Less than 50 euros. That’s what the Notary charges you. Another thing is what the lawyer charge you for his job ( he has to draft the document himself). If you’ve already paid him the 1 % it should be free. We’ve never charged a client a separate fee for a requerimiento.
Yes, it’s excessive because the Requerimiento Notarial is to declare the contract null and void. The lawyer had already been paid 1% which includes this contingency. Happy New Year to you Claire !
We paid our original lawyer, the one that has walked off with 7000 euros of our money to cover these things, but our new one is the one wanting us to pay 600 euros JUST for the NR, on top of the money we have paid to date. They specified this €600 when we “upset” them by not paying in €485 into a private bank account of one of the lawyers who has gone on maternity leave. ( my husband sent a cheque from our Spanish bank a/c made payable to the law firm as per their headed note paper) She had her baby in December and is supposedly returning to the office in 2 weeks time. Her brother-in-law telephoned us during the Xmas holiday (he is an English lawyer) to try to sort this “problem” out. We told him that we were not prepared to pay money into any ones private a/c. We usually pay them in cash when we are in Spain, for which we have a receipt. It’s up to them where they pay the money into. We do not want to get involved in what my husband, as a chartered accountant, would call tax evasion! Apart from this “blip” everything has been fine, although we now feel things are a little sour with our relationship.