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    • #55214

      Gordon Brown has invited the Spanish Prime Minister to the Labour Party Conference in Brighton next week. I’ve been in touch with several labour MEPs; two in particular have said they will do their best (& ask their colleagues) to address our Spanish Property problems/issues to B & Z at the conference. I’ve also been in touch with several journalists. We shall see if any have the backbone to press for our problems to be addressed, especially as Our Petition, once again, has been ‘passed to the FCO’. Nothing has been received from the FCO since presenting the petition.

      No 10’s response to my Open Letter can be read here:

    • #94309

      Suzanne, I wish you luck, but Zapatero is not really “guiri” friendly and thinks that all the problems that extranjeros have are self inflicted ; ie the guiris built illegally; and that is the fact – they don’t care at all.( see El Pais reporting – a PSOE friendly paper).

      Apart from the fact that his country is moving inexorably towards the abyss with another 500,000 properties to be repossesed next year as the rate of default soars up as fast as the property prices are falling (look at latest stats!!!!!)

      sorry, but you need to think of a much more hard hitting tactic; all he’ll do is beam back at the question and say he’ll look into it!!!!!

      who not try hunger strikes, pickets and legal disobedience!!! good luck by the way!!!!!! U beda

    • #94310

      @Suzanne wrote:

      Gordon Brown has invited the Spanish Prime Minister to the Labour Party Conference in Brighton next week. I’ve been in touch with several labour MEPs; two in particular have said they will do their best (& ask their colleagues) to address our Spanish Property problems/issues to B & Z at the conference. I’ve also been in touch with several journalists. We shall see if any have the backbone to press for our problems to be addressed, especially as Our Petition, once again, has been ‘passed to the FCO’. Nothing has been received from the FCO since presenting the petition.

      No 10’s response to my Open Letter can be read here:t.

      Yeah, right. The house is burning and people arecombing their hair, right? 😀

      The economies are going down the drain and Brown and Zapatero are going to talk about illegal properties…

    • #94311

      At least Suzanne has worked hard trying to make everyone including Brown and Zapatero aware of the problems , and still is.

      Flosmichael, what have you done ?
      You appear to have lots of opinions perhaps you know how to get through to these leaders.

      Sorry but I think your crass statement is totally out of order and must be very hurtful to Suzanne and others who have worked tirelessly for this cause.

    • #94312

      totally agree with you melosine theres to many to quick to stick the knife in to sort these problems we have to start somewhere as for brown. enough said

    • #94313

      very well done suzanne 110%

    • #94314

      @Melosine wrote:

      At least Suzanne has worked hard trying to make everyone including Brown and Zapatero aware of the problems , and still is.

      Flosmichael, what have you done ?
      You appear to have lots of opinions perhaps you know how to get through to these leaders.

      Sorry but I think your crass statement is totally out of order and must be very hurtful to Suzanne and others who have worked tirelessly for this cause.

      ical career

      You know Brown: somebody who only cares about his political career
      Zapatero: somebody who only cares about his political career

      They will mostly discuss about Santander and how the British tax payer can help save some Spanish banks. This is a huge and urgent problem and requires lots of discussion. Do you see any time left for ilegal properties? In Brown and Zapatero eyes, this is an issue whih can wai.

      On the other hand, I am fully supportive for Suzanne and others, they are fighting the right war. Unfortunately I do not know how to help, as long as I do not own property in Spain, sorry.

    • #94316

      Flosmichael: Whislt I appreciate what you have posted. I feel that you have been extremely insensitive to Suzanne & the likes of her.

      You have not been on the forum for long enough to know what Suzanne & others have achieved at the cost of emotions, energy & dare I say personal and/or the health of the loved ones.

      Further, as you have admitted that you cannot do anything nor have a property in Spain. I felt you could have abstained from your callous remarks as many of us have done, knowing the state of world economy, Mr Brown own position etc, etc.

      I, hope Suzanne & others achieve their objectives so when people like you coming around to buy in Spain will not encounter a similar situation.

      Even if Suzanne does not achieve her goals. She has raised the awareness of the hopelessly inadequate, corrupt system that prevails in Spain. Her efforts have been at all levels in Spain, Uk & Europe. This has not been done by you or me.

