We have bought a property at the above location through this agency. I would love to hear from anyone else that has done so or has had any dealings with the company.
Lead story on a newspaper – Money Market (the consumer voice) is that ocean View properties has filed a criminal lawsuit against Aifos for 20 million euros citing fraud. Kenyon-Smith (Ocean Properties) says of 277 properties contracted from AIFOS only 112 have been delivered, the rest are not built and in some cases planning permission has been denied.
Kenyon-Smith says that Ocean View has reimbursed most of its clients- all British-at a cost of 6 million euros.
That’s most interesting! Is that a recent publication? Can it be accessed on the internet?
I have been able to access the Ocean View website to look at development pic’s and friends of ours have a place not far away and they have been to take a peek. We have been told a handover date at the end of July (although I understand that everything shuts down for Aug), but I can’t see that it will be ready in time (we are already 10 months behind, but having read other posts, this isn’t too bad!!)
I picked up the newspaper at the golf club, its edition no. 11 May 2006. Think its published by Ausbanc which is some sort of consumer group for spanish banking although the price of the paper is in GB pounds. Lots of ads in for spanish banks and some really good charts in analysing costs of a mortgage with about 25 spanish banks. Don’t seem to have a website though, try Ausbanc.com
Just as I thought that everything was going smoothly……I phoned O V to check all ok for the handover and they told me that there would be a further delay!! 🙁
It seem to me that I have been the one that has always had to chase and ask for updates (Maybe I should ask for a discount on the balance. Do we have this right?)
They hope that the site will be ready for the end of the Summer. I’ll not hold my breath
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