Channel 4 TV misleading programmes?

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    • #54719

      ‘get me out of here’ Having persuaded people to buy properties at what we now know was the very top of an inflated market etc etc, What this series has exposed however, is that the show has always been about showcasing obnoxious fortunate people while they dither and blub about their perfect home’

      Written by the S. Times ‘Choice’ critic about ‘Relocation, Relocation’ and could also be applied to ‘Million pound place in the sun’.

      Both current programmes seem so out of touch with the current property markets in the UK and abroad, out of touch with reality and how people are genuinely worried about things. Messrs Spencer and Alsop (both agents so biased), and Amanda Lamb, keep on presenting property as if it forever rises, never do they caution that property falls. Both programmes are already months out of date too. Is Channel 4 getting payment from the property industry?

      I wonder how many people have been misled into buying property at the ‘top of the market’ and in places they wouldn’t normally buy in?

      Healthy debate welcomed please 😉

    • #89916

      Angie: To buy or not to be buy is a personal choice. We take our decision & live by them. The TV programs are geared for selling airtime not to give advise. I have been on such a program & I know that their research is very basic & is no more than a local tourist or council website can provide to any Citizen.

      An informed decision is a better one even if it goes wrong. Relaying on TV presenter to make you money is very naive. If this was the case why are they presenting on TV. They should be investing and counting the dosh that they have made for themselves.

    • #89917

      I wouldn’t say Channel 4 or any other TV network goes out of it’s way to dupe people into buying at the top of the market.

      Primarily because no one knows when that will be, any more than we know when the bottom of the market is reached. It’s only after the event we know what has happened.

      The property industry has to go on, it employs millions world-wide.

      I don’t see anyone calling for the car industry to stop promoting cars even though they are suffering too.

      The simple fact is, people are still looking for and even still buying property around the world. Even in a recesssion. One of the most obvious things to do to help the family budget is to downsize their home.

      There are also many people still doing quite well in this recession and they will be looking for larger homes for their expanding families.

      We have been through recessions many times in the past 50 years, however this one has grown out of proportion in comparison to others, mainly because of the power of the vastly expanded communication industry and the power of the internet and forums like this.

      It used to be that we only heard bad news of the economy in a few TV channels at 9 or 10pm. Now we get it 24/7 from thousands of sources, this only serves to compound the same problems over and over again.

    • #89918

      The comment was actually made by the Sunday Times not me, although personally I do agree but that’s a personal opinion.

      It does annoy me that the programmes are not only out of date but out of touch with what’s happening now. Maybe a better title for a programme would be ‘reposssession, repossession’ in this market, as well as more documentation on the weakness ot sterling against the euro and how this is impacting on people buying or bought abroad.

    • #89920

      Funnily enough there was a piece in the most recent Private Eye about Relocation Relocation. It described Phil & Kirstie’s previous series as “high mortgage porn” which struck me as rather accurate.

      The fact however is that these aspirational ´lifestyle´ programmes are cheap to make and attract relatively good audiences. As long as that is the case, someone, somewhere, is going to keep on making and broadcasting them. I doubt that moaning about them on forums is going to change that fact.

    • #89921

      @angie wrote:

      Maybe a better title for a programme would be ‘reposssession, repossession’ in this market.

      Someone somewhere in a commissioning studio near you could be using that very title on a forthcoming program 💡

    • #89922

      I do think those old programmes should be taken off or edited to include a warning. Sometimes watch them when ironing. What amazing rubbish Amanda Lamb and others were saying. eg. well I have spoken to the local mayor and he says there will be not problem with………etc. I knew an Agent in one series and he had only been working in the job two weeks! They don’t show old holiday programmes when you could get a meal for 150 pesetas so why these.

      Some people are not touched by a recession. The last one was only a word to us. Even sold a house in the UK above asking price. This seems worse, maybe because our investments and income have taken a hit. I would certainly not be looking to invest in property for many years, the stock market is looking a better bet. Still money to be made with the fluctuations, some investors must have done very well over the past few months.

    • #89927

      Before Christmas I was quite active with my FX trading program on my laptop – When sterling reached €1.28 I took a short on it and cashed in at €1.05 doing very well.

