the Coast and inland, and how many wanting to make that move have you observed please? 😕
On another matter if the figures are correct then some 450,000 UK nationals wish to move back to UK, what are the reasons for this rather large number please? 😕
Well said, well thought out. I agree completely. I have spent a number of miserable winters in Spain and the restaurants you describe form a part of that. Unless you travel to the southern hemisphere winter is grim everywhere apart from a few lovely days or if you are lucky weeks.
In any case is a climate a good or sole reason to take a massive financial gamble? Most of us would say no and the few that do usually end up struggling. I have seen it so many times in many countries.
Retirement is different of course. Having an income insulates you to a certain extent but not completely. It was always very easy to sell up in UK and move abroad. You bought a cheaper property, lived a good life for a time and had cash left over which soon evaporated. Then came the realisation you were trapped with very few options.
House prices in UK escalated whilst in Spain they rose more modestly until five years ago when they started their descent into the bottomless pit. It’s left thousands of British people high and dry with little hope.
Rocker et al seem not to be aware how transparent their efforts appear to the rest of us on here. Why they bother at all beats me. This audience is very small. In any case anyone thinking Spain is a great place to move to right now is hardly likely to read this forum. More possibly the ads in The Sun. 🙂 or some other comic.
Maybe Rockers observations are of more Brits who are out there on holiday who then are saying that they’ve love that holiday feeling all the time so why don’t they move there…. the estate agents windows are always near to cafes/restaurants….what a lovely holiday, let’s look in the estate agents window and dream of our life in the sun, ooh look, a flat for 80k look how cheap that is compared to the UK….. the same old story.
People should buy in Spain as it can be lovely, and it is great to have year round BBQ weather. BUT, rent first, get to know the place, suss out who to trust and who not to and then grab a great bargin. If it all goes bad you haven’t paid out as much as thousands did in the boom times so actually, it doesn’t matter that much? Buy then if you wish?
Well said, well thought out. I agree completely. I have spent a number of miserable winters in Spain and the restaurants you describe form a part of that. Unless you travel to the southern hemisphere winter is grim everywhere apart from a few lovely days or if you are lucky weeks.
In any case is a climate a good or sole reason to take a massive financial gamble? Most of us would say no and the few that do usually end up struggling. I have seen it so many times in many countries.
Retirement is different of course. Having an income insulates you to a certain extent but not completely. It was always very easy to sell up in UK and move abroad. You bought a cheaper property, lived a good life for a time and had cash left over which soon evaporated. Then came the realisation you were trapped with very few options.
House prices in UK escalated whilst in Spain they rose more modestly until five years ago when they started their descent into the bottomless pit. It’s left thousands of British people high and dry with little hope.
Rocker et al seem not to be aware how transparent their efforts appear to the rest of us on here. Why they bother at all beats me. This audience is very small. In any case anyone thinking Spain is a great place to move to right now is hardly likely to read this forum. More possibly the ads in The Sun. 🙂 or some other comic.
You don’t seem to read many posts on this forum, perhaps you’ve got most members on your daft Foe list. At least I can understand your reasons for castigating Spain continuously, it appears they’ve cheated you out of your investment in CAM bank shares – it’s just about the daftest investment I’ve ever heard off – but I agree that you shouldn’t have been cheated by the banks.
Didn’t you invest in Spanish property too? Why didn’t you read the advice I and many others have given over the years? You’ve put the wrong people on your Foe list.
As for Spanish restaurants being empty over the festive season, that’s plain nonsense. I had to book this year and most years in the past, and book early at that. I’m not sure about you spending several months of every year in Spain, but if it is you must walk round blindfolded.
There you go again Rocker making pointless personal attacks on forum posters, exorcising your frustrations.
Spain is not the earthly paradise you appear to believe the country to be. If it works for you then that’s fine but potentially it is a personal disaster for others who risk moving there without thinking it through or having a wide experience of what lies in store for them.
Some of us on here simply try to point that out. The forum is a reference point and an alternative to the mountains of bull shit advertisers churn out about Spain. It’s a counter point for anyone who wishes to read it.
