As my solicitor said many years back.
Fighting in most cases will prove fruitless and very expensive with only solicitors getting financial rewards.( proved right over they years despite being banned twice and left on my own accord.(However still keep a very keen interest in a few of the value posters)
The corruption is just to deep and the only way Spain will act is if they have no other choice and thats intervention by the European Courts for embargos and stamp dated time scales with severe penalties for non compliance ( Now the European Court doing something useful is another matter).
The way the banks/developers are useing the very laws to protect us to tie the courts up to estimeted 10 years in future cases will mean there will be NO end in site until/if the market returns ,thats the game their playing.
The goverment just make silly noises that they are getting on the case and expect us to believe it.Well they would wouldnt they as we were stupid enough to trust them before and look where that got us.
Even have solicitors telling us that its no problem as if you have a bank guarantee then just issue it if the developers are a month or two late and pick up yer cheque.
yes, i shudder to think how long (if ever) it will be before justice is served on many people caught up in varoius Spanish property scams.
At least the wrong doing is being regognised though, which is more than could be said a year or two ago.
The people on here, who virtually say ‘it’s a waste of time fighting,’ are falling straight in to the hands of the bad laws and bad guys who have relied on this ‘lay down and die’ approach to further their crimes for far to long. Of course many will lose, but we still need to battle on.
Those who have won their cases, like Claire, Charlie, Suzanne, who were prepared to stand up and fight for justice are i believe, making a difference. Every case won against the bad guys/laws is a step (however slow) in the right direction.
So come on people, if you know you are in the right, and have a strong case, find yourself a good lawyer and hang in there. Cases are being won, and if Spain is ever to recover, it must know that change in justice and regulation has to be high on the list.
Well ,Well
Goodstich ( Have a nice holiday ) 😆
Claire and Charlie anyway as to get a result you do need to get your money back. ❓
Claire and Charlie did an excellent job and still do however theirs was a clear no build and even they went through hell.
Well thats 2 out of 200,000 cases.
Now what chance of a late completion or a delayed habitation licence 😯
As long as people go into paying massive solicitors costs with little chance of winning then fine.
I am doing that just now but at least I am a realist that I am in the hands of a system that was is my previous posting
But dont try to fool people with the fight for justice as the only person your kidding is yourself
As I said I do look in to view postings from some that have a valid contribution to make .
Now the sooner people involved with problems stop burying heads in the sand and take a clear and decisive approach to the present and long term situation then things will not move on as there is no knight in shinning armour coming along.
of course every case needs to taken on its own merit. We all know that late habitation, or in some cases no habitation licence, and delayed build times among others, are often nor regarded by the Spanish courts as a good enough reasons not to complete. That in itself is an appalling state of affairs that needs changing if the Spanish system wants to be taken seriously, hence my comment that many will lose.
A good lawyer though, will have a fair idea through experience how worthwhile it is taking your case to court, especially if they have won cases against those you are up against. And despite the law, what chance you stand in reality of getting justice. I’ts up to you then, fight or walk away.
I wouldn’t condone anyone throwing good money away on a hopeless case, no more than i would condone anyone letting the low life get away with daylight robbery any longer than we need to!
Years of bad practice has well and truly turned around and bitten Spain on the arse, we just need to sharpen the teeth a little!
Frank, you misunderstand me. The thing to remember about wet paint is that it always, always dries. It just takes time – and that’s the boring bit. At least, we now have the coat of primer which we didn’t have before.
Goodstitch, thanks, I like to think that sharp teeth are exactly what I have. They are being much used at the moment. What else is there to fight for other than justice?
Hi Roots
You indeed misunderstand me, some paints I am afraid dont dry.
Until Judges and the courts are made accountable for their blatant abuse of power when there is no level playing field and little justice.
Good luck to all in there own fight for justice just dont let us kid ourselves that we will make a difference.
That must come within or by powers as posted in my previous postings.
Good luck to all in there own fight for justice just dont let us kid ourselves that we will make a difference.
That must come within or by powers as posted in my previous postings.
I have to disagree with you on this one Frank.
The likes of Roots and Suzanne (and many others I know who are not involved with the SPI forum) have been absolutely admirable in writing dozens of letters to various bodies in the UK, Spain and the EU. Their persistence is beginning to pay off, noticeably with this recent court case where the EU is finally taking Spain to court. Am positive without the pressure from people via letters/petitions etc. this would not be happening. If it was left to the Spanish to make any perceivable change to their corrupt way of behavious, nothing like this would be happening.
