Doom & Gloom……

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    • #55489

      Please say this is a very very pessimistic view!

      If Spain Goes Down, The ENTIRE Global Economy Is In Trouble


    • #97547

      @Sonsoles wrote:

      Please say this is a very very pessimistic view!

      If Spain Goes Down, The ENTIRE Global Economy Is In Trouble


      People, buy more houses in Spain, please!

    • #97548

      I love the sentence:
      Spanish officials’ lashing out at indistinct foreign culprits is a precursor of what to expect, Henisz says.

      Witold Henisz is referring to how the Spanish have been blaming everyone else but themselves for their economic woes.
      But the same scenario goes on when it comes to who’s to blame for the illegal builds. It’s all down to them ‘foreign culprits’, innit – nothing to do with internal corruption. 😆

      Flosmichael – you’re flogging a dead horse there, mate. In the past, depending on the property market to keep Spain floating is precisely why they’re in such doo-doos now. It’s about time they thought of something else to get their economy back on track. But you could always buy a few to help them on their way. 😉

    • #97549

      “People, buy more houses in Spain, please!”

      purchasing an illegal built will make us a complice.

    • #97558

      @charlie wrote:

      Flosmichael – you’re flogging a dead horse there, mate. In the past, depending on the property market to keep Spain floating is precisely why they’re in such doo-doos now. It’s about time they thought of something else to get their economy back on track. But you could always buy a few to help them on their way. 😉

      I guess you lost your sense of humour… 🙄

      On the other hand, you wanted to buy a property in Spain, not me.
      So you were planning to support the floating of Spain… 😀

    • #97559


      just how predictable is this sort of report?. How long will it take Spain to accept the current mess is all of it’s own making. Talk about banging your head against a wall!!

    • #97562

      Spain have basically ignored their problems and corrupt property market for years, they also continue to ‘shoot themselves in the foot’ by increasing costs and taxes on property, it’s no wonder they’re in a financial mess.

      Ironically, blaming everyone but themselves is not unlike Messrs Brown and Darling as well as Mervyn King of the BOE who continually blame all of Britain’s financial woes on ‘ the Global crisis’. We all know this scurrulous bunch allowed the asset bubbles to grow and then burst, the fat cat bonus culture of Banks etc, the negligent ‘turn a blind eye’ lending on self cert mortgages etc etc and of course they’re now allowing much of this to start all over again whilst feathering their own deep pockets as Blair has done.

      There is a general obscene greed culture it seems in Governments wherever, including Spain’s!!!

    • #97566


      great isn’t it, yet those at the other end of the pay scale will no doubt be told they have no right to strike for an extra few pounds. (especially if the tories get in!)

    • #97568

      Hi Goodstich, amazing news in the Press today!

      We have Blair who led the UK into an illegal war and lots of other poor decisions with his Chancellor then, Brown the buffoon allowing boom and bust. Now he’s really creaming the coffers for himself and family £20 mill reported in the Press. How many lost their jobs because of them?

      Adam Crozier failed Royal Mail Boss now offered £18 mill package as head of ITV which includes a ‘golden hello’ of £2.9 mill before ballsing that job up.

      Ex RBS Chairman now getting a £13 mill pension pot, and this after Fraud Goodwin’s pension pot.

      It bloody beggars belief, Reward for Failure which Buffoon Brown pledged to stop.

      How many people have lost their jobs because of these fat cat Bastardos?

      Then of course there’s the corrupt Spanish Gov’t. I mustn’t get started!!!

      I’ll have a drink instead 😉

    • #97571

      @flosmichael wrote:

      I guess you lost your sense of humour…

      What, me?? Never. 😆

      This is you on SPI in 2008 wanting to buy a property:

      I decided to put the money I save into a deposit for a house in Spain.
      I expect 50K-60K Euros to get me a 1 bedroom apartment close to sea or Sierra Nevada.
      I have enough time to wait till the prices come down to the amount of money I save. I expect that in 2010 I shall have enough. If not, 2012 would also be OK.
      But remember, I said HARD cash. 50K Euros counted on the table. They might get to 63K in 4 years with the 6% ISA account…

      With all that “HARD cash” (counted on the table no less), my suggestion that you might like to “buy a few” properties to help the Spanish economy along was just my little joke.
      You see I haven’t lost my sense of humour. 😀

    • #97572

      Angie and Goodstich –

      well, I never thought I’d see the day. Our very own ‘Doom and Gloom’ thread!!!
      And no-one will be able to complain that we’re being too doomy-gloomy. 😀

      Actually you know things are getting ‘beyond desperate’ when even the Bank Manager nicks a million euros from his bank (as happened in Cáceres) and does a runner. Apparently he emptied the accounts of friends and family in this village of just 2000 people. He even emptied his son’s Study Fund. With the whole village – and no doubt his wife and son – baying for blood, I just hope he organised himself a good escape plan.

