Complaints to the British Consul

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    • #51925

      Some months ago someone on the forum suggested (I think it was Claire) s I get in touch with the British Consul about complaining about a lawyer in Alicante. I was given the e-mail address of Russell Thomson who was very helpful, and suggested I send him details of the complaint, as the lawyer was on his recommended list.

      I’ve just painfully written up the details, but Mr Thomson’s e–mail address is now bouncing – can anybody help? Is there a new consul?

    • #62981

      Try this…

      British Consulate
      Plaza de Calvo Sotelo, 1, 2º
      Apdo. de Correos 564
      03001 Alicante

      Tel.: 96 521 61 90
      96 521 60 22
      Fax: 96 514 05 28

      Public Office Hours:

      08:30 h -13:30 h


    • #62982

      I got the above just from a google search.
      Next listing down was this


    • #62983
    • #62984

      Unfortunately Russell Thomson left the post a few months ago. I don’t know if there has been a new appointment.

      You could try the following email address:

      which was my original contact there.

    • #62985

      This is the reason your e-mails are bouncing…..

      Resignation of Russell Thomson – Consul – Alicante – April 2006 You may recall that in March this year we wrote the epitaph for Russell Thomson – the Consul based in Alicante Spain.

      We did so because, in our experience over the past three years, he has demonstrably failed, on innumerable occasions, to properly look after the interests of British Ex Pats. That was of course exactly what he was paid to do – and yes we do speak in the past tense. Russell Thomson has at last done the decent thing and resigned from his post with immediate effect.

      We are also pleased to note that he has “chosen” to take early retirement. We are pleased because his retirement means that he cannot inflict his inadequacies and incompetence upon other Ex Pats and UK citizens who reside in, or visit, other parts of the world.

      The Costa Blanca News carried his retirement, in their 28th April 2006 edition, with the customary “well done Russell – we are all sorry to see you go etc”. Sadly the British Ex Pats Association (Spain) cannot, nor will not, join in the singing of such praises. In our experience, our Association and fellow Ex Pats have nothing to thank him for at all.

      He regularly tried to belittle our Association with his inadequate understanding and knowledge of European law, regularly advising Ex pats to totally disregard our more informed articles upon such matters. Indeed in recent months he spoke at a public meeting in Jalon (Alicante) upon the “Residence card issue” and then went on local radio in further support of his totally erroneous and misguided beliefs. These views were diametrically opposed to what the law, and indeed your Association, actually stated. Our Association believes that Ex Pats are entitled to receive a much higher level of care and support than Russell Thomson was able to deliver.

      Whilst we do sincerely wish him a happy and long retirement, we shall certainly not miss him as our Consul. We trust that the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have noted the inadequacies we Ex Pats have had to endure under Russell Thomson’s reign. Such a lack of support for Ex Pats is totally unacceptable and we trust that his permanent successor will become much more “Ex pat friendly” and actually endeavour to assist Ex pats in what can be a difficult E. U. country in which to live.

      Yes General Franco may have died, but be aware that he has now been succeeded by dozens of “replica Franco’s” in every singular Government Department and Town Hall within Spain. Hence Spain’s reticence to adhere to European Law. We strongly suspect that the only reason Spain joined the European Union, in the first place, was to become awash with European monies. We understand that Spain has been the biggest net beneficiary of E. U. funds for several years. That well is fast drying up and now we shall see exactly how much Spain really wanted to become a genuine E. U. Member state. That is exactly why a strong Consular presence is required in all British Embassy’s in Spain. Ex Pats need the protection of an effective and supportive Consular mechanism.

      Finally, for our part, the British Ex Pats Association (Spain) formally offer the hand of friendship and co-operation, to his successor, and sincerely hope that he (or she) will actively, and constructively, work with us to achieve that aim.

    • #62986

      Stewlanz wrote:
      Yes General Franco may have died, but be aware that he has now been succeeded by dozens of “replica Franco’s” in every singular Government Department and Town Hall within Spain. Hence Spain’s reticence to adhere to European Law. We strongly suspect that the only reason Spain joined the European Union, in the first place, was to become awash with European monies. We understand that Spain has been the biggest net beneficiary of E. U. funds for several years. That well is fast drying up and now we shall see exactly how much Spain really wanted to become a genuine E. U. Member state. That is exactly why a strong Consular presence is required in all British Embassy’s in Spain. Ex Pats need the protection of an effective and supportive Consular mechanism.

      Well done Stewlanz. Good piece of research which really sums up the whole Spanish scenario. 🙁

    • #62989

      Must have exported them to UK too – we know of several who “suit the clothes” and fill the shoes of such individuals. They are everywhere folks – not just in Spain!!!

    • #62994

      Thanks everyone, I’ll try the new e-mails. I can only say he was kind to me, ans promptly answered me.

      I had been deliberately not reading this forum- I found it so difficult to put a complaint together, I wanted no excuse to procrastinate.

      Obviously, I should have ben keeping up!

    • #63003

      It all depends what you think should be the job of the consul. Is it to sort out the problems of well-heeled people who buy here? this is a democratic country with a proper law process. The UK government can only protest (as in the case of the valencian land grab) but it is not in their remit to do anything more. The consulates in spain are bombarded with requests for help, even for trivial things such as the hotel room they booked on a package isn’t up to standard. They also have to handle births/deaths, disappearing persons etc. with just a few staff.

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