      Since the new year, there has been too little movement and no indicators reliable enough to gamble which way it will go next. So I am out for the time-being.

      I looked at shares but too volatile to take a plunge for me. CFd’s have lost people a fortune and I almost got convinced to try them.

    • #89987

      Katy, I agree with you, such programmes should come with a warning that not all property continually rises, maybe a ‘warning, property purchase could damage your wealth and health’.

      As for Amanda Lamb constantly spouting that she knows the ‘latest property hotspots’ which in the 1st place was partly responsible for people buying in the sun, she has no more idea than the man in the moon, nor does Channel 4. Ms Lamb was the face of Scottish Widows not a property background, whereas Spencer and Allsop are estate agents and so want the market to boom again. What does Spencer know about the Berlin market which he went to with 2 more non buyers? 😉

    • #89989
    • #89990

      Good spot Charlie.

      I love the comment that has been added to the article – “Welcome to the real world”. 😆

    • #90097

      Thanks for that charlie.

      A year ago Phil Spencer was on a panel on BBC2 predicting the UK’s property market, guess what, biased Spencer called it totally wrong saying it would rise by at least 10% when we all now know it fell on average 16% but a lot more in places, he was out by over 26%.

      Both he and Kirstie Allsop are estate agents and Channel 4 constantly use them to promote the housing market, as does the equally biased Daily Express with it’s misleading headlines.

      As for Amanda Lamb, I would not trust any of her recommendations with a bargepole, many of her past ones are now ‘house trapped in the sun’.

      Not once does Channel 4 mention downsides to property purchase, nor awful exchange rates.

    • #90100

      Owners of a property near Jerez and featured in ‘a place in the sun’ told us they had to manufacture a problem for their first customers in that old ‘will they wont they be ready’ scenario, They had to be filmed phoning their first rental clients to say the apartment might not be ready by a specific date when they were actually on the phone to each other!

    • #90115

      Janha, it doesn’t surprise me at all that Channel 4 and other TV co’s like RETV ‘invent’ some of their content to make the progs. sound credible. To do that though is basically deceiving viewers and presumably could be reported to Ofcom (is that the correct watchdog?).

      It might then beg the question, could purchasers who’ve been duped as a result, end up suing Channel 4? 🙄

    • #90215

      I suppose they could argue it was just to give this particular programme some dramatic effect. I wasnt surprised by their story as I’ve been more suprised that every week some drama unfolded usually relating to an owner not being fully prepared or unlikely to be ready for their customers. Its more a problem if advertising properties and suggesting they are something they are not. Its like the artisitic license some agents employ when describing a property. One blurb we received advertised a property as a ‘semi ruin, liveable, with WC and shower requiring major reformation’ Further inspection showed it had four walls and a corrugated roof providing a 10 foot square room- no door, a porta loo of questionable age and a pipe protruding from high on a side wall above a gravel pit (this was the shower.) The remaining property was mounds of rubble. The only truth was that it required major reformation!!

    • #90251

      Phil Spencer business in administration

    • #90252

      @jiminspain wrote:

      Phil Spencer business in administration

      Phil Spencer, star of Channel 4’s Location, Location, Location,

      “The correction in the housing market continues to unfold with unprecedented speed,” he said.
      “Nobody can know how long this is all going to take to turn around.”

      He should have known that very well when he was shamelesslesly pumping up property on naitonal TV.

    • #90266

      I don’t feel at all sorry for Spencer (of the supercillious, smug grin). As you say flosmichael Spencer should have seen some of this coming. He totally predicted incorrectly on BBC 2 that the market would rise last year by 10% or more. He is biased because his firm Garringtons has been on a very nice earner in London telling people where and what to buy for investment and hot areas. He even managed to dupe Coutts Bankers into solely recommending his firm to their customers.

      His sidekick Kirstie Allsop is just as bad at talking the market up, and yet naughty Channel 4 keep using them as if nothing’s gone wrong with the market.

      Last night Channel 4 were airing a Place in the Sun from August 2007 and we all know what’s happened to the overseas market and the exchange rate since then. The S. Times even mentioned that this Channel never takes into account the current exchange rate. 🙄

    • #90279


      ………from 2007?. That really is irresponsible in the extreme, and downright misleading. Justs smacks of all the scams and hype that have become common place!

