Interesting website on the Spanish property crash

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    • #57065

      I just came across this rather interesting website to do with the Spanish property crash. The person seems to share pretty much the same views as I do concerning Spanish house prices.

      Link: Spanish Property Crash

    • #112189

      Very entertaining!

      Is this one of your’s too?

      You seemed to predict UK house prices crashing in 2005 on that site!

    • #112190

      you didn’t need to go to all the trouble of making a web site and posting everything you have ever posted on here on it to try and convince us.

    • #112192

      I should have charged for my opinions, it might help pay off the mortgage….. 🙂

    • #112193
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      ha yes this bloke

    • #112194
      Fuengi (Andrew)
    • #112196
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      god the site has only just been set up (14 visitors count). Is this who you have been getting your information from? The guy does seem to be a bit of a fruit loop.

      example: not property related, may be offensive to some, especially if you make it to the end.

    • #112197

      @Fuengi wrote:

      I’m based in London currently, and I’d just like to state that Bruno seems a fine chap to me, with perfectly understandable views on the property market…

      He went thataway ➡

    • #112199

      Oh Jakey I suppose things could be worse for Spain 😕

    • #112472

      That site has now had 70 visitors (according to the counter at foot).

      Let’s see if we can get the view count over 100 😉

      update – now 130+ ❗

    • #112476

      The crash is here. Why do we need a website for it !!!!.

    • #112477

      Has jakey been evicted from the house, he’s been quiet of late? 🙄

    • #112488

      About time he was Angie. Did you notice that he wasn’t accused of being negative like you and I :mrgreen: Not only that but his was negative old news too 😆

    • #112491

      Yes, I noticed the same thing too katy. I thought jakey’s news made our’s seem like good news, maybe jakey appeared so OTT that he was accepted more, but often his news did seem armageddonish but sometimes fun nonetheless. It’s possibly because we are longer term posters 🙄

      Has he been ‘disappeared’? 😯

    • #112495

      @katy wrote:

      About time he was Angie. Did you notice that he wasn’t accused of being negative like you and I :mrgreen: Not only that but his was negative old news too 😆

      Have you read the links on this thread? Best not to be too harsh on Bruno/Jake, I’m sure he does mean well most of the time, but seems to get carried away on the housing subject. You have to be pretty extreme to be banned from HPC several times. I suspect at some stage he may find a profitable way of posting his links somewhere.

    • #112517

      ok I read that and I still want to buy… in fact i’m flying out in 2 weeks to view a villa :mrgreen:

      am i mad? 😆

    • #112520

      hey pizza, maka da sure da villa isa plenty off it, mora dan 50% ana witha youra name maka da sure it’sa ina Italia.

      Isa ura mada youa aska, maybe, only youa knowa dat? 😆

    • #112521

      hola senorita 😉

      pizza iza maddr as hea offerer 50% offa buta the mana from delmonte saya noa – maybe whena mea is therea witha casha ita maya bea deferenta 😆

      pizza is a sicka of the raina 🙂

    • #112523

      @pizzacheaze wrote:

      pizza is a sicka of the raina 🙂

      Don’t assume you’ll escape it by coming to Spain right now

    • #112535

      Are you mad, maybe….? Depends on where the villa is and how much they want for it? I keep on getting estate agents emails saying ‘Bargin villa, was 125,000 euros and now for an offer of 120,000 euros it’s yours!’. It is probably only worth an offer of 80,000 euros max.

      Which area (don’t have to say which street or anything, even though the rest of us probably won’t be rushing to gazump you), what size and garden? etc.

      So, what’s the villa like before we can judge the level of madness 😉

    • #112801

      Some good news for someone we know who’s been trying to sell in Spain for over 4 years, a detached modern house in Murcia area. Her husband died a couple of years ago and she was desperate to get back to the UK. Any help for Spain gratefully received no doubt, a rebalancing of their books now in order, as Tesco says ‘every little helps’!

      Out of the blue, a Norwegian couple bought the house for 250k euros (less large costs), a loss on original price of over 400k (plus large costs) euros but she’s out and buying in Blighty for £180k (+ minimal costs) a 4 bed Victorian terrace in the South East, also reduced a bit but full of character and good value it seems.

      The weird thing though was her Spanish house was smaller than most of her neighbours’ houses, unlike the others her pool was unheated, there were noisy British neighbours too, as if her Guardian Angel stepped in.

      We’ve discussed on here before that the Norwegians have the cash to buy in Spain and their currency is strong which suggests exchange rates do play a big part. 🙄

    • #112808

      Norwegians together with some gulf states are the richest in the world. Not suprised at all and they usually want detached houses.

    • #112813

      @angie wrote:

      Some good news for someone we know who’s been trying to sell in Spain for over 4 years, a detached modern house in Murcia area. Her husband died a couple of years ago and she was desperate to get back to the UK. Any help for Spain gratefully received no doubt, a rebalancing of their books now in order, as Tesco says ‘every little helps’!

