Wait until we get the next government, because they will have to really start increasing taxes and cutting service. Labour have passed the problem on to the future – and lied about the true extent of debt we are facing – in the feeble hope of getting re-elected.
We are going to need things like an increase in stamp duty, VAT and possibly the basic rate to pay for all this. Even the best estimates say we are need to borrow more that the Napoleonic, First and Second World Wars combined at today’s prices.
We are in for a very depressing and downtrodden decade. People with second homes are going to get the least sympathy.
Much as i love the fiery rhetoric of the Righteous, I really don’t think you can lay the blame for the current World economic crisis, and its UK version on wee Gordy and the evil Labour party.
Now had you mentioned Fred the shred and his corpulent, corrupt and well rewarded chums that would have been different.
And as for the Tory alternative, Dave’s response to the budget speech only re-emphasised how much worse we’d all be if he too over the lunatic asylum.
Well I blame Brown and his cronies, they allowed the banks to do it, they allowed unchecked lending etc. and they allowed property prices to rocket out of the reach of average young couples. Not really what you would expect of a socialist Government is it 😈 Not sure if the other side would be any better, I am sure they couldn’t do worse.
Much as i love the fiery rhetoric of the Righteous, I really don’t think you can lay the blame for the current World economic crisis, and its UK version on wee Gordy and the evil Labour party.
How naive. The current crisis was not a surprise or un-expected, it was widely predicted by many experts.
The facts are plain, governments have to control banks otherwise they will bankrupt the country. GB took away regulatory powers from the Bank of England and gave it to the FSA – which a has demonstrated utter incompetence.
Gordon also boasted of his light touch regime and praise the bankers.
Banks fail if they are not regulated properly, so the blame is entirely down the HMG.
Not really what you would expect of a socialist Government is it Twisted Evil Not sure if the other side would be any better, I am sure they couldn’t do worse.
Nulabour in NOT a socialist party, its policies are identical to the Conservatives – boasting house prices/economy to get re-elected is a Tory classic. When the Tories get back in they will pursue the same policies and having a Tory government since 1997 would have us in the same position as we are now.
Nulabour in NOT a socialist party, its policies are identical to the Conservatives – boasting house prices/economy to get re-elected is a Tory classic. When the Tories get back in they will pursue the same policies and having a Tory government since 1997 would have us in the same position as we are now.
Rubbish, Blair and Brown misgovernments were more socialist than any other, spend, spend, spend, was/is their mantra. Atlee, Wilson, Sunny Jim all did the same, result Britain left bankcrupt. Where they have been very clever is to give themeselves a bedrock support of 25% in elections , by throwing money at promiscuous mothers, benefit fraudsters, immigrants members of quangoes and pen pushing civil servants etc etc there is n´t space to write the full listThe same has happened in Spain with unemployment now 4,01million or 19% of the working population
Last year Spain lost 1million jobs in industry , but guess what? A total of 160,000 jobs were created for pen pushers . Is it any surprise the world economy is in the ****?
The British economy was in great shape in 1997, when the two clowns took over the disaster of Black Wednesday had passed and for two years Blair/Brown continued Ken Clarke´s Tory policies, then they applied their own policies and we now see the result.
I attach a quote by Groucho Marx,not related to Karl by the way,
“Politics is the art of looking for trouble,finding it everywhere,diagnosing it incorrectly and then applying the wrong remedies”.(Groucho Marx)
Blair and Brown certainly followed these lines to the letter.
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