We are (almost) all Europeans Now

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    • #56148

      From the Andalucian Parliament (Josefina Cruz, Consejera for Obras Públicas y Vivienda, in answer to a statement from the PP), regarding the 12,000 ‘illegal homes’ in the Almanzora Valley:
      Ladies and Gentlemen, you don’t understand. I think you do not know what you are defending. I do not know if you’re defending the intrusion of people and I do not know if you’re defending the interests of a group of people who are not of this country and who have settled here illegally; I do not know if you’re defending those interests, Your Honors. I do not understand, I really do not understand.
      I have said on this occasion we have had meetings on the matter also with the British Ambassador, but I’m interested, I am concerned about the overall situation, and I’m not worried about a situation in part of a group of people who have settled illegally in our territory. I do not understand … I do not know if you’re defending the legality of this or what. I do not know what you are defending, I do not know from where you are coming and who you are.
      We are trying to address a problem that has occurred in Andalucía as a result of the lack of respect for the culture of the territory, the local surroundings and the urban planning, and, therefore, we want to answer within the law, within the framework of urban planning and in compliance with all sectoral legislation of protected areas… etc., etc. and so on

      The ecologists from GEM add their halfpennyworth in a letter to the Consejera:
      …and we point out to the British authorities that their claim that the promoters of Almeria province have cheated more than 10,000 Brits makes their countrymen sound stupid. So either all of Britain’s fools have come to Almería or perhaps many of them are just a bit too clever.

    • #103242

      This really is the most depressing news. Josefina Cruz is trying to blame the illegal building on hapless Brits, many of whom are trapped there with homes they can’t sell. No doubt it has something to do with regional elections around the corner: Bashing foreigners must be a vote-winner.

    • #103398

      This really is the most depressing news. Josefina Cruz is trying to blame the illegal building on hapless Brits, many of whom are trapped there with homes they can’t sell. No doubt it has something to do with regional elections around the corner: Bashing foreigners must be a vote-winner.

    • #103422

      Bashing foreigners has always been a vote winner.

    • #103467

      I’m so angry my thoughts are unprintable.

    • #103469

      Go on Poppyseed. We all grown up here !!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #103540

      Ha, I know. Even so I think I’d better keep those thoughts to myself, some are probably libelous too!

    • #103924
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      @Poppyseed wrote:

      Ha, I know. Even so I think I’d better keep those thoughts to myself, some are probably libelous too!

      oh don’t worry about that. they can only go after the owner of hte site!

      (joking mark)

    • #104080

      It is depressing to see how attitudes in Spain towards one of the hands that feed them is so hostile and racist.
      The European Union has made not one jot of difference. It really does beg the question, what’s the point of it if people with political power behave in such a overtly disgraceful manner? 🙁

    • #104280

      It is depressing to see how attitudes in Spain towards one of the hands that feed them is so hostile and racist.
      The European Union has made not one jot of difference. It really does beg the question, what’s the point of it if people with political power behave in such a overtly disgraceful manner? 🙁

    • #104081

      People mentality cannot be changed by legislations. It can only change with education, interaction & tolerance & how one carries on in ones life.

    • #104281

      People mentality cannot be changed by legislations. It can only change with education, interaction & tolerance & how one carries on in ones life.

    • #104204

      A group of Brits made a denuncia against Ms Cruz inappropriate comments on April 1st: however, the remarks made in the Andalucian Parliament against the British settlers in the Almanzora Valley – those who bought homes which were later declared illegal – will not be tested in court after the Andalucian Superior Court laughed off the alegations against her.
      Now, there’s a surprise.

    • #104398

      A group of Brits made a denuncia against Ms Cruz inappropriate comments on April 1st: however, the remarks made in the Andalucian Parliament against the British settlers in the Almanzora Valley – those who bought homes which were later declared illegal – will not be tested in court after the Andalucian Superior Court laughed off the alegations against her.
      Now, there’s a surprise.

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