    • #97574

      @charlie wrote:

      @flosmichael wrote:

      I guess you lost your sense of humour…

      What, me?? Never. 😆

      This is you on SPI in 2008 wanting to buy a property:

      I decided to put the money I save into a deposit for a house in Spain.
      I expect 50K-60K Euros to get me a 1 bedroom apartment close to sea or Sierra Nevada.
      I have enough time to wait till the prices come down to the amount of money I save. I expect that in 2010 I shall have enough. If not, 2012 would also be OK.
      But remember, I said HARD cash. 50K Euros counted on the table. They might get to 63K in 4 years with the 6% ISA account…

      With all that “HARD cash” (counted on the table no less), my suggestion that you might like to “buy a few” properties to help the Spanish economy along was just my little joke.
      You see I haven’t lost my sense of humour. 😀

      If that was your sense of humour, I wondered how it is when you are serious… 🙄 How grumpy/impolite can it get?

    • #97575

      Oh put your handbag down and lighten up.

      As for me ‘impolite’ – after some of the things you’ve said when slagging off the Greeks, that rather takes the biscuit doesn’t it??
      My Greek friends had an alternative adjective for you when they read your posts but unfortunately it doesn’t translate well!

    • #97578

      You asked Charlie the question:
      How grumpy/impolite can it get?
      A grumpy Charlie is not something you wanna experience. 😉 Believe me…it’s not pretty. A bit like a Rottweiler that’s had it’s backside stung by a bee!!

    • #97579

      Rubbish. 😆

      I only get grumpy when I think of Gordon Brown and what he and his bunch of morons have done to the UK over the years….. 👿
      Now there’s doom and gloom for you.

    • #97580

      @charlie wrote:

      Oh put your handbag down and lighten up.

      As for me ‘impolite’ – after some of the things you’ve said when slagging off the Greeks, that rather takes the biscuit doesn’t it??
      My Greek friends had an alternative adjective for you when they read your posts but unfortunately it doesn’t translate well!

      What about you slaging off the immigrants like a right-wing Daily Mail lover extremist? Happy that you are not representative for the British society.

      There is smart sense of humour and grumpy sense of humour.

      I wish Mark would allow me to put people like you on ignore so that I do not need to see all your rubbish poosted on public forums.

    • #97581


      well I know many would agree with you, but I don’t on this one. I have no faith that the tories would have made a better job, and who knows for sure, they could have made a worse one? Issues like the banks fiasco make me as angry as anyone, but I think (like the war) it would have happened under either party. Is there really much to split them now?

      From a personal point of view and having watched the sport relief last night, it reminded me just how much we really should look out for those not so fortunate. The Labour party was formed on that basis, and though it’s strayed far from it’s roots, I feel it’s still more likely to support those in need, as much as the tories will still continue to support the better off and the issues like the foul blood sports that often go hand in hand!

      ……..apart from that, I think we are pretty well in tune with each other!

    • #97582

      Ok flosmichael – you’re obviously determined to have a grumpy Saturday. 🙄

      Firstly, I’ve never slagged off immigrants – only the impact of mass immigration. Having said that, your arrogance/attitude is fairly typical of some of them who have moved to UK. Shouting your mouth off and criticising the Brits. So what if I begrudge our open door immigration policy – if that makes me a ‘right-wing extremist’ in your eyes (I hope you’re having a laugh) so be it. Being called an extremist by an immigrant is exactly what I’m talking about when I say ‘arrogance’.

      I make no secret that it makes me feel sick that many immigrants are milking the benefit system when our oldies are living (and dying) on the bread line. Retirement pension rise to be announced this coming budget? Someone I know has just been informed they’ll be getting £1.60 per week rise.
      So yes, I repeat openly – I begrudge our open-door immigration policy. It’s my country and I have the right to do so.

      As for not being representative of British society about this, a recent poll showed that over 80% are also concerned about mass immigration. So it looks like I am representative despite what fantasy ideas you have.

      Secondly, re. not wanting to read my ‘rubbish’ – I’ll give you a tip. When you see the poster is ‘Charlie’, just skip it. I do that with most of yours.

    • #97583

      Hi goodstich

      Would we have gone to war under the Tories?

      Now that is a huge question. I know the Tories supported the motion in the H of C at the time but remember this was based on the ‘bull’ and lies on WMD al la Tony Blair. When the truth was out, if I remember correctly, the Tories have stated that knowing the truth they would not have supported the war.

