More evictions for non-payment of rent than of mortgages

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    • #57582
      SPI News

      Newly released figures have revealed that in 2012 there were 43,853 evictions due to the non-payment of mortgages while 54,718 resulted from the non-payment of rent.

      There were a total of 101,304 evictions in Spain during 2012, 37.5% due to foreclosures, 57.8% tenancies and the remaining 4.7% due to other causes.

      These figures have been released by the Consejo General de Poder Judicial (CGPJ), in English ‘The General Council of Judicial Power’.

      The CGPJ commented that the figures for foreclosures may be higher had the new laws not come into force in late 2012 to protect mortgage borrowers. These laws were designed to protect against social exclusion and allow the borrower to delay eviction for up to two years if there was deemed to be a high risk of exclusion.

      Protesters demonstrate against evictions in Spain

    • #117440

      And I guess the evictions are those who stopped paying their mortgages at the end of the boom, to get around the years of not paying, the court case etc. etc. Imagine how many evictions there probably ‘should’ be in Spain at the moment?!

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