Spanish Regions Increasing Fines.

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    • #57856

      Spain seems intent on extracting more money from the public by a 4 fold increase in parking fines next year for Marbella area, and large increase in driving infringement fines in Valencia region where 50 drivers an hour are fined.

      Whilst they might need more taxes this appears to be counter productive to their P.R. campaigns, it seems greedy and heavy handed 🙄

    • #118651
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      considering how badly and inconsiderately many people park down here on the coast, I find it hard to agree with you Angie.

    • #118653

      I know all about the way people park around Marbella and areas, then bump the car in front and at the back to get out, however I’m sure a lot of ‘normal’ parkers and unaware tourists will get ticketed as signs alter to raise more funds, and the traffic violations, and, cameras are increasing to extract more money. Motorists always have been an easy target for taxes. :mrgreen:

    • #118654

      You may also find it hard to agree with this too Andrew, or maybe you won’t, my original post was to point out to others some fact extracted from articles, in other words to be extra careful driving, and parking next year in Marbella.

      Article below suggests made up current revenue raising: … -motorist/

      Couple of comments by residents say it’s the norm, but still does not help their PR machine which I mentioned previously. 🙄

    • #118645
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      IF its the ‘norm’ I have never seen it.

      Personally, if true, they should take legal action.

    • #118658

      Andrew, judging by further comments it probably is true, others have experienced similar, however taking legal action in Spain can take years. I knew an English business man in a provincial Spanish town who was constantly targeted by Police for parking exactly as the local Spanish business people parked, strangely they never were ticketed. He complained and it made them target him even more 🙄 I’m sure the right amount of folding stuff in a brown envelope would have sorted the problem out quicker than going to Court 🙄 Ah, local customs, you can’t beat ’em 😛

    • #118673

      I have always thought that drivers were an easy target that Spanish authorities have always missed out on, compared to the UK. Speed cameras have only really come into force over the last few years around Madrid, and I still don’t see that many cameras on traffic lights (they could probably wipe out Spain’s entire debt if they fined people for jumping lights). Street parking charges are also going up around Madrid. There’s a block of garages for sale next to our flat – maybe I should make an offer?

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