I have recived an e mail from Marta’s office which advises me that she will also attend a march in Malaga on March 17, and meet with some of you at a later date, to be announced.
it would indeed. Surely the time has come for everyone to support those trying to make things better for everyone involved in Spain’s costa’s. (apart from the scum bags of course!)
Would be great if lots of those not affected turned out to show their support.
Katy must agree its time people started to look outside of their shell.
I think that there can only be a small number of people in Spain that it doesnt affect.
Wholesale unemployment, business closures, lack of tourists, rising prices, house price crashes etc etc.
It may not yet have dawned on some that these problems are all linked to the property scandals and missuse of power, not forgetting the state of the justice system.
So hopefully some will turn out to support this initiative.
Not much sympathy from the spanish with lots of xenaphobic comments below the article.
“They only come here because our social security is free”
“They knew what they were doing when they bought those homes”
“why should they be given an amnesty we can’t get one”
So Juan Espadas says it would be the owner who is expected to compensate the municipality, either by the payment of a sum of money or by handing over land to make their properties legal.
Really? I have a suggestion for him: Let every single Government employee/Town Hall Clerk/mayor/whoever who has given a signature on a property-owner’s so-called ‘legal’ documents be identified and taken to court, fine them and let their fine be the ‘compensation’ for the municipality. And while they’re in court, let them be sued by the purchasers for all the stress that their dishonest, bribe-taking dealings have caused.
Espadas said that homes could not be legalised with the ‘sweep of a pen’. Why not? It was the sweep of a pen (and the reckless use of official stamps that went with it) by this bent lot in the Town Halls who started this whole mess in the first place.
He never answered one question – if these properties are illegal, why has the Junta been happily accepting all their taxes?