    • #90280

      Personally, I do not think anyone could have predicted the now “global recession”. The previous hype of the property market is miniscule on the grander scale of things. We all knew that house values were ridiculously high compared to average income. It didn’t stop people buying and selling. The merry-go-round has come to an abrupt halt.

      We have seen a rise/fall, rise /fall in our house over the last 21 years. We’re hoping it will rise again! 😕

      Still, house prices are very high where we live. My daughter and her husband are looking to buy a four bed/2 bath house…nothing grand. Having gone around EVERY estate agent in two large towns, they have been told, “We have properties up to £350,000/£400,000. (Too small) Then they go from £700,000 up for the average family house!
      House prices have not dropped much here!

    • #90281

      @Claire wrote:

      Personally, I do not think anyone could have predicted the now “global recession”. The previous hype of the property market is miniscule on the grander scale of things. We all knew that house values were ridiculously high compared to average income. It didn’t stop people buying and selling. The merry-go-round has come to an abrupt halt.

      Only on this site there were many, many people predicting the now “global recession”. And many , many others on other sites around the world. With a little bit of economic knowledge, it was extremely clear where things were heading.

      It is true, the media was hiding the facts from the uninformed people. Some probably even now do not know that the boom is over…

      About current house prices. Where I live good 3 bedroom houses with nice gardens and next to 5 excellent Grammar Schools (and in the catchment area of 2 of the best 100 primary schools in the country) went down in price from about £210K in 2007 to about
      £150 now. The bottom might be close…

    • #90284


      i meant, what have 2007 reports got to do with the current market? I’ts changing month by month. Any reports more than a few weeks old are not only useless but potentially damaging.

      Our house in UK has dropped about 10% in the last 12 months.

    • #90285

      I understood your comment Goodstitch. 🙂 I was just going off at a tangent! (Sorry).
      I wrote a reply to Flosmichael, but hit “something” and lost the post! 😕
      Anyway, I well remember the “forecast” of how bad it was going to get economically. Just never thought it would be this bad! Did anyone?
      I’m sure Phil Spencer will bounce back. Actually, I enjoy watching Location, Location, Location, for entertainment and seeing other properties that I would not otherwise see.

    • #90286

      @Claire wrote:

      Anyway, I well remember the “forcast” of how bad it was going to get economically. Just never thought it would be this bad! Did anyone?

      I do not think it is yet bad at all. If they (whoever is really in charge) manage to stabilize the economies this year and stop free-falling, then we would have avoided the real crisis.
      But things will get worse even in the most optimistic scenario, before they get better.

      In the second or the less optimistic scenario, Eastern European economies will crash, Germany will not be able to export much and PIGS countries will all be bankrupt (together with many others). The cost of houses will be the least concern.

      I do not even want to think about the third and pessimistic scenario.

      About forecasts: there are people who need to present official statements who cannot
      say that things are bad as they realy are because then everybody will panic.

    • #90287

      ……..well at least it’s not raining.

    • #90288

      Areas where ‘house prices have not fallen much’.

      It’s true these areas are mentioned in the UK, but if you speak to the more informed let’s say more honest agents, they will tell you that the reason prices have not fallen much is that vendors are unrealistically pricing their houses and won’t reduce them because they are indignant.

      They then say that many such properties won’t sell in that case. They may not have fallen, but they are only worth what someone will pay which is not what they are priced at unless of course they are special in some way.

      The UK market is predicted to fall at least 10% this year having fallen on average 16% last year whilst many areas of the Country have experienced 30% and more falls.

      The picture is fragmented because some areas outperform others but with mortgages still hard to come by, things look bleak for a while.

      Will Hutton a TV financial guru with some sense like Roger Bootle economist, both reckon that 2007 prices will not come back until 2015.

      Phil Spencer knew no more than the average person on the street and he constantly talked it up for his own ends.

    • #90290


      i really wonder just how long it will take to go back to 2007 prices? If the banks have learned a lesson, by going back to the lending 2-3 x salary max, will enough people be able to get on the first rung to create a big enough demand for price increases? I guess it will turn around again, but could be a long long while?

