Foreign Currency Exchange Rates

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    • #53962

      Can any recommend where to get the best exchane rates:?:

    • #82732
      Arthur Stuttard

      For small amounts use a Nationwide Credit Card for purchases and a Flex Account for cash. You will get the commercial rate without paying any commission. For larger amounts, I pay an English cheque into my Spanish Bank Account. Again you get the commercial rate and pay 0.2% commission. The only snag is that it takes about a month to go through by which time the exchange rate might have gone up or down!

    • #82733

      @rapp wrote:

      Can any recommend where to get the best exchane rates:?:

      Depends on how much / frequency.

      I assume you are looking to move funds for a purchase or for ongoing ownership costs etc.

      Either way, you really need to be looking at the FX traders. I personally would recommend Currencies Direct in London who have undertaken various “spot deals” for me and also make me two trades/transfers from the UK each month.

      A lot of what they do can be commission free, transfer charge free and receiving bank commission free. But you need to check this all through dependant on the deal.

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