Home » Spanish Property Forums » Spanish Real Estate Chatter » Second Hand Car Documents
Hi Everyone,
When buying a used car from an individual / dealer, what documentation should I expect to receive from the seller and anything I should look for on the documentation.
I am also given to understand that, like a property, unpaid charges (e.g. tax) can be held against the car. Is there a web site that lets you key in the number plate and tell me what charges are outstanding against the vehicle.
Many thanks in advance…….
Hi – you need the green paper – similar to a log book of a uk car and ensure you have the sales document signed by the seller alongside a copy of their nie. Ideally both of you go to a gestor to get it done otherwise you can be left with a car and no documents and whilst this is legal (you can insure tax etc it) it means you cant sell it on and in theory if you are stopped, the car can be impounded without you being able to prove ownership!!!
Re the tax (road cirulation) you can go to the town the car is registered in with its matriculation (number plate) and enquire if there is any outstanding tax
A getsor/abogado will be able to tell you if there are any OTHER outstanding charges on it ie unpaid personal tax, bankruptcy order etc.
A car/boat is like a house out here and the new owner can inherit all of these liabilities so please, please, please take care – I got caiught when I first came to Spain like this and things havent changed!!!
Hi Inez,
Thanks for the comprehensive reply – interesting about it being the same for boats as well – I only say this, because I have a dream of owning a small fishing boat.
Cash is not growing on trees at the moment, so that particular dream will have to wait a while.
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