    • #90291

      @goodstich44 wrote:

      ……..well at least it’s not raining.

      Well…it is here…..things have got that bad already! 😉

    • #90295
      Claire wrote:
      goodstich44 wrote:
      ……..well at least it’s not raining.

      Well…it is here…..things have got that bad already! 😉

      “We ain´t seen nothing yet”!!. It is going to get a lot worse.

      The reason why most people did not see the recession coming was due to politicians conning them into believing that the boom would last for ever.

      Blair won three elections on lies about the economy, the Cobbler lied to the Spanish people before the last general election, all the signs were there that the effluent was about to hit the fan but he and Solbes, the economy minister stated up to the day of the election that the Spanish economy was soundly based and that growth would be 2%, that was for year 2008.

      The world is in a mess, Russia is almost bankcrupt again, the former eastern bloc countries , Ukraine, Bulgaria , Rumania ,Poland etc are not far off. Anything could happen in China. The Asian stock markets were very weak today, the FTSE is down almost 100 points.

      Back to the morality of Channel 4, I have not seen the programmes but if everything on this forum is true the presenters, authorities should be shot.

      In society today, so called celebs , who mostly are tramps ,will recommend anything so long as they get a big fee. So called “experts” have just jumped on the latest bandwaggon, 10years ago it was double glazing, then property, then ……. Whatever the bandwaggon is they jump on it, the fact they know nothing about the market is irrelevant they
      see it as a licence to print money. if people(punters,mugs) get hurt is of no consequence to them.

      I remember a programme on the radio from the UK I listened to on the internet, a “property expert” she sounded about 20 years of age was advising everyone to buy in Spain, the date was late 2007 or early 2008.
      She was talking such rubbish I tried to phone the radio station but the line was always busy , so sent an e mail commenting that she was talking nonsense in general and in respect of the LRAU land law in Valencia rubbish in particular. Much to my surprise the presenter read out most of my e mail, this “expert” said that the LRAU land law was only to protect
      the environment and was of no interest to property buyer. I wonder what she would say now, as 20,000 names have been presented IN A PETICION to the European Council about abuses from the LRAU laws. On reflection I expect the “property expert” is now a beauty consultant or whatever the new “hot” business is.

      Everyone should beware of false prophets bringing promises of “green shoots”. Beware of local newspapers and radio stations promising as the Master said”Better times are just around the corner” in reply to that it is going to be a very long corner ,could take 4-5 years to negotiate it.

    • #90301

      @135yearswaiting wrote:

      @Claire wrote:

      @goodstich44 wrote:

      ……..well at least it’s not raining.

      Well…it is here…..things have got that bad already! 😉

      “We ain´t seen nothing yet”!!. It is going to get a lot worse.

      Well, the optimistic scenario is vanishing faster that I thought.
      Saab is bankrupt, two biggest Banks in USA are going bankrupt, UK will have a 2 trillion debt. As they say, we will have many interesting stories to tell our grandchildren if we get through this.

    • #90307

      The backside has fallen out the DOW this afternoon as well, brace yourself for the ftse opening on Monday.

    • #90310
      jwc wrote:
      The backside has fallen out the DOW this afternoon as well, brace yourself for the ftse opening on Monday.

      The Spanish Market finished at the low of the day, Banks came under extreme pressure, big sell off of Banco Sabadell and Santander near the finish. Even my least favourite company in Spain, Telefonica has dropped a lot this week, after being recommended by many share tipsters as a good buy, so far they have been a goodbye.

    • #90352

      In the Sunday Times Property section, there is an awful lot of ‘talking the market up’ in the UK but I suspect by those with a vested interest such as the: buy to let brigade, estate agents and several financial ‘experts’ as they like to call themselves.

      Brown and his Gov’t are so desperate for the property market to rise because this then makes people spend money. His current proposals he hopes will cause another boom which will bust again. There is a real danger of talking people into buying property which has further to fall. Of course he will no longer be around to see his policies fail miserably again and again.

      Newspapers are losing advertising revenue and are now trying to be more positive for their own revenue stream, the Telegraph recently admitted this fact.

