This thread is to keep track of the changes to Spain’s Ley de Costas, or coastal law, introduced in 1988.
It has been a total disaster: It has failed to protect the coast whilst causing anguish for many private owners (whilst powerful developers have got away with flouting the law). It has been arbitrarily enforced. I can’t understand why environmentalists support a law that has so spectacularly failed to protect the environment.
The PP Government has just passed a reform, which doesn’t go far enough in my opinion. They should have scrapped it altogether and started again.
The reforms mean that 154,000 homes on the coast are now protected. 3,400 homes get an amnesty and won’t be demolished. 24,000 get a stay of execution, with right of use concessions extended to 75 years. 125,000 properties can get building licences, though not to increase size, height or surface areas.
More info (in Spanish) on the latest changes: