If you are currently looking for or have recently bought a home in Spain, we’d like to put your story on TV!
Our hit show is looking for energetic individuals, couples and families to share their story about moving abroad. Participating in our show is a lot of fun and a great way to document your exciting search for a home and new life abroad. In addition, you will receive compensation for your time and efforts.
Contributors should be fluent in English and between the ages of 25-50 with fun, enthusiastic personalities.
What’s with the age restriction?? Don’t you think people over 50 can have fun, enthusiastic personalities? 😯
With the current unemployment in Spain and ex-pat small businesses closing, you are likely to find more people nearing (or in) retirement looking to buy in Spain than the younger ones seeking a new life with job/income.
Mr. & Mrs. Prior will probably be up for an interview.
Not with my family’s genes Mark – my Mother was charging around Europe in a motorhome for 3 months with us when she was 91yrs old!!!
Well what about David Dimbleby at 72yrs of age? He managed to stay up all night during the election results and he’s got both feet in his.
I just think putting an age limit on this programme is pathetic and would actually limit the programme’s appeal. The presenter is practically fifty herself. 🙄
Things MUST be picking up if the TV shows are back.
I been approached by 4 this year from:
Some canadian show wanting to follow a buyer going for an expensive home
another wanting to talk to people who have lost everything and are trying to return home
another wanting to follow brits wanting to buy a business in spain
and a fourth covering people on fixed incomes and how they are managing now with xchange rates, etc…