      Out of the blue, a Norwegian couple bought the house for 250k euros (less large costs), a loss on original price of over 400k (plus large costs) euros but she’s out and buying in Blighty for £180k (+ minimal costs) a 4 bed Victorian terrace in the South East, also reduced a bit but full of character and good value it seems.

      The weird thing though was her Spanish house was smaller than most of her neighbours’ houses, unlike the others her pool was unheated, there were noisy British neighbours too, as if her Guardian Angel stepped in.

      We’ve discussed on here before that the Norwegians have the cash to buy in Spain and their currency is strong which suggests exchange rates do play a big part. 🙄

      That is good news,, well done for sharing it here (and for once we’ve not had your mate jump in and sneer “it’s not happening, don’t believe it etc”)
      The best part is that it gives hope to the distressed sellers there may be out there. Possibly an idea to target the Scandinavian buyers on the southern costas (or the Russian buyers in Catalunya) to increase chances of a sale?
      It must be so difficult to be trapped with a property in this market, so a glimmer of hope is always good to hear.

    • #112821

      ‘Nessy’ I take it you’re referring to katy, I’m certain she wouldn’t ‘jump in and sneer etc’ as you say, of course some will be selling in Spain and for each sale there has to be a buyer. Someone loses, someone gains. 🙄

      In this case this lady has lost best part of 200k euros by moving to Spain, she has managed to recoup part of her loss with an astute potential buy in the UK and she is happily back with her family so her financial loss is mitigated by emotional gain.

      I’ve just helped a friend sell in the UK at a realistic price although he’s made no profit in his 6 years of ownership, in fact a small loss, but I told him to negotiate hard on his next UK purchase which he’s done, effectively the same as having made a profit on his sale.

      So the wheels can turn if sellers are prepared to cut their losses, move on, and negotiate hard on next purchase wherever they live 😉

    • #112823

      @angie wrote:

      I’ve just helped a friend sell in the UK at a realistic price although he’s made no profit in his 6 years of ownership, in fact a small loss, but I told him to negotiate hard on his next UK purchase which he’s done, effectively the same as having made a profit on his sale.

      So the wheels can turn if sellers are prepared to cut their losses, move on, and negotiate hard on next purchase wherever they live

      That is a very good point and means for some they can still move house. However it doesn’t really work for those who bought at the peak and are in negative equity.

    • #112825

      it depends on the amount of negative equity the exchange rate can off set some of this lost.

    • #112835

      The example I’ve shown is primarily cash buyers, where you might make a loss on the sale of a property but this is not so much an issue when you buy again for cash and make up the previous loss or most of it on the next purchase. 🙄

    • #112847
    • #112849

      Yes, but no, but, ‘M’ it might not be quite as bad as that if everyone keeps their fingers crossed, but it has to be the majority of the population on the same day and at the same hour 😯

    • #113233

      I should have made it clear earlier that the website in question is best viewed using Microsoft’s internet explorer as the web browser. I have tried using Google’s Chrome to access the website and many of the graphical features don’t work. My apologies to anyone who is using a web browser where alot of the graphical features are missing or look rather strange. With so many web browsers out there like Google’s Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Android, Opera etc. it is difficult to design a sophisticated website with some amazing features that will work with all browsers.

      The website works on two different levels. In one instance you can take the website at face value in that it is just simply a rant about the Spanish economy and property market. On the other hand, you can read the website in a different way in that it is really a polemic about Britain’s economy and housing market. The website is really a commentary about Britain and Spain and what gives this away is a section in the website entitled “The uncanny resemblance between Britain and Spain” in which I talk about the similarities between Britain and Spain. Spain is currently going through an economic depression in much that same way Britain went through in its depression of the early 1990’s. Britain and Spain are very different countries but they are very similar in the way their economy works.

    • #113241

      @jakesuper wrote:

      The website works on two different levels. In one instance you can take the website at face value in that it is just simply a rant about the Spanish economy and property market. On the other hand, you can read the website in a different way in that it is really a polemic about Britain’s economy and housing market. The website is really a commentary about Britain and Spain and what gives this away is a section in the website entitled “The uncanny resemblance between Britain and Spain” in which I talk about the similarities between Britain and Spain. Spain is currently going through an economic depression in much that same way Britain went through in its depression of the early 1990’s. Britain and Spain are very different countries but they are very similar in the way their economy works.

      Interesting you should say that…

      Max Keiser has just given a very interesting interview with the Independent. I only hope he’s wrong, as otherwise we’re in big trouble in London

      “I came to London,” he says, “because being here gives you a front-row seat on the imminent collapse of an entire city. I think that the Eurozone is over-rated as a disaster area. They are not yet in as bad shape as Britain. The UK pound,” he continues, “is about to collapse. And the collapse of the British economy will be one of the biggest in modern economic history. Of course you will take the American dollar and the euro down with you, for sure. But this place – London – is about to go belly up. It’s … how can I put this?” Keiser pauses. “If you see me walking the streets of your town,” he adds, “then you’re probably f***d.”

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