Interesting wide ranging interview with Rajoy. He denies public officials are corrupt and Spain is showing some signs of recovering. Whilst the latter may have some modest truth the former is an indication of how remote and out of touch he seems.
I really don’t know how people like Rajoy, Berlusconi in Italy, Blair in the UK, etc, manage or managed to stay in power so long in a so called democratic country, and actually believe they are honest when there’s so much evidence to disprove them. It needs a people revolution 😡
Not doing a goods job is dishonest. The honest& decent people he talks about are the normal citizens living with the fall out/consequences of years of corruption. I bet the judge who closed his file is part of the “Opus dei ” religious mafia.
Up the revolution I will get Smithy to bring his comrades from the tooting popular front.
I can cope with the corruption. It is the leap towards fascism that concerns me. PP continues to create laws and policy that do nothing more than fulfill some idiotic ideology. Worse, they are creating laws that limit debate and consolidate power, and, if this continues, Spain is headed for another revolution.
The latest nail in the coffin for Spain’s solar energy producers is an Energy Law amendment which allows inspectors to enter private properties without a court order. It’s a move lawyers believe could set a worrying precedent.
The new Citizens Security Law now fines people for protesting government, growing marijuana for person consumption (previously legal), playing football in the street, drinking in public, taking photos of police, insulting police, offending Spain – is criticized by just about everyone excepting for those who still embrace Franco.
Japan, possibly learning from PP, has approved a ‘government secrets’ law, that has harsh punishments for exposing government corruption and coverups. It is widely seen as being necessary to cover-up the true incompetence, resulting consequences and decades-lasting health and environmental devastation caused by the radiation that is still gushing from the Fukushima power plant.
Back to Spain, my worst fears about living in Europe is fascism and/or authoritarian rule.
The core support of the PP is the Catholic Church and in particular Opus Dei. They contribute massive amounts to the PP coffers.
Rajoy has to give these people some political concessions if he wants his party to continue ruling and role back liberal and social democrat values which the catholic mafia detest..
“Opus Dei” not only controls politicians they also control Banks,Hospitals, Doctors, Surgeons, Notaries, Lawyers, judges,Tax inspectors and every man & his dog. People do not realise haw far & deep are their reach is and they are extremely well organised and work with German efficiency. People like Rajoy are just a pawn in the bigger scheme of things.
I know the above as a one very close friends mother is head/President of Opus Dei in Andalucia.
Lest any of you doubt that Spain is turning to the far right politically under pressure from the Catholic mafia read this I lifted from Eye on Spain. Gay rights will not be far behind especially if the PP win a second term as seems very likely.
JUSTICE minister Alberto Ruíz-Gallardón has announced plans to bring the new abortion law into effect before the end of this year.
Meetings will be held with the cabinet on the next three Fridays to finalise the content, which he stresses will ‘respect the historic discourse’ of the PP on the subject.
Many of the elements introduced by the previous socialist government will be eliminated.
These include allowing a woman to terminate a pregnancy before a certain time on any grounds, although a psychologist’s report would normally be needed if her physical or mental health or that of the child were not at risk.
They also include the fact that at present, girls aged 16 or 17 but under 18 do not need their parents’ consent to terminate a pregnancy.
Now, anyone under 18 will need written permission from their parents or guardians to have an abortion.
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