      Her input may help in future in cleaning up the system. A system that affects all nationalities not only the British.

      I do not wish to play the blame game of neive buyers etc. In Spain no matter how much a buyer is aware they will get caught out.

      If the Spanish Government feels the need that the reputation of the Country & its system is cleaned up & attract inward investment in all sectors of its economy, something has to be done at some stage. Whether, I & you will be around for that stage. we just have to wait & see.

    • #94319

      Exceedingly well expressed shakeel.

    • #94320

      @shakeel wrote:

      Flosmichael: Whislt I appreciate what you have posted. I feel that you have been extremely insensitive to Suzanne & the likes of her.

      You have not been on the forum for long enough to know what Suzanne & others have achieved at the cost of emotions, energy & dare I say personal and/or the health of the loved ones.

      Further, as you have admitted that you cannot do anything nor have a property in Spain. I felt you could have abstained from your callous remarks as many of us have done, knowing the state of world economy, Mr Brown own position etc, etc.

      I, hope Suzanne & others achieve their objectives so when people like you coming around to buy in Spain will not encounter a similar situation.

      Even if Suzanne does not achieve her goals. She has raised the awareness of the hopelessly inadequate, corrupt system that prevails in Spain. Her efforts have been at all levels in Spain, Uk & Europe. This has not been done by you or me.

      Her input may help in future in cleaning up the system. A system that affects all nationalities not only the British.

      I do not wish to play the blame game of neive buyers etc. In Spain no matter how much a buyer is aware they will get caught out.

      If the Spanish Government feels the need that the reputation of the Country & its system is cleaned up & attract inward investment in all sectors of its economy, something has to be done at some stage. Whether, I & you will be around for that stage. we just have to wait & see.

      Shakeel, if Suzanne and others take my posting in that way, I apologize.

      I just wanted to point out that Zapatero and Brown are two politicians at the end of their political carrers, who try to repair some huge mistakes made in the last 10 years. They only think at this moment about their
      votes. If Santander-Abbey-BB bank fall, the mess will be so big that
      both countries will accelerate their fall into abyss.

      This is why I am sure that they will not even give a try of thinking about discussing about illegal properties.

      Other prime minister is needed to deal with this situation, one which is cleaner and more altruistic.

    • #94321

      Don’t think for one moment that anyone is stupid enough, especially Suzanne et al, not to realise that flosmichael.

      Suffice to say that it might get a second or two of a mention and this is at least something for the few spending their precious fighting for justice for the many.

    • #94322

      Hi flosmichael. Your statement

      “Yeah, right. The house is burning and people are combing their hair, right?”

      Was uncalled for !!!!! Suzanne, is a highly intelligent & determent lady as can been seen from her achievements. I am certain that she would be aware that her’s and the cause of others will not rank very highly on the list of priorities to a power hungry megalomaniac. However it does on her list and as such is entitled to air her views.

      I am sure that she will be magnanimous in accepting your apologise. The truth is that when grown ups are so insensitive than sorry loses its intended spirit m.

      In my book Sorry & Thank has helped people cover many a sins.

    • #94323

      @UBEDA wrote:

      sorry, but you need to think of a much more hard hitting tactic; all he’ll do is beam back at the question and say he’ll look into it!!!!!

      who not try hunger strikes, pickets and legal disobedience!!! good luck by the way!!!!!! U beda

      ‘Hunger strikes’ – you are joking Ubeda??? We need strength to fight this battle, not weakness. But I do know of one lady who died this summer in Spain due to hunger & poverty. She weighed 6 stones when she died; a direct consequence of the unlawful action of the DWP in the UK for stopping her pension. Another issue.

      I’ve posted in the past about a disabled lady who completed on a property, not being told that it was illegal & had no mains water or electricity. On her first night there she had to inject her insulin by candlelight (also a diabetic). She very nearly went into a nocturnal coma, but thankfully the speedy intervention by her husband saved her life. We don’t have the option to sit & wait for another Prime Minister, as suggested by Flosmichael. And whatever anyone thinks of the present British & Spanish Governments these issues must be pushed as hard as possible. This is also fodder for any political opposition, and if that can be used by them & help us in the process I’m all for it.

