this question has probably been asked before, but being new to the forum I’m going to ask it anyway.
I’m a non resident with a property in Lanzarote, counted as part of Spain. I do not have a tourist licence for my property and I am only liable for the non resident tax as expained in SPI, Spanish Property Tax for non residents. I can calculate the figures and have found an online copy of the Form 210, which with a bit of work I should be able to complete.
What I need to know is – when I have completed the form, or forms as it was 5 years ago that I bought the property, what do I do with them?
You should be able to pay the amounts due at your Spanish bank, but amazingly, you can only do so in cash. The AEAT will not accept cheques, direct debits or debit cards, even on Spanish bank accounts. Nor can you now pay in the UK, this facility (limited to London), having been recently withdrawn for some reason. I am currently taking these matters up with the European Commission but so far with no success.
Is this correct? For the past 4 years I have been paying quarterly rental income tax and annual rental and wealth tax by completeing the on-line forms, attaching my sticky label barcodes, inserting tthem into the official envelopes and then posting them to my bank instructing them to pay the amounts indicated.