      It’s all so manipulated by the Gov’t, the BOE, the media and of course Channel 4 TV. 🙄

      Not once did any of them suggest the huge BTL brigade encouraged by cheap borrowing, contribute to the high property prices. One couple, the Wilsons in Kent bought 700 properties which stopped 1st time buyers from buying because prices rose dramatically, and now the Wilsons are benefitting by falling interest rates on their Tracker mortgages designed by Brown and King etc.

    • #90416

      I think we’ve had this ” A Place In The Sun” discussion before!

      The showing of old (and out of date) editions of APITS etc is one of the consequences of having 600 channels, 24 hours a day! The broadcasters need programmes to fill them!

      The credits clearly show when programmes were made and “Place” always lists the month and year of the currency calculations.

      These programmes are the modern equivalents of the old travelogues. Surely no one buys a foreign property bvased on something they’ve seen on a five years old edition of APITS?

      Regarding Phil Spencer et al, I suppose it just shows that “nobody knows anything”!

    • #90428

      @DrRobert wrote:

      Regarding Phil Spencer et al, I suppose it just shows that “nobody knows anything”!

      That’s the bottom line, everything else is supposition and guess work.

    • #90445

      Out of interest, the BBC shows repeats for ‘To buy or not to buy’, the difference being they clearly show in capitals ‘Prices Correct as at 2007’ for instance, for several minutes next to the property they are showing.

      A complete contrast to the misleading Channel 4 vague reference in small print at the end of their progs., who incidentally are getting worse and aired a ‘Location Location’ last night from 2005/6, with an also out of date update from October 2007 saying how much prices had risen by then, but not further updated to say how prices have since fallen.

      Deception, misleading IMO!

    • #90448

      “Deception” is a tad strong. You noticed the production dates (which are hardly “vague”) and I would imagine most other viewers would as well.

      Also, is there actually anybody likely to be watching a property programme that doesn’t know prices have fallen? It isn’t the first time it’s happened, after all!

    • #90472

      You can tell the programmes are out of date as Amanda lamb is much porkier these days.

    • #90498

      IMO the word ‘deception’ is a tad weak in describing Channel 4 when misleading viewers. I know for fact that quite a few people I’ve spoken to just have not noticed their ‘vague’ reference to the date of the programme until it’s pointed out, whereas the Beeb’s couldn’t be missed.

      Airing such out of date progs. doesn’t help anyone save for the fact that they see other countries or parts of the UK. They are not at all reflective of the state of the market not the sate of the exchange rate, both facts endorsed by the Sunday Times Comments section of the Culture magazine.

      If anyone contacts Channel 4 on


      they reply, but actually do nothing about it, they’re not concerned!

      People still get misled by media, it’s a fact, that’s why this is being pointed out! 😆

    • #90516

      Compaints should be directed to OFCOM, the broadcast watchdog.

      “Deception”, by the way, is illegal. If Channel 4 were practicing it, they could be prosecuted.

      In terms of the “vague” reference to the date the programme was made, yes, you do have to be reading the credits at the end of the programme, whereas the BBC have inserted the date into the body of the programme. This requires time in an edit suite. The BBC have in-house facilities so it doesn’t cost them anything. All C4’s programmes are made by independent production companies who have to buy in facilities.

      They are unlikely to do this when the dates are clearly quoted. Which they are.

    • #90577

      Ofcom will be duly informed, whilst I agrre this time with most of your points, Channel 4 could do more by dating the programmes more clearly and airing current problems etc, I’m sure the property industry will benefit long term if they did as the BBC for example.

    • #90578


      I agree. This is deception. If the correct warnings regarding dates are not shown at the the same time as spoken details, then what else could it be?

    • #90612

      Thanks Goodstich, however when Channel 4 are emailed they always send out the same sort of ‘stock’ reply ie ‘we will inform the production team’ but they have no desire to update or change anything, which in my book is still misleading to the unwary.

      However, I doubt that there are many buyers of property out there anyway. 😉

    • #90614

      Anyone remember any of the misleading statements made by Amanda et al? Here’s two:

      “I have been talking to the Mayor and he says you will have no problem with extending….etc.”

