I cannot understand why Britain being a small Island nation in the North -East Atlantic still struts on the International scene as if it were a Great Power. Indeed when there is trouble anywhere don’t we stick our necks out ? No denying chemical and biological weapons are horrific but they are weapons of war .Its a matter of opinion but their future use I think is more likely than we think -after all the major powers have them too and they kill people but do not render the planet uninhabitable for eternity like nuclear might. True we are members of NATO as is Spain and in a serious conflict both might be committed. However it appears to me that British politicians are very quick to interfere as we did unhelpfully I think in Egypt and in this case with military intent in Syria. They begin this with complete disregard for public opinion and with Parliamentary authorisation as an after thought.In a country where we have no civil defence whatever If this gets out of control with our ships taken out by the Syrians and maybe Iran with Russian hardware we do not know the possible extent of escalation. Yes it has entered my head to fly off to Canarias -with a gas mask to put in the safe -come whatever !
I hate to say this, but if an international war breaks out you’ll be vulnerable wherever you are based. And if an attempt is made on large groups of Brit civilians (perhaps in retaliation for any bombing) I can think of soft targets both in Spain and in the UK. I’m afraid that there are Al-Queda and other extremist cells in both countries.
Let’s hope the intelligence guys have everything under control (although I’m not totally optimistic on this).
Don’t know about the canaries but USA has bases in Spain which would make it unsafe as the UK. Rota base is so large it is like a large village with it’s own shops, bars etc.
I think Syria should be left to sort out it’s own mess. History has shown that throw out one evil Dictator and they just get more of the same…or worse. Emotive pictures of dead children. Yes it’s terrible but does it make any difference how they died be it chemical weapons or a home made bomb! The rebels are killing kids too.
BTW I wonder how many of those photos are faked. BBC has already been caught out putting a picture of dead children in Syria online which was later revealed to be actually taken in Iraq in 2003 😯
the problem is the fact the such weapons are quite indiscriminate and are meant to cause mass death.
In my own opinion, the UN should have intervened and stopped all of this before it got this far. But then the same argument can probably be used for a dozen different ongoing conflicts around the world.
The problem with Syria, is that it is located in a an important geographical area. If this was central africa or asia, most of the countries that are for or against intervention would not care.
It seems that Spain does not put itself in the front line when there is an International issue. The last time Spain became involved was during the premiership of Jose Maria Aznar the previous PP Presidente del Gobierno when it became temporarily involved in the Irag War coalition. As a result of this there was a terrorist attack on a rush hour train in Madrid just before the election that brought to power Jose Luis Zapatero and the PS. I am not suggesting that chickening out of international involvement or being intimidated is good reason for inaction. President Obama says that people want something done about chemical weapons but nobody is prepared to do anything ! Might we say reasonably that Spain is less interested in dropping bombs around than our British Governments are apt to want to drag us into
And furthermore might we have some understanding of Spanish agitation when it sees arrogant politicians in Britain constantly getting us involved in bombing expeditions that cost a lot of scarce resources and achieve little. I suggest Gibralterans might be more secure in their homes with Spanish sovereignty and paying Spanish taxes than living in a British base on land attached to Spain and ceded by an ancient treaty ending a war on an unrelated matter with questionable justice. Furthermore I think the Spanish themselves would be more happy to not to be compromised by having a foreign base on their territory. where there is a risk of them becoming involved and indeed affected in their nearby provinces when they do not wish to be .Our people who are thinking of acquiring property in Spain would be more inclined to buy if they felt there were no disputes with Spain. Britain and Spain are presently both in the European Union and it would be good if we could have our foreign policies centred on European interests not those of other world powers.
What are you saying, that the UK should betray the llanitos (that’s people from Gibraltar!) for the sake of a few expats who may buy houses. Isn’t that taking appeasement too far 🙄 The people on the rock are happy as they are, 99% voted to stay with the UK. There are a few USA bases in Spain therefore the targets are all over. The Rock is legally part of the UK, old treaty or not.
I don’t get your argument at all Ptr, Gibraltar is British and long may it remain British, do you apply the same logic to those Spanish outposts in Morocco? 🙄 Also, apart from islands, all countries/territories are attached to others, doesn’t make any difference if the territory/country is small 😕
As for ‘is Spain safer’ if there as a war, I very much doubt it, it is nearer North Africa and the Arab Spring countries, many of which are Al Quaeda and other militant extremist nests, therefore Spain is in easy touching distance of some nutter’s scud missile, whereas in the UK, most of such missiles wouldn’t have the range or be shot down by other countries before they reached the UK? Every North African country including Tunisia have fundamentalist extremist groups which could kick-off sometime, Spain is not so far away from them 🙄
Your post is hypothetical I think in reality, I doubt Spain is particularly unsafe so don’t be put-off moving there, the above are geographical examples 🙄