Renting out without permit ion of second co-owner

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    • #181962

      Hi, I own a flat with my ex partner. She signed agreement with her friend agent to rent out the proper without my permission. Her agent doesn’t want to give me any information about the rent and when the flat is rented because he says he works for my ex partner not for me. It is difficult situation for me as I own 50% of the flat and can’t even go there or have no influence to whom the flat is rented. This is in Catalonia. Any advice?

    • #181963
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      Cannot rent a property without the permission of the owners. that would include you as part owner.

      If it was me I would look at doing the following:

      talk to my expartner.

      If that is not an option, I would have a lawyer send a’ burrofa’x demanding the information as part owner, also stating that should the property be rented without my express permission I would do a ‘denuncia’ against them.

      If you are in the country you could simply go to the agency with an updated nota simple, showing you are currently part owner and request the information, if not given, ask for the “libro de hojas de quejas y relamaciones”.

    • #182037

      The chances of you both agreeing on anything to do with this property are probably slim, so if possible I would sell your half to her, cutting the ties and get on with your own life.

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