Property developer CHC (Murcia Region) in BankRupt

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    • #53094

      Property developer and civil building developer of the Murcia Region CHC (Conducciones Hidráulicas y Carreteras) is in BankRupt.

      Today I have seen it on TV and a lot of suppliers waiting in the door for their money.

      I have been looking information in the WEB about this company of my Region and I have seen that they have a resort in Granada in dead Situation.

      Is the ‘Mirador de Alhendín’ Resort. A serie of villas about 300.000 euros. They had sold about 40% of the resort but finally they couldn’t find the sufficient bank finance for the project:

      So this 40% means some more british burnned in the spanish sun.

      I repeat the same thing again:

      Be very careful. Today buying off plan properties is very dangeraous. The property developers have very scarce sells so they struggle with banks to get finance. If not, they leave a property development in a dead point. (Some structures buildt and some british scammed).

    • #74060

      Thanks for the link, no doubt many purchasers will be tied up in the courts for a long time. Lets hope they had bank guarantees! I think we shall be seeing more of these type of these cases 🙁

    • #74062

      More information about the CHC Case today at “LA VERDAD” newspaper of the Murcia Region.

      Lot of workers and suppliers that are not paid….

    • #74065

      Thanks also for the valuable information. It is interesting to see what is happening with more developers in this region.

      Molina de Segura is not very far from Rural Residencial, Campos del Rio, Murcia where I had my fingers burnt.

      Very said for the people who have lost their monies. What hope will they have in getting their monies returned. If after 4 years I am still waiting for mine.


    • #74068

      More information today:

      CHC has stopped several public infraestructures development for example a improve in the access to the beach of Albufereta in Alicante.

      As I have know this company got several public projects financed with European funds FEDER.

    • #74125

      More information today:

      People is joining to take legal actions:

      A self-employed worked looking for 12.000 that CHC should pay to him:

      CHC was a promising company of the Murcia Region before crashing or making fraud:

    • #74127

      The debt of the company with workers, suppliers and more could be about 50 million euro:

    • #74128

      I’d be interested to know if the development was being marketed just by the Developers, or were there any dodgy estate agents involved, and who?

      If so, there should be some recourse against the agents perhaps.

    • #74131

      As I know the development ‘Mirador del Alhendin’ continues with its commercial publicity on the web:

      Despite as you can see in the web CHC is in the front of the webpage as one of the developers.

      Will continue this development or will go to the limbo meanwhile agents continue to seel to people who dont know nothing about the critical sitiation of CHC?

    • #78825

      Calculated the total debt left by this bankrupted property developer:

      A total of 67,9 millions of euros. Only for one bankrupted spanish developer! Imagine the mess that will cause all the ones that will follow the same way!

      Major debts (More than 500.000 euros):

      Agencia Tributaria: 478.645 euros

      Antonio Salvatierra, S. L.: 292.924

      Arcelor Distribución Andalucía, S.L.: 508.360

      Banco de Valencia: 1.669.139

      Banco Gallego: 2.188.442

      Banco Guipuzcoano: 912.353

      Banco Pastor: 11.258.988

      Banco Popular: 3.412.213

      Banesto: 694.766

      Bankinter: 958.201

      BBVA: 2.662.468

      BSCH: 4.431.339

      Caixa Catalunya: 1.395.565

      Caja de AH. y M. de P. de Córdoba (Cajasur): 519.108

      Caja Madrid: 987.473

      Caja Murcia: 2.887.404

      Caja Rural Granada: 2.357.956

      CAM: 321.486

      Cementos Portland Valderrivas: 200.969

      Const. Acentejo 2005, S. L.: 766.241

      Const. Metálicas Carava, S. L.: 290.261

      Desarrollos Empresariales Guadalix: 946.634

      Elan Proyectos, S. L.: 184.254

      Elecnor, S. A.: 226.521

      Estructuras y Ferrallas, S. L.: 227.526

      Estructuras y Hormigonados Pérez Saura: 394.283

      Firmes y Compact, S. L.: 388.247 euros

      González Albarracín Hnos., S. L.: 165.861

      Hernán Patricio Granada Cuenca: 234.105

      Hierros y Aceros Cortés, S. A.: 258.967

      Hormigones Camt, S. L.: 509.019

      Hormigones Nevada, S. L.: 336.079

      Imersa Andalucía, S. L.: 244.603

      Jerezana de Canalizaciones, S. L.: 236.525

      La Caixa: 338.707

      Lafarge Áridos y Hormigones Sau: 192.068

      Mármoles y Granitos Anadina, S. L.: 175.123

      Mercantil Mediterránea de Ferrallados: 782.845

      Metálicas Aljusan, S. L.: 188.978

      Movimientos de Tierras Ferrer, S. L.: 341.921

      Obras y Excavaciones Fortunas: 281.960

      Pavesur Derivados, S. A.: 243.880

      Renato Ramírez Estudio de Arqu: 243.418

      Tecnologías Digitales Audiovisuales: 1.687.223

      Transportes y Excavaciones Mar Menor: 198.909

      Visogsa: 439.321

      Zayoser Inmovilizado: 305.106

      ZZ Varios Alhedin: 897.149

    • #78837

      ManuelYo tengo una empresa de alquiler de retroexcavadoras y no hay manera de que la gente de Polaris World me ingrese unos 60.000 euros que me deben. No hacen nada más que darme largas. Me temo lo peor.

      A reply on the forum of the newspaper, tis guy is worried that he will not get 60,000 euros that he is owed by POLARIS WORLD. They just tell tell him stories when he asks for his money.

    • #78839

      Every day it seems more likely that the goverment will help the spanish property developers before elections:

      Trying to save these companies with the spaniard’s money.

    • #78840

      If the Spanish government bails out developers with taxpayers’ money (I’m a taxpayer in Spain) my disgust will know no bounds.


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