      “This property can be rented out for 500 in summer and 300 in winter…It would pay your mortgage”

    • #90664

      Can’t comment on the “talking to the mayor” point, but the “renting out” information refers to (here we go again……) the time the programme was made. Which is displayed at the end of the programme, amongst the credits.

    • #90666

      The renting out figures weren’t even feasible whatever year!

    • #90669

      I enjoy watching all the property programmes, even 2nd + time around, and now as then I always smile when renting is mentioned because
      when the presenters say “CAN be rented out at”one can see the pound signs flashing in the prospective buyers eyes 🙄
      This is neither a lie nor deception but carefully worded re the going rate IF you are able to find tenants.
      Something that doesn’t seem to register in peoples brains.

      However cannot really believe that most viewers are as gullible as this thread seems to think.

    • #90671


      I can’t believe that anyone would be gullible enough to think that a report on the TV today that talks about the financial climate in Spain two years ago, without a warning splashed all over the screen, is anything else but deception?

      how many bother to read credits at the end, and why should they have to?

    • #90672

      The point I was trying to make that 2 years or whenever in the past these programmes were made I thought the investment and rental potential was a joke then and NEVER believed it.
      If viewers believe it without doing independant research then I am at a loss for words.
      However don’t think any law ,anywhere, can stop idiots when pound signs take over brain cells.

      In the turbulent world of finance I do think owning property,IF one can afford it, is a better bet because one does have more control. But for me it would only be in UK where I know the system.

      Actually always thought for 99% of the clients it was just a free holiday and 30 mins of fame because very very few appear to have committed.

    • #90673

      I didn’t believe either but the old saying “If it’s in the press it must be true” still stands. Many of those programmes are from 2002. On the basis of one programme many years ago I heard a serious comment re. Florida which stated that if 3 houses were purchased then permanent residence in the USA could be obtained. I thought that there was a new loophole and researched…of course, it was a deliberate lie. I am sure many must have fallen for it.

      I believe that these programmes should carry a disclaimer at the beginning stating that they are for entertainment purposes only.

    • #90674

      @Melosine wrote:

      However don’t think any law ,anywhere, can stop idiots when pound signs take over brain cells.

      Idiots can only be stopped by banks, who can refuse offering mortgages.
      Idiots can pay with their own money (in cash), but I am sure that they will then think 100 times before commiting…

    • #90676

      melosine, you are clearly astute enough to see through these programmes and their out of date and misleading content, however do spare a thought for those who don’t see through them nor see the date lost in the end credits because they may have switched over.

      We’re just hoping Channel 4 and R.E. TV etc air current facts and figures designed to actually help those considering moving whether in UK or abroad, rather than these old and dated, factually incorrect programmes! 8)

    • #90677


      I think we all agree that very few would be daft enough to invest on the strength of an outdated report, but I still think a line should be drawn where deception is concerned. I feel any consumer type prog’ should have relavent dates very clearly splashed all over them. The question of transparancy or deception should then not be an issue. People are suspicious of Spanish property at the best of times, due to all the fraud and corruption. Anthing to reduce this reputation must help I think.

    • #90679

      Not astute but rather more doubly cautious because when programmes were first aired I felt the same way as now.
      Total Entertainment. Mas o menos.
      Just brought up with the adage “Marry in haste repent at leisure” and this I have applied to all seemingly 🙄 windfall scenarios.

      So probably tagged as one of lifes boring OF’s 😆

    • #90682

      …….hey, don’t be so hard on yourself. At least you’re boring OF with money!

    • #90683

      Did have a little money
      I bought
      in Spain ❗

    • #90685


      yes, that’s the irony of my situation. Had everthing gone right, and I had completed, I would probably be even worse off on paper in the current climate than I am now, having had it all go wrong…. If that makes sense?

      Who knows though? Long term hopefully, it will turn round again for those who did complete, and are able to sit tight and ride the storm?

      Short of a small miracle, I look like losing big time though whatever the climate!

    • #90687

      Apologies for quoting an old saying but it still applies.

      “How to gain a small fortune in Spain………bring a large one” 😆 😆

    • #90688

      ……..oh yes indeed!

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