Hi, need some advice/correct information re an issue I have with buyer of my house in Andalucia.
Actually sold, signed in front of notary, paid for etc in January. As estate agent not too helpful, went with buyer to ‘sort out’ utilities, went to town hall, etc… only problem was electricity board who insisited no change of contract possible without buyer providing boletin from an electrician. Cut long story short, buyer ‘sorted’ that, but now angry for having had to get work done by electrician in house as not earthed, all in all ended up with high bill for that work plus boletin…and claims her solicitor advised her this is vendor’s liability, therefore demands this money from me???????? Surely not?????????????? Have lived there for many years unaware of ‘safety issues’ as buyer states, in fact had various renovations done over time, with electrician changing/ adding sockets, etc, new meter installed by electricity board and never knew of any updates required.