re Architect.

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    • #53991

      If architect of build is in a different Spanish Province to the build does Province ,of said architect, have also to stamp paperwork before property is registered ???????

    • #83142

      AFAIK the proyectista of a project (who has to be an Architect) must be registered to the Colegio of Arquitectos in the province where the project is. Any architect can however seek “acreditacion intercolegial” i.e. between provincial colleges.

    • #83147

      Thanks hillybilly.
      Understand about Colegio of Arquitectos in the Province and everything was stamped and approved via this route and also stamped and approved in Province of build, Murcia, 2 years ago !!!

      Just fail to understand why Almeria townhall now to been involved with stamping the completed paperwork 🙄 when the build is in Murcia .
      It was mentioned that it was possibly because of architect being in another Province and wondered if it was true.
      Probably didn’t make myself clear.

    • #83149

      So, build in Murcia? Architect registered to College of Architects in Almeria? Not sure why a town hall in Almeria would have anything to do with a build in Murcia…do you mean the Colegio de Arquitectos in Almeria is now involved?

    • #83150

      NO I mean Almeria Townhall ❓ and just trying to get to the bottom of WHY lawyer, who is also based in Almeria, has sent completed “all legal” paperwork to Almeria instead of Murcia.

    • #83151

      In that case I have no idea, seeing as how Murcia and Almeria are not even the same Comunidad!!!! Mistake on your lawyer’s part? Maybe they’re confused as to where the build is, if they usually deal with Almeria?

    • #83152

      Thanks again hillybilly for writing exactly what we are thinking 😯

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