These people who have spent endless hours letter-writing/campaigning are only to be commended for their tenacity. Fruits of this ‘labour’ are now just beginning show in the form of this court case.
P.S. No matter how cheap the paint, it will always eventually dry. 😉
Hi Charlie 😀
Think you above most know that I will never stop fighting however perhaps a bad day when I had a friend who lost a case which left me simply stunned as it was clear the Judge was bent.
4 Years 15,000 Euros in fees and left with a worthless property he can never ever sell.
Still believe everything else I posted and these courts must be made accountable and these judgements must start forming the rules of Spanish Law thats in place to protect.
There are good Solicitors and good Judges and justice should not be down to a lottery when you get to court.( They hate it more than anyone)
Better now so kick ass and keep fighting and I am with everyone just be aware of whats it front and not kid ourselves that we will get the justice everyone deserves.
The change of tactics in bringing pressure to bare where our efforts make a real collective difference is in my opinion the way forward as it aint improving.
Good luck to all in there own fight for justice just dont let us kid ourselves that we will make a difference.
That must come within or by powers as posted in my previous postings.
……….but then changed his mind (again) and said
The change of tactics in bringing pressure to bare where our efforts make a real collective difference is in my opinion the way forward as it aint improving.
……for heavens sake Frank. At least have the balls to stick with your original opinion, and not just change it because you realise it’s not agreeing with Charlie, Roots and myself.
‘Charles Svoboda, vice-president of Abusos Urbanisticos No, a campaign group that has fought the law for the past four years, said: “The commission does not take these actions if it does not intend to penalise the country concerned. It could be the beginning of the end of these laws.”
…….does sound encouraging, however ‘early days’ it might be. The letter most of us got back from our local MEP, virtually said it is not possible to put pressure on another member state, to change their laws. That statement’s starting to look very feeble in the light of this article. As well it should!
The letter most of us got back from our local MEP, virtually said it is not possible to put pressure on another member state, to change their laws.
In my view, this is a total ‘cop out’.
They spend more time working out how to get the maximum from their expenses, and how many family members they can put on their payroll. Of course they, as a group, could at least put pressure on the EU for action. The ‘will’ is just not there, cocooned in a privileged world of their own. Was disappointed to read how Michael Cashman was also ‘at it’, busy feathering his own (and partner’s) nest. Yes, he highlighted the Land Grab situation with his three ‘investigative trips’ – all very admirable. But behind the scenes he turned out to be just as self-serving as the rest of them.
All that aside, I do believe the tide is beginning to turn and Spain knows now that the EU is on their case. I put this down more to the efforts of the public than the MEP’s.
“as a group, could at least put pressure on the EU for action. “
Nobody in their right mind be asking them to change the law. The pressure is what need to be put in to see that things get looked into for the betterment of all and not a few interested parties i.e. banks, developers, lawyer etc.
” Was disappointed to read how Michael Cashman was also ‘at it’, busy feathering his own (and partner’s) nest. Yes, he highlighted the Land Grab situation with his three ‘investigative trips’ – all very admirable. But behind the scenes he turned out to be just as self-serving as the rest of them”.
The day British public wise up that their MP, MEP are in it for themselves the better it would be for the public and the reality will hit home. This in turn will also help the public to not to live in an idealistic world & the facade by the MP, MEP that they are helping public will be shattered.
“I put this down more to the efforts of the public than the MEP’s.”
Agree & what a price some of the public has paid. All this could have been avoided if the MEPs spent less time describing, what is a banana !!!!
Please re-read the whole contents of the post and refrain from just picking out snips.
Individual cases have little chance of succeeding unless the courts and judges are made accountable if not its just a lottery
Pressure needs to come from within or if not it must be from intervention from others. Is that two hard for you to understand.
I wish you well with your case and as you are aware I have problems of my own but as my friend has found out being right and have a just case is not enough and its getting worse not better.
My case is strong also but reality is I could very well lose.
Now I felt that while you were away on holiday the forum started to return some sence of balance and the Take It Outside thread was made redundent and felt perhaps it was worth posting now and again
Goodstich44 . Anyone thats knows me on the forum knows that I NEVER POST JUST TO AGREE WITH OTHERS.
The day I ever agree with anything you post I hope that someone shoots me.
Back to the same ole repeat performance forum,just for a moment I thought it just may have been returning to the days when people were interested in it.