House ownership rates in Europe

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    • #57226

      Quite an interesting chart. Spain has one of the highest rates of home ownership in Europe, but the countries with the healthiest economies and property markets (Switzerland, Germany) are at the other end. There must be a link.

    • #114594

      It must be too simplistic merely to state that spending your money on your home leaves little money to spend on the other things that are used to measure a country’s wealth.

      The figures for Germany do come as a surprise, driving along an autobahn you always see more luxury cars than anywhere else in Europe, yet at least half of the owners live in rented accommodation?

      And Switzerland, the small country allegedly full of careful savers? They don’t save to buy houses, do they.

    • #114600

      Higher amounts of available rental possibilities makes it easier for people to move around to where there is work while with to many people owning property will make them more static especially with high transactions costs. I don’t think owning your home is a problem in itself rather the contrary but when it locks people down because it costs to much to move it becomes a problem. Ofcourse in this sort of crisis countries with high amount. This especially comes true when a large amount of the population is in negative equity.

    • #114602

      That chart doesn’t give a true picture.
      The CEE states have very high ownership and very little mortage debt. In Poland only 5% of homeowners have a mortgage. The other 95% either own outright or are in very cheap subsidised accommodation. That applies even more so in places like Romania.

      In the UK quite a lot of property is owned debt free, 47% –

      Unfortunately its probably owned by the most useless part of society, pensioners and property investors. Parasites who expect the young to support them with higher taxes, student fees and high rents in a country they will never be able to become part of.

    • #114605

      Unfortunately its probably owned by the most useless part of society, pensioners and property investors. Parasites who expect the young to support them with higher taxes, student fees and high rents in a country they will never be able to become part of.

      Pensioners are “useless” and “parasites”? What a repulsive thing to write. Shame on you.

    • #114607

      @GarySFBCN wrote:

      Pensioners are “useless” and “parasites”? What a repulsive thing to write. Shame on you.

      Its precisely how young people people are viewed by the older generation in Britain. They expect their children’s generation to work paying off their debts and funding their comfortable retirement. For this, the youth should be ‘grateful’.

      Remember, my generation were handed the biggest financial windfall in British history and they are determined to make the next generation to pay for it.

      That is repulsive.

    • #114608

      The way pensions systems have been setup with people not paying for their own pensions they sort of become parasithic. They are built upon the never ending expansion of the tax base which cannot go on forever.

    • #114611

      Its precisely how young people people are viewed by the older generation in Britain.

      Good to know that you are the national spokesman for the older generation in Britain.

      Yes, these people are parasites. They lived their lives based upon modest salaries, paying taxes and now they are living on modest pensions. They may or may not have been able save. They relied upon a ‘social contract’ for a pension from their government.

    • #114612

      Their wages and salaries wereinsignificant compared to the massive profits from a government backed house price boom. The next generation will get poor salaries, no pension, have to pay for their university education (unlike their parents who had it for free).
      The next generation will not get the option of buying a house and getting the ‘social contract’ their parents were blessed with, they will have to save until their mid thirties to get a deposit for a starter home. They will be taxed to death to pay for their parents health care, who retired early, possibly 20 years younger then they will. The welfare state has been hacked to pay for the property boom.

      The fact is that the young today are going to have to pay for the sins of their parents and have a far worse life ahead of them.

    • #114613

      People outside Britian are not very keen on paying interest and who can blame them. Besides the interest the Notary fee etc.

      In Germany & Austria people save up to buy or get land from their family. The house is built with the help of neighbours a sort of barter an electrician will do the wiring in the evening or weekend for his neighbour. The neigbour maybe a Carpenter who will do the joinery work for the electrician or his family and so on. Of course all this will be done with some beer & a laugh. The owner of the house sources the materials etc.

      The people will bring the kitchen & the sink !!!!!!!!! with them that they had installed in the rented property where they have probebly lived for atleast ten years.

      In Italy, Spain & France the property is passed from parents there are laws stating the basis of disctribution. In France even the illegitimate children are entitled ” Oooo, la, la !!!!!!!!!!!” in the divisions. Among my friends from Italy whose parents had to build their lives after the War were big savers. They sacrified their lives to ensure that besides education their savings benefitted their children.

    • #114615

      The next generation will not get the option of buying a house and getting the ‘social contract’ their parents were blessed with, they will have to save until their mid thirties to get a deposit for a starter home. They will be taxed to death to pay for their parents health care, who retired early, possibly 20 years younger then they will. The welfare state has been hacked to pay for the property boom.

      Yes, they will have to sacrifice as no other group ever. They will have to scurry to for shelter when the bombs fall from the sky. They will know the hunger and malnutrition from having nothing more than a potato to eat for an entire day.

      You are blaming common people for the policies of government. Again, shame on you.

    • #114616

      The people in a democracy gets the government they deserve. Sadly enough most people are totally clueless and the result is theft and thievery of others. Others shouldn’t have one say what anyone does with their own wealth.