You’re wrong Logan. Within four minutes of my first post on this thread came Katie with her usual bile, closely followed by Angie and a few minutes later by yourself. All I posted was that I was personally surprised by the amount of interest from people in the UK wanting to move to Spain.
The three of you seem to object strongly to anything praising Spain and all three of you have taken it to ridiculous lengths. The Costa Blanca was packed with Brits over the festive season and still is.
My estate agent friend took two deposits on New Years Eve and two deposits this morning on properties he has sold. When I spoke to him earlier today he hinted that this would be his best year for at least five years.
And I repeat for the umpteenth time – I do not want to sell up in Spain, I love it here.
Great then, properties are selling BUT I hope that the buyers are getting decent advice, have checked the reality of the place first….ie: are there undesireable neighbours, empty non community paying places, high maintenance fees….serious crime, abandoned dogs which will make you sick to the stomach…. etc. I hope that buyers now go to great lengths to find out EVERYTHING before signing at the notary. TOO MANY HAVE BEEN CONNED. Check out a place at midnight, 3am, 6am….as it might have been shown to you at the perfect ‘quiet’ time of the day. I hope that they check out the deeds and get them properly translated and explained, that there are no debts on the property, that it may have had IBI paid but it doesn’t ‘exist’ in reality (!) and that they pay rock bottom price so if it doesn’t live up to the rose tinted expectations then they haven’t lost out as much as others.
Give it a try, but give it a try with eyes wide open rather than rose tinted holiday sunglasses.
ps, anyone want to take on our mortgage….great location, cheap maintenance….. 🙂
The title of this thread is wrong. There is nothing wrong with England, Scotland or Wales for that matter. In fact there is very little ‘wrong’ with any European country.
There exists within us all a normal desire to live elsewhere to try new things and live a different way of life. Some have the courage and the means to respond to that others not.
The mistake people make is believing the place they move to will be better than the life they left behind. Truth is they bring their problems with them. It’s just the same life in a different place, albeit warmer and drier in Spain’s case. Yet even that becomes the norm fairly quickly and what’s left is the daily grind of life, ability to make a living and plan for a future. I suggest people are better placed in their own country to do that than in one where the language is different, the culture is different and the economics of the nation are in a dire state.
Heard today that house prices in the UK did drop by a massive 1% in 2012 according to the Nationwide but nothing wrong with Southend’s property prices, it’s reported they rose 15% making it the UK’s hot spot, so nothing wrong with England. So £300k invested on the Costas at beginning of year might be worth £260k ish now whereas in Southend it would be worth £345k ish, a ‘staggering difference’ 😛 Nowt wrong with England when the sun shines and your investment is secure 😉
London the prices rose by 7%. Wrong and right is not based on property prices.
Exactly. There was certainly nothing “right” with Spain when property prices went ballistic and, there’s nothing “right” about rising property prices in London.
The title of this thread is wrong. There is nothing wrong with England, Scotland or Wales for that matter.
Obviously, you’ve never dined there. 😆
Seriously, I pride myself on speaking fluent ‘menu’ – I can order in restaurants in most countries (depending upon the alphabet) without assistance. But my first trip to London, my first meal in The Ivy had me stumped: Bangers, bubble and squeak and many other items listed on the menu had the poor waiter translating for me.
Also the food in London was excellent. I know that everyone thinks that we in the US only eat junk food. And the reputation of food in England is, well, not much better than that of the US. I remember seeing a comedy skit taking place in an English kitchen. A chicken was being boiled and the child asked if it was done. “No” the mother said because the chicken still had some flavor.
What on earth is it with England? Over the festive season I’ve had several requests from extremely close family back home who now desperately want to come to Spain and are asking for my advice.
One asked me for advice about Calahonda on the Costa del Sol, having just bought a property there. I would have told him not to, but it’s too late. They don’t listen do they?
My family are not silly people and have all made a reasonable success of their lives, but now it seems they all want to come and live in Spain. Because they’ve had enough of England.
If they are a representative sample of people from the UK, it seems an exodus from there is on the way. And that’s despite all the doom and gloom and verifiable bad news about Spain.
What’s happening?
