….that is immoral. A whole fishing village, with houses as old as 60 years, and the way of life that goes with it.
So should Spain apply the ‘Ley de Costas’ (coastal law) retrospectively?
Barking MAD. I feel too cross to put a coherent sentence together.
While some people’s money disappears forever, courtesy of banks, the whole world throws up its hands in disgust & it’s all we hear on the news channels.
But so many thousands have been robbed in Spain of vast amounts of money, and/or their homes – and all I keep being told by MEPs / MPs is “We cannot interfere”. 😡
so true. The low-life we are up against can’t even claim to have made bad judgements like the banks. Just crooks in full knowledge of the misery they have caused and are still causing! And what’s being done on our behalf by people who could help? ….Sod all, as far as i can see. Common sense and honesty stand for nothing. We are very much on our own it seems.
Those pictures are reminiscent of the Fascists behaviour under Francisco Franco , establishing an authoritarian regime until 1978.
I guess the transition to democracy in Spain still has a long way to go. 😕
I found there was a lot less corruption and more democracy under Franco.The bureaucracy was probably worse but found it a lot easier to live withouit hassle,ok people could n´t criticise Franco if they did they were put in a cell for a day or two after having received a good hiding from the Guardia. For me that is better than the lies and corruption coming from this present shower in Madrid. This so called democratic government had lied to the Spanish people for the last few years and are still telling lies today. It took them 6 months to acknowledge that there was an economic crisis.
Spain is n´t alone is having a government that tells lies, Blair LIED about the weapons of mass distruction and so many other things. Brown and Darling are today telling everyone how wonderfull their semi nationalisation of the banks is, what does the stock market do ?fall 5%. People have been duped by 11 years of spin and lies at last the rose tinted spectacles of new labour have been removed and now they believe nothing Brown and the Darling say.
To get back to Franco, there was a lot wrong with what he did, but he did save Spain from communism, stopped Hitler marching into his country to capture Gibraltar which could have changed the course of the Second World War. He brought 35 years of peace ,in his lifetime,now extended to 70 years of peace to a country that had suffered three civil wars in 70 years.. He was n´t perfect but are Messers(I always write Messrs this way because most politicians make a complete mess ,Blair, Brown ,Bush, etc etc
Hello Goodstich, yes I agree.
While Zapatero & his Cabinet makes promises of “a greater guarantee to savers than seen elsewhere in the European Union”, it seems he shows no interest in ensuring that people who do have Bank Guarantees under Spanish Law, are given the protection such BGs promise.
And Brown is thinking of suing Iceland because people from the UK cannot withdraw their money…whilst others like the Priors have lost their ONLY home and they do nothing 😈
makes a mockery of the BG doesn’t it. In fact it makes a mockery of a legal contract. What is the point if it is not enforced?
much as i hate the current Spanish government, i hope few would ever welcome a far right or left regime. So many have perished in the fight against fascism and for the freedom of a democracy, the last thing we need is return of a place where as you say, you can’t even criticise the monsters in power without being beaten up, then locked up by government low-life.
For all their faults. the current UK polititions are on the whole a decent lot, whatever party. O.K., It’s a long way from perfect, but compared to your far right alternative, i would think it’s heaven.
For all their faults. the current UK polititions are on the whole a decent lot, whatever party. O.K., It’s a long way from perfect, but compared to your far right alternative, i would think it’s heaven.
I did not say Franco was perfect, he was anything but. What I do criticise is the idea that democracy is somehow perfect, I agree with Churchill when he said,”Democracy is n´t much of a system, but it is the best we ´ve got.”
Where I would disagree with you is”For all their faults, the current UK politicians are on the whole a decent lot, whatever party” I would say that never has there been such a corrupt government in Britain since the 18th century, the catalogue of slease and backhanders is too long to quote here and is well known anyway, when thinking of an expression to sum up the present UK government , Pigs around the trough comes to mind.
i think the current lot are no more corrupt than any other. As for slease, again, very much a cross party thing. Even a film made about the most notorious, the Tory Profumo scandel, and they’ve had plenty since!
Why is that British Government planning to sue Iceland ??? Surely people who opened a bank account with them attracted by higher interest rate took that decision even though the bank did not even have a Moody’s rating. As per Icelandic rules the depositor is covered up to a certain limit and that is their law.
Compare this to the situation in Spain. Where there was/is a systematic fraud & corruption being practised in the construction & related industries.
Any, approach to the MP’s etc were turned down stating that we the British cannot interfere in the laws of other Countries.
Why, therefore the law of Iceland is not being accepted as the law of Spain ??? and intention to sue a sovereign Country ???
