Electricity costs went up 9pc in the second half of last year according to figures from Eurostat – and whilst not the highest rise in the EU (up 21pc in Cyprus, 15pc in Greece, 11pc in Italy, and 10pc in Ireland and Portugal) it’s up there in the group with the biggest increases last year.
Unless I’ve misunderstood the reports, we now pay €22.80/KWh in Spain, compared to an EU average of €19.70.
When it comes to gas we also have high prices in Spain: €9.10/KWh compared to an EU average of €7.90.
I for one have no doubt that home energy costs are exploding. Our last gas & electricity bill was €463.74, almost double what it was for the same period last year 😯 . We are careful about not wasting electricity, we turn of lights, we use energy saving devices. I almost choked when I got the bill. 😥