      I’m really not so sure Iain Duncan Smith (I just had to Google that, I’d lost track who was leader of the opposition at the time!) would have been Bush’s playtoy like Blair was. I just can’t imagine him as gung-ho somehow. No, on reflection, I don’t think he would have pushed/rushed us into war. Though he did say once we must ‘never underestimate a quiet man’. 😆

      The problem for me re. Labour is how they have blatantly betrayed their own promises, like the referendum on the EU. It was in their manifesto for goodness sake – how can anyone trust what they promise in the run-up to this election? Yes, both parties have been known to renegade on manifesto promises in the past but never on something so huge.

      The blatant lie at the Chilcott Inquiry was breathtaking, so was Brown’s calm u-turn about it at PMQ’s. This Inquiry had the same status as a court i.e. what you say is like being on oath but lies seem to be just a way of life and when you’re caught out you just shrug your shoulders (and probably whisper “$%^&* under your breath).

      Yes, our politics have always been poles apart, but I still and always will respect you because you’re capable of polite debate about it. 😉

      You always know when someone has lost the debate when they resort to name-slinging. Right-wing extremist indeed….does that put me one step away from being a terrorist I wonder ❓ 😯

    • #97584


      I agree on the immigration point, it really is a big worry, but it has to be handled very carefully to avoid hitting the wrong people. I feel terrorist sympathisers should be kicked out of the country very fast! Benefit fraud or the very relaxed policy is also something that desperately needs looking at, as does pension etc. The crazy bank bonus/fat cat situation also.

      These and the debt situation are I think the issues that probably bother the majority the most, whoever they support at election time?, but do we have a party who will listen and take action without alienating huge segments of society?

    • #97585


      where’s Screaming Lord Sutch when we need him???

    • #97586

      “but do we have a party who will listen and take action without alienating huge segments of society”?

      We (supposedly) live in a democracy so alienating huge sements of society is just tough cookie – decisions and policies should be about what the majority want.

      Do we have a party who will listen? I fear that vested interests will always get in the way, whatever the party.[/i]

    • #97587

      Screaming Lord Sutch?
      I think he’s retired (or dead) as the Monster Raving Loony Party is now run by Howling ‘Laud’ Hope.

      Incidentally, he’s running against Cameron in Witney!

      * A doom and gloom footnote: Have just checked, David Sutch hung himself in 1999.

    • #97589

      @charlie wrote:

      Having said that, your arrogance/attitude is fairly typical of some of them who have moved to UK. Shouting your mouth off and criticising the Brits.
      Secondly, re. not wanting to read my ‘rubbish’ – I’ll give you a tip. When you see the poster is ‘Charlie’, just skip it. I do that with most of yours.

      Before putting you on ignore: I never criticize the Brits in general. I like living here.

      I only have a grudge against Brits like you, same I would have a grudge against any grumpy person of any nationality.

      I came here to contribute to educating the British youngs. I do not know and I do not care why you went to Greece.

      Have a nice life and please be a decent person and never reply to any of my postings on this Forum.

    • #97590

      … long as temptation doesn’t get in the way.

    • #97591

      Where/how did you come up with the impression that Charlie is a grumpy person?
      Even if it was true that she is “grumpy” (which she isn’t..far from it) she is certainly not alone on this forum.

    • #97598

      Returning to Sonsoles opening post, local Town Halls in Spain are apparently on the edge of financial collapse, total debt across the country reaching 35 billion Euro.

      “Many have been hard hit by the collapse in the building market, as 30% of their income on average used to come from construction”.
      I’m surprised, I would have thought a higher percentage.

      It gives an idea how the government/country as a whole is going to struggle without the property taxes it enjoyed during the boom. From where will Spain try to replace this hole in their revenue?

      edited to correct link.

    • #97608

      I expect El Ejido town council has not been helped by the mayor stealing around 120 Million Euros.

      He’s still in prison awaiting trial, bail refused, but still receiving his salary. He received 16,000 Euros in December as he was paid the extra 13 months salary.

      Seriously you couldn’t make this stuff up even if you tried!!! But in Spain I guess anything is possible!

    • #97609


      My God you are one hell of a woman, can you cook as well? 😆

      In fact you are the new Mrs T, you’ve got my vote


    • #97610

      Am re-posting the link as the other one doesn’t seem to work.

      “Many are now planning sackings and increased taxes to survive”.
      Oh dear, there are going to be some unhappy Spanish bunnies this year.

    • #97611

      @Stevev6 wrote:


      My God you are one hell of a woman, can you cook as well? 😆

      Steve – behave yourself.

      Actually I’m knocking up a rather tasty Chicken Teriyaki while I type. 😆

      As for Mrs. T –
      I would admit she’s my hero but goodstich will bite m’ bum if I say that (…..not his favourite person).

    • #97612


      Be careful there’s nothing worse than a sticky key pad 😆


    • #97613

      No probs. – have my pinnie on with a little hand towel hanging out the pocket!
      Anything tasty on the keypad/mouse, my cat licks off.

