Theme: We bought in good faith: save our homes. Stop planning and real estate abuse: regularisation now.
The organisers, residents in Cantoria, but with the support of a substantial group of residents throughout the Almanzora Valley and the Levante Almeriense, and on their behalf also, are holding a peaceful protest to highlight the situation of many properties in Cantoria, some of which, are
subject to the threat of demolition; but also to protest against the real estate and planning irregularities in the area of the Almanzora Valley and elsewhere, and the grave situation many homeowners find themselves in since purchasing their properties in good faith.
The march will be followed with speeches at the end. Those Cantorians not registered to vote are asked to do so at the end of the march.
No offensive banners are welcome, some suggestions of permissible slogans below –
Soluciones ya – solutions now
Somos víctimas inocentes – we are innocent victims
Justicia – justice
Somos pensionistas – we are pensioners
Thank you for the support of Cantoria residents, as well as members of the associations –
AVEP, AULAN, AUAN, AUN, LSOS, Ciudadanos Europeos.
Bruce Hobday, 662 413 075
I went up to Cantoria yesterday to take a look and meet with the organisers of the protest.
I’ve written it up at (don’t worry – non-commercial blogsite).
a huge WELL DONE to all who support this. I really wish these protests would pop up all around the areas of Spain blighted with similar problems, and culminate in one massive protest that will attract the attention of the media throughout Europe. If the authorities would rather look stupid, by showing the world how wrong they are, and how badly decent people have been effected, rather than putting it right themselves, then they deserve all the bad publicity they get, and some!
The Junta de Andalucía and the town halls of Zurgena, Albox, Cantoria, Arboleas, Partaloa, Albanchez and Lubrín have agreed to organise inspections to ensure that homes built in those towns are either fully legal, ‘legalizable’ (that wonderful new Andaluz word ‘alegal’) or totally beyond the pale – in a splendid example of shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.
Yes, it’s the latest step from the Junta’s gauleiter for Almería, Luís Caparros and his solutions ‘for the 5,000 illegal British owned homes’ (see although ‘the Junta must of course collaborate with the law and act on any judicial decision’.
The mayors of the abovementioned towns, together with some members of the AUAN (a British anti-urban abuse protest group from Albox) met with Caparros yesterday in his offices in Almería.
Homes which are ‘con problemas’ or are outside ‘consolidated urban nucleuses’ will not have a solution, said Caparros.
Readers are reminded that 24 British-owned homes in Cantoria (6 kms north of Albox) are under final demolition orders and that there will be a protest march there next Thursday (18th September) from 12.00 noon. The British ITV television has confirmed that they will be present at the demonstration.
A spokesman for the AUAN said afterwords ‘we looked into the hat, but found no rabbit there’.
In other news, sales of property in Almería to Northern Europeans are sharply down on last year.
The organisers…….. are holding a peaceful protest to highlight the situation of many properties in Cantoria
Don’t make the protest too peaceful or “it will simply be ignored”. Do what the Spanish do when they demonstrate and shout your message “WITH GUSTO”.
(Advice from a Spanish friend). 😉
Wish you good luck on the day and that it brings results.
……..yep, shout loud and proud, and lets hope ITV do the same thing.
I feel the authorities are still only making minimum gestures. What on earth will it take before someone comes along and sorts this out with a common sense approach, giving justice and punishment to those who really deserve it, and not just bending under pressure from those with the biggest wad!!