Suzanne, take note of the parallels that I am drawing and perhaps ask Mr Cashman or who ever is the MP, MEP of the affected people are.
yes, why indeed?. The government doesn’t see our problems worthy of consideration because they are not being seen by the majority (or even the media) as not helping us. When they think the s**t is being thrown at them directly, it’s a very different matter……’let’s go and sue Iceland’.
it’s the same old rubbish we are used to with the response we get from mp’s and mep’s.
Watching Gordon Brown and Mr Darling today on PMQ’s really made me feel quite ill, yes we all acknowledge that there is a global problem out there, but his new measures are likely to increase the National Debt to 53% of GDP, this dispite having frequently changed his own rules on levels of Goverment Borrowing and selling Britain’s gold reserves at a knockdown price; raiding pension funds of £5bn each and every year; imposing penal rates of stamp duties on house purchases; applying swingeing inheritance taxes on family homes; introducing so many stealth taxes they cannot be listed. Wheres it all gone Gordon!! His actions have surely been as ill considered and unjustified as any of the Bank and Institutional Executive who he now says need tighter control and regulation. After all I am sure they probably thought if its good enough for the Goverment to run the country like this it must be fine for business.
so what about the ‘new money’ in Spains banks. Will it help or hinder us?, or make not a scrap of difference to our chances of justice i wonder?
One headache of a question Goodstich. I would have said definitely no initially, as this seems to be a protection for savers. But, if there are any developers who still have credit in their names in Spanish banks, who knows whether this may somehow help us in the future? What I am hearing is that developers with court cases going against them are hiding/transferring their assets before embargoes can be placed. Not surprising, but then what happens?
Shakeel – the parallel you draw is exactly the point.
Goodstich44 :Yes, perhaps because mum goes to Iceland. Can some one tell the Darling Brown, that the we are not talking about the supermarket where people have paid deposit for their on line service.
The village of Cho Vito, now demolished as posted by Charlie, is to be replaced by a public promenade. The D of E has been trying to do this since 1996: http://newsinthesun.com/?p=1296
….that is immoral. A whole fishing village, with houses as old as 60 years, and the way of life that goes with it.
So should Spain apply the ‘Ley de Costas’ (coastal law) retrospectively?
From one simple story to an entire potted history of British politics.
Harking back to that fishing village story.
I have looked up where this place is on http://maps.google.co.uk/
Cho Vito, Tenerife. And the Panoramio pictures showing the old shacks near the sea directly near to an Electric Power station !
One of the pictures is this: http://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/11068394.jpg
My point is – the Power Station is surely built too close to the sea and should also be pulled down along with those fishing homes.
One of the pictures is this: http://www.panoramio.com/photos/original/11068394.jpg
My point is – the Power Station is surely built too close to the sea and should also be pulled down along with those fishing homes.
The link/picture now comes up as ‘Forbidden’.
Do you think the Spanish Government is watching SPI? 😯
The demolition also made the Daily Telegraph – what disasterous PR for Spain.
Our very own Mark Stucklin is quoted in the report “Mark Stucklin, of Spanish Property Insight, said: “This recent activity shows there is still a problem for coastal home owners and if anything it is getting worse. It seems the application of the law is completely impartial and individuals are being targeted while the powerful big developers are being allowed to get away with it.”
And doesn’t that say it all.
“Residents of Cho Vito complained of the injustice of their homes being knocked down while hotels on the island also deemed to be built illegally were allowed to remain”.
Now THAT is Spanish injustice – or an example of brown envelopes?!
The coastal law was brought in in 1988, so as I ask:
should Spain apply the ‘Ley de Costas’ (coastal law) retrospectively?
And Brown is thinking of suing Iceland because people from the UK cannot withdraw their money…whilst others like the Priors have lost their ONLY home and they do nothing 😈
It seems clear this morning why this is so. 20 Councils in England & Wales have hundreds of millions of pounds invested in Iceland’s banks. Transport for London has 40 millions invested there too. If this money isn’t recovered the results would be far more disastrous for the British Government than the likes of Brits like the Priors, Goodstich & myself et al losing our homes/& or life savings in Spain 😡
yes, that does put things in perspective. It would just be nice to feel that someone who could more than likely help us, would at least try?, instead of just fobbing us off because they don’t really give a toss.
The question is. As Councils forever claim poverty, Why is it that kind of money been placed with banks. surely they need this kind of money to provide services. I am not aware, if the funds were for overnight placement or for a longer term.
If the Councils are claiming that the funds are part of their pension fund etc. Than frankly I don’t have any sympathy for the parasites.
If, Brown does not take any action against the Icelanders, than he knows that the money has to be found by the government and this brings us to, from where ?????????.