Interenet access – advice for rural areas

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    • #52208

      I just wanted to share my experience ref. broadband or internet access.

      Went to Tortosa to two Vodafone shops. Asked for a tarjeta 3G banda ancha. Not only did I get a blank star, also rather rude treatment (f… off b…y foreigner!). Even when my Spanish friend phoned them to ask – she received the same treatment. Thumbs down for Vodafone then! Should train their staff better.

      Then went to Tarragona to the Movistar shop. Very helpful and referred me to the bigger Telefonica shop. Waited for an hour to be served but got excellent advice. Went away with a 3G card and 128 MB SIM card for my laptop plus a 5GB plana tarifa which costs Euros 58 per month. There is also a plan for 1 GB which costs 32 Euros per month. The card is free but you have to stay with them for 18 months otherwise it will cost you Euros 125. This gives you access via your laptop literally everywhere – and I mean everywhere where there is a mobile phone mast of which there are many in Spain (and in Europe as roaming can be done, too). Speeds of around 54 kbs during the day, BUT increases to 384 kbps from about 3 pm onwards which is near ADSL speed.

      As I don’t have a landline where I live this is the perfect solution for me. I can make and receive Skype calls over the internet which saves me a fortune in phone costs.

      A word of advice: take your passport, NIE and a piece of paper from your bank stating your name, account no. and NIE no. and signed and stamped by the bank for setting up the direct debit.

      Kind regards
      😆 😆

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