Can anyone tell me the process for have a phone line

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    • #52306

      Can anyone tell me the process for have a phone line which can be used for Broadband Alfuir

    • #66284

      Telefonica can be an extremely difficult company to deal with and I often wonder whether they really have their heart in the fixed telephone business.

      The classic way of obtaining a phone is to ring 1004 and ask for a phone to be installed. You will need on hand your address, national identity number, a contact telephone number to be answered by a Spanish speaking friend, and your bank details. Be sure to get a reference number from Telefonica as you will need this for any subsequent complaints.

      They do have an English speaking service, but I believe better results are obtained using the normal Spanish speaking service. Get a friend to help.

      If you strike lucky and Telefonica phone you to arrange a time to install – then do not play hard to get. Whatever time they suggest is just fine. If you explain that, say, the most convenient time for you is next Tuesday between 11.30 and 12.00 then you may never hear from them again.

      In any event, be prepared for the possibility that you hear nothing from Telefonica. This is especially likely if you live in a rural area or a newly constructed urbanisation.

      If you hear nothing after a month then you must take action. If you sit patiently waiting, then Telefonica will simply bin your application.

      Best results are obtained by protesting to the Spanish national ombudsman (Defensor del Pueblo) in Madrid. A standard letter with address in Spanish can be copied from this address:

      Telefonica takes complaints from the ombudman seriously, and the ombudsman’s office is generally efficient in following up on complaints.

      Phone lines can generally be upgraded to include broadband if you live within three kilometres of the local exchange – as the line travels.

      Good luck!

    • #66288


      My solicitor did mine, although i did comptemplate using this company



    • #66361

      This is our experience of getting a phone line.

      Ordered via the web in June. Said it would be 20 days. Telefonica arrived and some neighbours were connected but sadly we weren’t on the list. When queried they said we had been installed.

      Have been fighting ever since. Have now said we will wi-fi from a neighbour so to cancel the service. Telefonica in English are yet to refund us (€94).

      Had no help from English speaking Telefonica person who denied T in E were anything to do with them and that Telefonica did not take money up-front. Said we couldn’t have a telephone installed as we were a new urbanisation. As I was just about to say my neighbours had phone lines (she insisted I meant street neighbours, not neigbours right next door) she hung up on me.

      Great service.

      Thanks for the info on the Ombudsman – will try that if our money is not refunded shortly.

    • #66367

      Telefonica in English are nothing to do with Telefonica. They just act as an intermediary and charge accordingly. Better off dealing with Telefonica direct.

    • #66375
      Fuengi (Andrew)

      one word comes to mind when thinking about telefoncia.


      Don’t expect fast, efficient service…

    • #66383

      My worst and most frustrating experience was trying to get a landline with Telephonica.
      Problem is,in my case anyway, they use an associate company to instal.
      A mere 500 m from the sub station, Surrounded by telephone poles. Took my fee and given the run around for 6 weeks. WHEN they eventually discovered they drove passed my house decided they couldn’t supply until we had laid trunking to the nearest pole 15m from house. No overhead cables allowed !!!!!!!
      Found a local radio system and up and running in 2 days from contacting them.
      My fee has yet to be returned.
      My neighbour who had same system installed has not yet been disconnected from Telephonica despite repeated requests.
      Just a warning.

    • #66402

      There are other companies in Spain…

    • #66408

      @mariadecastro wrote:

      There are other companies in Spain…

      …like ONO, they offer telephone, cable-tv and internet in the same line.

    • #66416

      I use ONO both at home and at the office and they are very good and set the line very fast.

      Sorry for this not-legal post!

      M. 😉

    • #66479

      Hi heiwaz

      Could you give me a bit more detail regarding ONO maybe a website or address Thanks 🙂 Steve 🙂

    • #66480
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