Roca, may leave prison today!

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    • #53863

      Roca has managed to raise the million euros required for bail. Muñoz is out on 72 hours leave. Wonder if thats the last of prison for Roca 🙄

    • #81104

      Katy: Are your surprised that Roca has manage to raise the amount in question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    • #81260

      Katy: Are your surprised that Roca has manage to raise the amount in question !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

    • #81127

      Be off like a whippit!

    • #81282

      Be off like a whippit!

    • #81135

      I know of murderers who get bail, so it wouldn´t surprise me if he did make bail.

      I expect he will find time to visit his money whilst he´s out.

    • #81290

      I know of murderers who get bail, so it wouldn´t surprise me if he did make bail.

      I expect he will find time to visit his money whilst he´s out.

    • #81238

      So. There is someone of Malaya case still in prison?

      It seems to be very profitable in Spain to be a bad guy. Isnt it?

    • #81367

      So. There is someone of Malaya case still in prison?

      It seems to be very profitable in Spain to be a bad guy. Isnt it?

    • #81275

      20 minutos has reported that after signing at the court today Roca said he is considering returning to his job in Marbella Town Hall.:shock:
      He described it as a possibility and a right he has, and also reminded the press that he still has not been sentenced for anything.

      He also said that he would, for now, remain living in Marbella, although revealed that he wanted to visit Murcia and Madrid next week.

      Under the bail conditions he cannot go closer than 500m to any airfield.
      Am sure he will respectfully bear that in mind if he does decide to disappear, and accordingly flee by ship only. 🙂

    • #81386

      20 minutos has reported that after signing at the court today Roca said he is considering returning to his job in Marbella Town Hall.:shock:
      He described it as a possibility and a right he has, and also reminded the press that he still has not been sentenced for anything.

      He also said that he would, for now, remain living in Marbella, although revealed that he wanted to visit Murcia and Madrid next week.

      Under the bail conditions he cannot go closer than 500m to any airfield.
      Am sure he will respectfully bear that in mind if he does decide to disappear, and accordingly flee by ship only. 🙂

    • #81480

      The possibility exists that Juan Antonio Roca has fallen into a trap established by the instruction judge Oscar Pérez.

      Juan Antonio Roca, the man at the centre of the Malaya corruption case, made 1 million Euro bail earlier this week.

      The judge has now ordered an investigation into where the Roca family found the 1 million Euro bail money!!

      Love it. 😀

    • #81483

      There was to be a demonstration in marbella today re. Roca’s return. They say he is a persona non grata.

    • #81489

      I see Rocca has been finally released from prison!
      I must hand it to him….he sure has some neck! he said in a statement to the press

      He spoke to reporters again on his first visit to the Marbella courthouse on Tuesday. “I haven’t ruled out going back to my old job at the Town Hall”, he said, “I have every right to”, he added, pointing out that as yet he has not been convicted of anything.

      Now if that is not cheek and neck then what is? it is not only 1 crime he has (alleged) to have commited, it seems that the operation Malaya case might even get into the Guiness book of records.

      see the latest on it in

    • #81495

      “Now if that is not cheek and neck then what is? “

      You have to have this otherwise he would not have been alleged for the crimes. In so far going 500 meters from the airport is silly condition as he get there take the plane, so who is going to enforce the condition of the bail.

      It also comes to mind that there are a lot of ships that leave Algeceres to all the exotic parts of the globe. Venezuela & Cuba comes to mind.

    • #81498

      Yes Shakeel! i could not agree with you more and from what I have read it is numerous charges that are “alleged ” against him so why wait around
      to face a prision sentense on any one of these charges. I think that when he was put into prison that his solicitors kept telling him “any day now you will be released” it did take 2 years for the bail but that was only because it all got out of hand and blew up in their faces under operation Malaya. But then they were uncovering too much under judge Angel miguel Torres so they got rid of Judge Torres because he was uncovering too much about too many.
      Also as you said Shakeel who is to stop him getting on a plane? after all they turn a blind eye to everything else and getting a passport is a simple affair of money changing hands…from what I have read anyway. Rocca was the last remaining member of the operation Malays group to be behind bars and now that he is out they probably will hope it will be forgotten about…But I don’t think so!!

    • #81501

      I think there is every probability he may walk free in the end.

      A change of investigating Judge ordered from a lofty government position, over 100 other wealthy and influencial individuals implicated who can pool their bribe money and reach the whole legal system through the old-boys network. It could all end in smiles for Rocca.

      Look at the BAe investigation regarding the Saudis´, the British government have ordered the Judges not to proceed because the case could be of a sensative nature regarding national security. At least that´s the excuse for not exposing corrupt officials and MPs´.

      If that kind of thing can happen in the UK at that level, then Rocca must have great hope for his case.

    • #81514

      @katy wrote:

      There was to be a demonstration in marbella today re. Roca’s return. They say he is a persona non grata.

      Looks like there was a good turnout. Some 2,000 local residents of Marbella took to the streets last night to demand that Juan Antonio Roca leave the town and lose his assets here.
      They are planning to ask the instruction judge in the Malaya case, Óscar Pérez, for a distancing order from the town, considering that ex real estate assessor has ill-treated the municipality. Others want him returned to prison until his trial.

      Now the judge has asked the Police money laundering unit in Málaga to find out where that million € has come from. He particularly wants to know if those who contributed to the sum can legally justify its origin. Wonder if some are now wishing they hadn’t got involved. 😈

    • #81515

      Yes Good Peter you are right! it most probably will happen.
      As they said when there are bribers and recepients of bribes then none of them are going to talk. As with Rocco and the operation Malaya case and as you rightly combared it to the BAE investigation….then there are too amny people involved and none of them wants their involvement to come out in public they just want it brushed under the carpet and forgotten about. I would think that if certain people saw Rocco getting on a plane to leave the country they would even pack his bags for him so that their involvement with him could not be proven, after all if he sings…then they will all suffer.

    • #81516

      Thanks Charlie 🙂 Saw some waiting for the bus with placards saying “Justice now” and others asking for the names of the people who had put up the bail money. All the main political parties were present and some of the final speech was given in English. The Mayor missed it…she was held up in traffic! Not sure what to make of that 😕 Just have a feeling about her 😉

    • #81518

      If Roca ever did get his old job back at the Marbella Town Hall, the Mayor Angeles Muñoz said they would sack him immediately! So not much love lost there then.
      What feeling Katy? Do you feel that all is not quite as straight as it could be with her as well?

    • #81528

      Odd comments she has made, all which I cannot substantiate. She also looks like the previous Mayor, but that would be so unfair of me to make a judgement on that basis. She certainly attends all the parties like the old Mayor. We shall see 😉 🙂

    • #81754

      He’s been out a week, he’s now back in.

    • #81759

      Oh dear, what a shame, never mind!

    • #81762

      His new bail has been set at 3 million euros.
      With the 1 million euro bail that was paid for this trip out now being investigated (as to how his family raised this), he’s rather between a rock and a hard place re. them trying to raise this amount.
      No-one is going to want to help/risk an investigation.

      Don’t think he’s going to be back at his desk in his old job one-day soon as he would like. A rocky road to travel yet, Roca, and rightly so.

    • #81824

      This morning Diario sur reported that Roca’s son (aged 19) provided over 400 thousand euros of the million bail bond. 🙄

    • #81826

      Did he have one of those winning lottery tickets as well, then?

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