Just out of interest – does Javier Serrano receive recommendations from this site because he pays for it?
I´m not trying to sound funny, but I was just genuinely curious if this is a solicitor that we can trust, or whether his recommendations are financially motivated.
Perhaps there are other solicitors in the Ayamonte area who are just as good (or maybe even better), but don’t get recommended because they don’t sponsor this site.
Have I understood the situation correctly or am I barking up the wrong tree?
Companies that I believe offer a high quality of service are invited to advertise, but the cost is set low to ensure that I have no financial incentive to recommend them if they fail to satisfy their customers. Put another way, I don’t charge enough to make it worthwhile jeopardising my reputation for any of them.
I have never received any payment from Javier Serrano. But I should add that if he gets good business through this site, one day I would feel quite justified in charging him a small monthly advertising fee.
I’m sure there are other good solicitors in the Ayamonte area. The difficulty is finding them. The value I offer is putting you in touch with at least one of them.
I asked the question because I used a different solicitor in the Ayamonte area for the purchase of our apartment who I have been delighted with, and I was wondering why Javier Serrano got picked out for the special treatment as opposed to the others.
Then please send me a PM with their contact details. If they are good I’d be happy to include them after I’ve interviewed them, assuming I can find time to do so. Bit busy nowadays.