      It’s like a bidding war between politicians who can bribe the biggest voter base the best.

    • #114617

      They the parasites, had fought wars for freedom of the younger generation their loved ones never returned from War’s, their houses were bombed, they had lost their homes. It also affected the next generation who could not attend university etc as they had to support themselves & their families at a very tender age. The parasites are the ones who are living in Royal Palaces.

      The Govnment mislead into a false sense of security of a compfortabe retirement, health care etc. They contributed into the system. They were not given an option to take their own responsibity & save for their old age. To call them a parasite is extremely insensitive & ill informed.

      These so called parasites will die & leave the residue of their assets, once the Goverment has extorted the Inheritence tax from the dead to their off springs. The same young ones you think are being deprived. Let us not forget that the parasites will not take it with them.

      Finally, I suppose you will not get old !!!!!

    • #114618

      @shakeel wrote:

      In Germany & Austria people save up to buy or get land from their family. The house is built with the help of neighbours a sort of barter an electrician will do the wiring in the evening or weekend for his neighbour.

      Not possible in the UK of course. Land is rationed to keep house prices up.

      I’ll give the current government some credit for attempting something against the massed ranks of the NIMBY property owners. One option is to allow building of new houses.. you know.. in fields.

      Another suggestion is to force retired people to sell their houses and move into something smaller and to sell their house to pay for their own medical care, rather then expecting the children to pay for it.

      They also increased capital gains to tax some of the property value windfall the Lucky Born Generation have been blessed with. Not enough …yet.

      At time progresses and the UK demographic bomb explodes it will be interesting to see how quickly political parties realise that the dying property owners are outvoted by the have-not tax payers.

    • #114620

      People are living longer and longer as we amass more knowledge and governments need to add several years on to their pension provisions, which are costly, not quite as costly as fighting wars, but just as certain.

      Some people seem to advocate some kind of Liverpool Pathway on steroids, tipping old people out of their wheelchairs and selling their homes when they get too big for them.

      Such thinking has not been thought through. The clever young graduates we are producing by the million will not want to work, what would be the point if the rewards of their labour would be seized by the authorities when they were too knackered to work any longer?

      The young might as well sign on the dole and get enough to roll their spliffs.

    • #114622

      @GarySFBCN wrote:

      The next generation will not get the option of buying a house and getting the ‘social contract’ their parents were blessed with, they will have to save until their mid thirties to get a deposit for a starter home. They will be taxed to death to pay for their parents health care, who retired early, possibly 20 years younger then they will. The welfare state has been hacked to pay for the property boom.

      Yes, they will have to sacrifice as no other group ever. They will have to scurry to for shelter when the bombs fall from the sky. They will know the hunger and malnutrition from having nothing more than a potato to eat for an entire day.

      You are blaming common people for the policies of government. Again, shame on you.

      And who voted for the governments who made these policies?

    • #114623

      @peterhun wrote:

      Not possible in the UK of course. Land is rationed to keep house prices up.

      Not to the extent it is done in Spain, where there is masses of land, drip fed onto the market by councils, helped by their corrupt banker buddies, to ensure prices (and therefore revenues) are high.

      @peterhun wrote:

      I’ll give the current government some credit for attempting something against the massed ranks of the NIMBY property owners. One option is to allow building of new houses.. you know.. in fields.

      In the UK there are plenty of brown field sites that could be developed. Problem is that stupid planning laws often make it easier to develop green fields.

      @peterhun wrote:

      Another suggestion is to force retired people to sell their houses and move into something smaller and to sell their house to pay for their own medical care, rather then expecting the children to pay for it.

      They also increased capital gains to tax some of the property value windfall the Lucky Born Generation have been blessed with. Not enough …yet.

      At time progresses and the UK demographic bomb explodes it will be interesting to see how quickly political parties realise that the dying property owners are outvoted by the have-not tax payers.

      That will be the point when they let inflation rip.

    • #114625

      Perhaps the forum members are not aware that 75% of the cabinet member at anythime & what ever colour of the party are property millionaires. Have you heard of Turkeys voting for christmas !!!!

      Capital gains seems a bit high & the allowances not realistic. As soon as the Government finance are in order. We will see a change what ever justification will given at the time.

    • #114626

      @mgspain. Bricks & gold has always been a hedge against inflation. In so far as old habits. I do not think many lenders will extend credit if you inform them that you would like the credit to purchase gold.

      In so far as Spain after EU. The old habit continued backed by the benefit of lower interest rates and in addition it allowed dinero negro to be used as a deposit or an out right purchase. Besides there really isnt a big market for rental due to legislations, lack of timely resolve.

    • #114640

      @shakeel wrote:

      I do not think many lenders will extend credit if you inform them that you would like the credit to purchase gold.

      Tell they you want to blow it on an expensive sports car to help you pick up women. They approve of that.

    • #114642

      The women you pick up with your sports cars will always find some one with a bigger sports car. Such is the nature of the beast. The beast in this case is the sports car.

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