Starting up a community

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    • #52055

      Hi all after over two years and 8 months late we are now ready to sign just wondering how things work as regards setting up a community. Any thoughts please, have asked estate agent to pass on my details to others on the complex for ideas{not looking to run it as i dont live there and dont speak spanish} on what to do and how do they work costs out?. 😕

    • #64247

      Once 51% units have been handed over by the developer. They will call a meeting at this point a various positions will be appointed such as President and Vice preseident.

      A managing agent will be introduced by the developer (he/she has normally has a cosy relationship with the developer) where possible obtain his/her reference and the block/developments that they manage before approving them to avoid future problems.

      Being a new block there will be various teething problems and the managing agent will not allways take your complaint/interest to the
      developer as they will expect fresh businiess coming their way.

      There will be a budget which the residents will approve by of show of hands ( In theory atleast), this will than be applied to indiviual property owner according to the m2 as per their title deeds.

      I dont think language will be a problem as there will be other Brits, in my experience a forcefull Spanish/Spanish speaking President and English Vice President works well.

      I hope the above helps

    • #64253

      Thanks Shakeel still a lot to sort then i guess we will still be in the hands of the developer then .some of us were thinking about claiming for delay but i can see this might have a rebound effect to us. How do they work out his charges i hope its not like the estate agents high.i guess the dream is not that easy to acheive.Once again thanks for info

    • #64403

      Hi smurf, shakeel is quite right. The developer will try to put forward a president (who will be loyal to the promotor) and an administrative company (also loyal) these are to be avoided at all costs. It is best to obtain quotes and visit other Administration companies, and ask to look at some of the communities that they run. If you explain how large your community is, how much garden, pools, communal areas, apartments, town houses etc, they should be able to give you an idea of running costs and quote you their fees
      A well run community ADDS value to your property, a badly run community just lines the pockets of the administratoer from dodgy dealings.
      As a new community, your first years fees are estimated, hence the need for a GOOD administrator. Your fees pay for cleaning, gardening and their expenses, water, electric, insurance, stationery, bank charges and some other items like reserve fund etc. This HAS to be agreed by the community members, at an AGM which is the most important event in your community. You need to attend.
      You do not need to have a Spanish President, as the adminisytayion company should be able to speak both languages, so an English speaking President works just as well, as indeed I am.
      It would benefit you to purchase a book by David Searl entitled You and The Law in Spain, wherein he explains all about communities, and especially The Law of Horizontal Property which governs the rules, regulations, rights and penalties of any community.
      Please do not be just another “two week wonder” who shows no interest in their community, as this is why so many communities pay extortionate fees for no service, and the members just sit around saying “I can´t understand why we pay so much”

    • #64410

      Hi Smurf

      @smurf wrote:

      some of us were thinking about claiming for delay but i can see this might have a rebound effect to us.

      One of things we found early on in our community was that with a developer the committee should concentrate on the big snagging items rather than say ‘claiming for delay’ while the delay might have been inconvenient, having a crumbling roadway within the community will cost the owners a small fortune if not fixed early on. We also found that backing a developer into a corner on one item (i.e. threatening legal action from the get go) means that they stop doing anything. Best to get on the right side as quickly as you can get loads done by way of community snagging etc, once that’s done, you can play ‘hard ball.’

      The following advice might not fit with everyone, but we had the promoter as the president for the first year and as we had a strong and forthright committee (a vice president and two vocals) we managed to get the president and therefore the promoter to do many community snagging items. The committee meet every week for the first year to make sure we where on top of it. Clearly this might not work everywhere but it worked for us, he resigned after that first year and the community has a new president who is a permanent resident at the development.

      If you are serious about becoming involved I have information (web site links, documents etc) which I’m happy to give you just send me a PM



    • #64412

      Hi thanks for the info i did not fancy the promoter running things. though as i dont live there it would be hard to be involved too much. Which is a shame because i know i would have things at heart rather than be in it for profit {not that there is anything wrong with profit} but you know what i mean. I have yet to speak to anyone who i think could do the job, some nice people but there has to be more than that. I know of one guy who owns some of the locals three i think pub estate agents and super market when and if it opens. But by all accounts this guy does not have a good reputation{his company sold most of the appartments on our complex and then closed down reopening in a differant name} and we beleive he would only run it for his own use ie the fact he has already placed tables and chairs outside his bar pool side not on his prop. Its a big thing to set up we would be moved towards an agent by the developer. i have asked for names so i can contact others. Well once again thanks for your advice and will mull it over with a couple of others.
      Regards Paul

    • #64418

      Can anyone help? I have just purchased a property with 4 months to go till the end of the community fee year. The builder has paid my fees already, but the president of the community has said I must pay them myself again as it was agreed at a meeting (I was not obviously present) that everyone should pay from when they signed at the notary till the end of the fee year, regardless of the fact that the builder had already paid. Personally I think this is because some of the people who bought last year or whenever didn’t have the builder pay their fees and have taken umbridge. However the President has said the extra cash goes into our community bank account so we have more money for other things. I can see both sides. Thoughts and advice please!!! It is only about 150 euros we’re talking about but it’s still money.

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