I’m guessing that the family members you mention, are all of a certain age, and want to retire in a sunny place and spend the money they’ve made (you metioned they’ve made a success of their lives)? Given that 2012 has officially been the 2nd wettest on record in the UK, maybe just maybe they’re attracted by Spain’s sun? The fact that they can sell a property in the UK and afford four in Spain with the proceeds, may help as well!
I don’t think you can say there is something “wrong” with England just because it has a notoriously cloudy climate? It’s nearly always been this way – in fact on the few occasions we get a hot summer we struggle to cope. Mild weather isn’t that hard to cope with – it’s extreme weather that provides most of the problems.
I can’t speak for them, but I suspect it is more than the weather.
But I can speak for myself and my reasons for coming to Spain. I had a good quality of life in the UK, but when I tried Spain I found that the quality of my life improved further, and I stayed.
But, as Logan rightly pointed out in his post after my posting of the video of thousands of expats frolicking on a Spanish beach on Christmas day, it is not for everyone. For one thing, it’s a noisy place; I can’t imagine a Spanish gathering without music, and I’ve still got ear plugs somewhere from when I lived too close to it.
The title of this thread is wrong. There is nothing wrong with England, Scotland or Wales for that matter.
Obviously, you’ve never dined there. 😆
Seriously, I pride myself on speaking fluent ‘menu’ – I can order in restaurants in most countries (depending upon the alphabet) without assistance. But my first trip to London, my first meal in The Ivy had me stumped: Bangers, bubble and squeak and many other items listed on the menu had the poor waiter translating for me.
Also the food in London was excellent. I know that everyone thinks that we in the US only eat junk food. And the reputation of food in England is, well, not much better than that of the US. I remember seeing a comedy skit taking place in an English kitchen. A chicken was being boiled and the child asked if it was done. “No” the mother said because the chicken still had some flavor.
Food in the UK has improved tremendously over the last 20 years. The reputation for poor quality was rightly deserved, it was terrible, and I think that was mainly due to post WW2 rationing when for many years people had to make do with limited supplies, and were told not to complain. Occasionally you still get served absolute rubbish in the UK, but it’s becoming a rarity.
Net immigration into the UK currently stands at 180,000. That’s the difference between they that leave and they that arrive.
It’s simplistic to suggest they are all benefit scroungers. Many are skilled well educated people which the country needs.
They could probably go anywhere but choose the UK. Many educated French and Spanish young people are heading to Britain in search of a better life, job and hope for a future.
There is nothing wrong with Britain except a few disaffected moaning minnies who believe sitting on a bar stool in Spain and complaining about too many immigrants in England is a life. 🙂 Perhaps Britain is better off if they remain there.
On a previous post about Spain allowing residency permits for Chinese, Russians and more if they buy a property for 160k euros, that this will eventually allow those incomers to apply for Spanish passports and then they can move freely within the EU. The bad news for the UK is that many of these will then move to the UK if the benefits system remains more or less the same. So many people still want to move to the UK because of the benefits and health care we have.
Other EU countries are not happy with this prospect either, imagine a million of Spain’s stock of two million unsold properties were eventually sold this way to current non EU citizens and a million buyers presumably plus their families I assume, legally being allowed to simply move to UK or France because of this anomaly 🙄
Net immigration into the UK currently stands at 180,000. That’s the difference between they that leave and they that arrive.
It’s simplistic to suggest they are all benefit scroungers. Many are skilled well educated people which the country needs.
They could probably go anywhere but choose the UK. Many educated French and Spanish young people are heading to Britain in search of a better life, job and hope for a future.
There is nothing wrong with Britain except a few disaffected moaning minnies who believe sitting on a bar stool in Spain and complaining about too many immigrants in England is a life. 🙂 Perhaps Britain is better off if they remain there.
By God, you’re a hard man to educate. Net immigration in the UK has nothing to do with the numbers leaving the UK for a better quality of life in Spain.
And you can’t resist your snide remark at the end about the British expats sitting on a bar stool in Spain complaining about immigrants in the UK. I honestly don’t think you’ve ever been to Spain apart from perhaps a short holiday many years ago, you simply don’t know the place.