    • #97662

      Charlie, goodstich – you just can’t beat our own Doom and Gloom thread to cheer us up as you say, so not all bad! 🙄

      Years of austerity to come in the UK, and the PIGS’ countries, possible gyros or euro drachma/peseta,lira/escudo type devalued currencies.

      Please no more Brown and Darling, Zapatero, Berlosconi, Zorba the Greek et al.

      They all blame the ‘Global Crisis’ but never themselves, but they all feather their nests like Blair is doing.

      What a load of plonkers!! 😉

    • #97663


      quite right, but you forgot to include the leaders of the opposition in that list……..or should we wait for a months after the election to confirm that? (assuming they get in of course?)

    • #97665

      What a load of plonkers!! :wink:[/quote]

      that load of plonkers will be emigrating to the sunshine and will be able to afford it with our cash they creamed off in expences and the nice little pension we will continue to pay them no matter how bad they have proved to be at their jobs.if the rest of us were as incompitant(sp) we would all be on the dole with no prospect of being employed

    • #97670

      ……..along with a bunch of bankers!!

    • #97676

      It will be tough whoever gets in goodstich, it’s just that I can’t stand the sight of Brown, Darling and that creep Mandelson plus a few more of their cronies like Blears and Jacqui evil Smith for another 5 years.

      How absurd is this? The Banks and B. Society lenders have rejected the FSA request for an end to ‘liar loans’ ie the self cert/non-status say what you want earnings which accounted for 47% of all morgages at the boom in the UK which by all accounts was mainly responsible for the inflated property boom.

      They never learn, and as I said before, everyone in Politics and Finance, Gov’t etc seems hellbent on feathering their own nests at the expense of ordinary folk, whether Uk, Spain, Greece or anywhere.

    • #97678

      Charlie and Goodstich should form a coalition government comprising elected members only, so no Mandelsons or any other of his mates from the unelected House of Lords.

    • #97680


      yes, I think a lot feel like you do about them, and probably rightly so, but I still see the Tories as the sleaziest of them all. Alan Bastard springs to mind!, and I still think thatcher has a 666 tatooed somewhere!! I am aware of the good things they have done though of course, but I feel that left to their own devices they will go back to looking after the wealthy at the expense of the not so wealthy, and I detest that attitude. Until I feel sure that attitude is history, I could never support them. Having said all that, I think the parties could barely be split by a fag paper these days on most issues unless we see big change soon?

      I think your last paragraph sums it all up though, just all feathering their own nest and I think pretty much a law unto themselves. The recent unrest with planes and trains is a looming disaster, but perhaps inevitable while the highest wage earners insist on taking the p*ss out of us all with their ridiulous wages, bonuses and pensions. I think cut backs must be on a ”do as I do” basis, and not just ”do as I say”

    • #97710

      Goodstich, I will never forget Thatcher and how she went meglomanic having started quite well in her early years, then drab Major.

      IMO both main Parties always promise a lot at first then they both f— the economy up one way or other, it’s just at the moment I can’t stand the sight of Brown and his cronies anymore.

      If only there was a Vince Cable Party on it’s own!

    • #97712

      Whichever Government is in power they get tired and complacent after a term. It is time for a change. What has the Labour party done in the past 12 years ❓ except raise taxes and take us into a disasterous war 😥

    • #97713

      Well I do agree katy, I think it’s time for a change just to clear the air and the faces, they are tired as you say and we’re pretty tired of them, I don’t think the feelgood factor will come back though for a long time.

      What really bugs me though is that Brown, Darling, Mandelson and any of their Ministers always spout the same drivel about ‘Global Recession’, ‘it’s a World problem’ etc etc wheras the same crew made our problems far worse than they should be because of lack of regulation whilst allowing unrestricted Boom then Bust.

      Never once have they aceepted any blame themselves for our financial mess.

      As for them saying ‘it’s Global’, apparently Australia never entered recession because of their prudence and tight fiscal policy.

    • #97715

      Don’t write off Labour’s chances of winning, they’re about to bring out their Big Gun…..TONY BLAIR. Apparently he’s being brought out of the woodwork to “to boost Labour’s election hopes” at a speech tomorrow. I wonder what his fee will be!

      I can’t wait to hear he’s oh so reassuring words:

      “We’re not perfect, and yes we’ve made mistakes

      ….pause for dramatic effect and accompanying frown to show sincerity when he concludes….

      “…but we’re listening”

    • #97719


      I think you are probably right, about not writing off labour’s chance off winning. The lack of faith in the opposition to make a better job than labour have in the last 12 twelve years, speaks volumes about confidence in the tories.

    • #98150
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