Hilarious Article from Olive Press

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    • #57969

      What next, Aliens to buy real estate? 😆 Comments section is worth the read :mrgreen:

      http://www.theolivepress.es/spain-news/2014/03 … rty-sales/

    • #119319

      I thought it was an Early April fools spoof at first. I think someone has a touch of the sun.

      The comments are definitely worth a read 😆

    • #119320

      Klingons on the Starboard Bow Cap’n 😆

    • #119322

      I can’t remember who rang me for a quote on this Knight Frank report, but not The Olive Press. I was asked for a comment on this story.

      If you bother to read my quote, you’ll see it’s quite reasonable.

      “Increased access to beautiful places like Spain nearly always drives up demand for real estate,” he said. He likened sub-orbital space travel, where craft reach supersonic speeds during a brief launch into space, to advances such as fast trains and low cost air travel.

      “Changing technology like fast trains, or new business models like low cost air travel have helped lift the demand curve. If sub-orbital space travel becomes a reality, and not just limited to billionaires, then I imagine it would increase demand for high-end property in Spain. However, I can’t see it happening anytime soon.”

      The main point of what I said was I increased access always helps lift demand, but I don’t see sub-orbital travel happening anytime soon, so I didn’t take it seriously. Next time I’ll think twice before commenting on a daft story like this.

      Some of comments below the story are ill-informed and nasty, which of course fills Katy and Angie with glee. Says a lot.

    • #119324

      No, I don’t see sub-orbital travel soon either, it was the article that was gleeful, can’t help others commenting on Olive Press, think it’s a free press 🙄

    • #119327

      @mark wrote:

      I can’t remember who rang me for a quote on this Knight Frank report, but not The Olive Press. I was asked for a comment on this story. If you bother to read my quote, you’ll see it’s quite reasonable. . .

      I agree that your quote is reasonable. And given that my travel time between homes is 17 hours (when everything works well) I look forward to the day of high-speed air travel.

      The comments are nothing new – comments are often nasty everywhere. And I suspect there are ‘generational dynamics’ at work as well.

    • #119328

      Totally agree Gary about comments are often nasty everywhere, even some aimed at posters on this site 😉 I like the reference to Generational Dynamics also known as historical methodology 😐

      I don’t think people are going to fly between the US and Spain, or from anywhere else in half-an-hour or similar for a long time to come, as they say ‘it ain’t going to happen soon’ more pie in the sky methinks 😮 😯

      ‘laughter the best medicine’ 😆 😆

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