This has gone almost unnoticed – Glenis Willmott is one of my local MEPs as is Roger Helmer who spoke strongly for us in the EP some weeks ago. Glenis has raised ‘the Spanish Question’ quite a few times in the EP and has been very encouraging to me in the past.
It is useful to know that MEPs will, on the whole, work only for their own constituents. This doesn’t mean that ALL the MEPs in other areas can’t be informed of what is happening – and I think should be informed. But we can’t expect them as a matter of course to take actions on our behalf – it’s a sort of parliamentary rule. In the light of the above Labour action, and if it makes sense to you, it might be a good idea to write to ones local MEPs expressing support for this proposal and any development from it. Let’s hope that the MEPs of other parties would then also join in. Find your MEPs here:
The EP could be very helpful to us if only they would choose to be! Think sanctions…
Also posted on EOS – ‘Rough justice yet again’ thread.
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