People are beginning to disappear in Spain

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    • #56982

      People are disappearing in Spain. A mass die off in Spain is beginning now. Every economy that goes through a major financial collapse goes through what you call a die off. Its where a large percentage of the population dies off. Its very difficult to see what is happening whilst it is happening, it is one of those things when you look back ten years and you see half your class mates have died during the year book. The last mass die off in Spain took place during the Spanish civil war in which large numbers of people either emigrated or were killed.

      Here’s what I am hearing. A police officer has contacted me and said that usually suicides skyrocket in November and December, he says that what he is getting right now in his jurisdiction a rate of one or more a week are killing themselves, this is boy friends killing themselves in front of their girlfriends, this is an adult brother called the police to tell to get his juvenile sister who was sleeping after which he kills himself and all sorts of wierd situations are happening. People in their early twenties are unable to handle what going on in this economic situation, what we could be seeing right now is a mass die off going on this summer 2012.

      We are seeing a huge spike in the elderly dieing before they receive their pension benefits just from the sheer stress as to what is happening to the economy. What is going on here is a mass die off what is happening in Spain. We could be experiencing a die off of epic proportions in Spain.

      People are disappearing in Spain. Something is going on and I don’t know exactly what, it is a different situation each time. The more I ask questions the more people clam up, they are not talking, they are not telling me what is happening. People are disappearing. There was a house with four families living in it and then boom overnight they disappeared, this is something that didn’t happen before, no goodbyes, no telling us where they are going, no one telling us what is happening, just one night they are gone.

    • #111357
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      who will be next?

    • #111359

      Any chance of you disappearing

    • #111452

      Aliens. As soon as the probing has finished they’ll be dropped back down. Stick your head out of the window and listen for thudding sounds.

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