Today we have the new that one of the developments of Trampolin Hills in Murcia will face massive losses for buyers cause the development is halted perhaps forever:
The customers are starting to take measures cause they seem that the development is never going to be completed and they will lose all the money they have given.
In this article we can read that it is almost impossible to recover the money althought they should by law.
But this is Spain and the manager of Trampollin Hills belongs to the guipsy community of Spain and despite looking racist this is not very good cause between them there is a lot of bad people.
Peterpara wrote
“But this is Spain and the manager of Trampollin Hills belongs to the guipsy community of Spain and despite looking racist this is not very good cause between them there is a lot of bad people”
Peterpara. I am not into political correctness. I say it as I see. Your remarks about the gypsy may not be racist but they are frankly irrelevent.
What is the gypsy population in Spain ??? and out of that what % are in business and I am not talking about the ones who have a stall in the markets. So, Roca and owners of Aifos and other companies are nice church going white guys and don’t do any wrong ?.
I know, how Spanish feels and stereo type Gypsies and its wrong and as a result this has only marginalised them. Vivia Cameron.
Pasanada, Peterpara I am sure that you are not a racist, like the most of the Spanish and also appreciate that you may find it difficult to express your views due to language etc..
I am sure if we forget our stereotypes and give them more opportunities they wouldnt need to make their lives out of the law.
About the manager of Trampolim hills:
I have heard that they bribe local politians not only with money but with physical threats. But I am just surprised that there is people who bought properties to them. Perhaps expats dont have the same information that we the locals have by mouth to mouth.
Finally all my excuses for my horrible comment. Thank you for advising me.
Yes, Peterpara, your English has improved from the time you started posting on the site.
Giving opportunities to one and all whether they are minority or not is what allows us to get the best out of people. A good manager of people will know this and nurture in his/her team. Sadly this does not happen in Spain. The Spanish managers attitude is still that I am doing you a favour by giving you a job.
Trampolin Hills always seemed to me to have something not quite right in their projects. The prices seemed to be too cheap for the properties they were offering unless they got the land for almost nothing. Which maybe is the case as it seems a lot of the land wasnt classified for buidling. I used to get regular emails also offering a comission of 18% which is quite incredible. I think at one time agents could also claim a free property if they sold “x” amount of properties.
Lets hope this all get sorted out in favour of the buyers.
best wishes
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