I have been looking at Corvera Golf Resort (on the web). While it looks attractive I would appreciate any input forum readers might have e.g.
Has anybody bought on Corvera?
Has anybody had any experiences in relation to purchasing there?
Has construction commenced yet
Hi Petro, we’ve brought a 2 bed 2 bath penthouse on Corvera. Infrastructure to start soon. Phase I supposed to start in June, completion of Phase I should be end of 2007. I have been told that the show room should be ready to view imminently. I have also been told that the airport has been put on hold at the request of developers of a development nearby, they say the aircraft noise will be too loud. The direction of the runway may be altered or the airport may be scrapped altogether. Either way San Javier airport extension etc. should be completed, I think, in March. As it is only 25 minutes away from Corvera, it would not be too detrimental if the new airport did not go ahead. Hope this is of some use 😀
Anita, you say in post post….”I have also been told that the airport has been put on hold at the request of developers of a development nearby, they say the aircraft noise will be too loud. The direction of the runway may be altered or the airport may be scrapped altogether.”
Can I please ask where you got this information from? Was it pusblished in the local papers etc? And where can I find more details on this issue?
I got the information from another forum, goes like this:
Construction work on the new Corvera airport has been stopped following a court decision to hear the case from the construction company Armilar-Procam (Hacienda Del Alamo). They have brought the case against the government to stop the building of new airport as the noise would effect the new urbanisation they are building at the resort. they state that the noise generated by the aircraft would exceed the legal decibel noise limits with proximity to urbanised areas, planning permission for which has already been approved and work started. A solution to the problem would be to move the runways 300 metres further away, which would need new planning permissions and all the time that takes. At the moment the project for the airport has been left standing until court issues a decision as to whether it will be permanently stopped or be redrawn so that the noise levels created by the air traffic will not effect the urban areas around Fuente Alamo.
This was about a week ago, however, today I received a reply from Consejeria de Obras Publicas, Vivienda y Transportes via Murcia Turistica. It has been translated into English and I am not really sure what they are trying to say. It goes like this:
“The previous project is going to be sent to the Official Bulletin of the Region of Murcia in two weeks. There will be a period for making allegations and after that the permission for starting the works will be given for may, approximately. After that, there will be a complete study of the presented projects and the works will be commissioned from a building firm. When the works will be commissioned, the project-deadline will be approximately 24 months. So, the opening is due 2010”.
The irony of the situation is that I decided to buy an off-plan in Hacienda del Alamo 3 years ago, because I thought the new airport would enable the whole area to boom, and property prices would increase. How funny, now that it’s Hacienda themselves who are blocking the airport!
Incidentally, do you know what new motorways are being built in the area (esp. around Mazarron, and San Javier)?
I have just been informed, through an external source, that according to an article published yesterday in the spanish press, Corvera Airport has met all the necessary requirements for the plans to be passed, depsite protests from Armilar-Procam. The Ministry of the Environment only has to re-evalate any impact that the airport might have on the environment should they put in permission for a second runway, which will only be necessary once they reach 1.5 million passengers. 😀
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