Fools or Idiots?

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    • #53568

      I sincerely feel sorry for the GENUINE people who have be caught out withe the various irregularities that have gone on and the possibility that some could face financial ruin.
      BUT, what about those who are still putting pen to paper?
      An emloyee who is purchasing off plan in Murcia, claims that there is no such problem and that despite the site being under cevelopment for a couple of years and not one property constructed, there is nothing to worry about and that it will be worth the wait and the money.
      Only the start of December, they had been told that prices had increased 8% in 2007.
      Apparently, the site does not have the building consent and the Developer’s agent blames the Town Hall, which some purchaser say they should chase the Town Hall.
      Despite the now widespread media coverage, there still seems to be many with heads in sand.
      Makes you feel more sorry for the genuine, who have gone through and going through what they are, and idiots still do not listen and learn.

    • #77259

      Its people like this that makes the Spanish behave the way they do. Two wrongs don’t make a right but this kind of imprudent behavior is common.

    • #77262

      @mg wrote:

      I sincerely feel sorry for the GENUINE people who have be caught out withe the various irregularities that have gone on and the possibility that some could face financial ruin.
      BUT, what about those who are still putting pen to paper?…

      Yes, there were a few posts late last year from folk who were still looking to buy as an investment and asking for advice on which area (if I recall correctly) to buy in. Not whether this was actually a good idea. I recall one in particular, mentioning they had recently sold up in Florida and were now looking to invest in Spain. Made me think at least they were consistent in their choice, from one disaster straight into another. I truly hope they didn’t commit.

      Fortunately, there doesn’t appear to be any postings seeking similar advice since. It makes me wonder if these folk actually read through any of the posts on here let alone listen to what is going on all around them in the media and at grass roots levels. As I said before, stick your cash in the building society for now…

    • #77279

      @shakeel wrote:

      Its people like this that makes the Spanish behave the way they do. Two wrongs don’t make a right but this kind of imprudent behavior is common.


      In simple terms any decent lawyer should check Note Simple, Building License and Bank Guarantee and if it doesnt have all 3 stay well away.

    • #77292

      What in the case of the couple whose house was demolished, they had everything 😯

      I have no interest in talking down the market as I have a considerable investment here. (at least no mortgage!) but I think anyone buying just now is a fool. Unless they are just desperate to live in Spain.

    • #77344

      @MrBen wrote:

      It makes me wonder if these folk actually read through any of the posts on here let alone listen to what is going on all around them in the media and at grass roots levels. As I said before, stick your cash in the building society for now…

      My experience is that they don’t want to be confused with details. They find someone that they can trust and then they just keep nodding as they are told what a great decision they are making right up until they sign something and then they are on their own.

      I think the corredors actually believe what the are saying sometimes. They don’t want to be bad people but they really want the money. So in conversation with a corredor I was pointing out the stupidity of a woman in the town, she was an airhead who had convinced herself that she was actually Spanish (although yet to learn the language). The corredor defended her telling me that as she had recently put a deposit on a number of off plan properties that she couldn’t be that stupid.

      We’ve witnessed the madness of crowds. I’m tempted to return this year to see what the general feeling is like but it may be too distressing and so better to wait until the froth has been blown off.

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