I have spotted a potential bargain off a bank repo but this confuses me?
En cuanto al precio publicado en la web, corresponde a un precio en
Campaña, es decir, precio rebajado hasta el 13 de noviembre de este año.
Este precio mínimo sólo se respetará si el cliente acepta, a la hora de
comprar, una financiación entre el 40 y el 60% del precio rebajado,
teniendo que aportar el resto al contado más los gastos de venta. El
precio varía según la financiación escogida.
what does this actually mean- is this a cash deposit needed or minimum mortgage finance ref 40-60% and why does the price vary?
Sounds like a Solvia repo. They are offering these terms.
You only get the discount if you also take out a mortgage with them of 40pc to 60pc LTV, and the discount will vary according to the mortgage. I guess the bigger the mortgage (up to a max of 60%) the bigger the discount.
Why does the price vary? I guess they’ve done their numbers…..
got burned the first time
now looking for a longer term lifestyle choice over 20 years
im 51!!!
my rates plus heating here in UK are about £400/ mth
yes you do learn from the past but its soooo expensive to live in the UK
at 30k to 50k euros surely a property in spain easily pays for itself given day to day living costs differential
im glad you remember my loss on La Rinconada- it was a sad day but I needed the funds at that time so had to liquidate at whatever cost.
now a bit older , wiser and to be honest whilst I cited the mijas example above, Inow prefer the canaries for the all year round sunshine. yes theres a lot of rubbish out there but a few gems are lurking around- the costa del sol is as cheap as chips now – how on earth any one can sell ‘normally’ with such discounts on bank repos I have no idea