Sooner them than me. You have to have the relevant knowledge of cultivating the grapes, making and storing the wine, and then the marketing expertise to sell it for decent prices abroad.
Sooner them than me. You have to have the relevant knowledge of cultivating the grapes, making and storing the wine, and then the marketing expertise to sell it for decent prices abroad.
Maybe not if you’re planning on selling to the Chinese, Russians, etc. A good knowledge of hiding your profits from the local council might come in handy though.
Well the chinese are buying up stuff worldwide 🙄 In Africa they are buying huge tracts of land and deforestating it. In other parts they are heavily involved with organised poaching. They have large investments in the USA too.
I just wonder why all these vineyards have suddenly gone on sale…and why none are named 😕
I actually think that it might be a good investment as long as you try and flogg them abroad at a descent price or use the place as a vacation destination.
I have two friends in Italy who have Vineyards one in Barolo & other near Cinco Tiera. THe Vine yards have been in their family for generations. They speak with passion & states that wine is their DNA If one has that kind of pedegree that will be a good start.
I think we are thinking about the wrong sort of ‘investment’ here. Not counting revenues, considering we are talking about generally ‘new rich’ in china and russia, I can imaging there is a certain ‘prestige’ or ‘face’ value in owning a european vineyard.
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