      Many thousands of people have paid hundreds of millions of Euros for a property in Spain that is either illegal, just a pile of bricks, or absolutely nothing at all. Any suggestion that this does not warrant being pushed for discussion at a political conference in the UK where the Spanish Prime Minister has been invited to attend, is ludicrous. Especially so, as the main topic is the economy.

      Alan, Melosine & Shakeel, many thanks for the genuine support & encouragement. It’s sorely needed & really very much appreciated.

      p.s. Edited to say I hadn’t seen the previous two posts before I posted this one.

    • #94324

      keep up the good fight.
      always with you

    • #94396

      Gordon Brown/Zapatero.
      Suzanne wrote: (Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:11 pm )
      “We shall see if any have the backbone to press for our problems to be addressed, especially as Our Petition, once again, has been ‘passed to the FCO’. Nothing has been received from the FCO since presenting the petition”…
      “And whatever anyone thinks of the present British & Spanish Governments these issues must be pushed as hard as possible. …”

      Oh dear, always the same,…I can see you don’t read my warning notes,…perhaps you should read the Spanish newspapers.

      In July I wrote:
      WAKE UP!!!,…you are just hurting yourself.
      Common sense, fair behavior, or to the more sophisticated persons the “games theory” will show you that the best strategy should be COLABORATION and not CONFRONTATION with the locals…but anyway make as you wish is your game…is your live…

      PD- Susan and other people work, joining IU (Izquierda Unida, the Spanish communist party, only 1 person in the Spanish parliament) and other anticapitalistic groups, to fight against Spanish government has been a complete mistake…self-inflicted damage.

      …I bet that Mr Brown will not said a single word to Mr Zapatero, just because Mr Brown is a clever man and don’t want to damage British people interests.

      Just because Mr Brown is a clever man:
      • He knows that any person should know what he buy, and to said that he/she don’t understand the language or the rules is not an answer.
      • If a house is illegal, is illegal it doesn’t matter if you:
      know it,
      pretend to don’t know it
      or don’t know it at all.….
      ….and should be destroyed to save the environment, and the law empire (every body is the same to the law and the ignorance don’t give special rights).
      • Is very impressive to see that most of the people that pretend to said they didn’t know their houses where illegal are British…Mr Brown will be very impressed!!!.

      So, Mr Brown will not said a single word, because the replay from Zapatero is too easy…

      Just because Mr Brown don’t want to damage Brits people lives:
       Last year the deficit of the Spanish Social Healthy System for to give service to the British community, (only in the province of Malaga) was of 300 millions Euros.
       The media, and Doctors are speaking about a massive fraud to the Spanish system.
       Politics are speaking about to change the generosity politic of the healthy system, in the same way as UK do.
       Valencia community is already changing the rules…

      So, Again Mr Brown, will not said a single word, because, again, the replay of Zapatero is too easy…and perhaps Mr Brown will said to you: “Stop to push Suzanne…”

      This all is in the Spanish media (El Pais, this week),…perhaps Suzanne “to push as hard as possible” as you do…will make to the British community an irreparable damage…you should think better the matters…. you are hurting your self more than you can hurt me,… self inflicted damage,…You should have think that many people will be living here for the rest of his/her lives,… Anyway go on, “push as hard as possible”,…

    • #94408

      WHAT a load of………………….. 🙄

    • #94412


      You didn’t finish your sentence….what a load of CLEAR FACTS.
      Facts that surely you already knew,…why is so dangerous to said the true openly?.

    • #94416

      Mr Brown is a clever man and don’t want to damage British people interests.


      You mean damage his OWN interests? Like all politicians (or the vast majority of them), he is more interested in himself than he is in anyone else. I can think of only one politician I ever knew who really was honest and a was person of real integrity. He was regarded as a “trouble maker” and never achieved high office. As for campaigns by Suzanne and others – they have done an excellent job of making these problems better known and have undoubtedly saved many, many people from making very expensive mistakes.

      What have you done?


    • #94417

      Tree, are you a machine translator?

    • #94458


      following your comments to Suzanne and Claire, I think most people would agree you are either a complete idiot with no concept of right and wrong, or you are taking some sick pleasure from talking lies and making good people angry.

      Those like Suzanne are trying everything they can to bring justice to those wronged and change a system to one that can be trusted to treat people in a reasonable way. The change she is fighting would also benifit Spanish people. Corruption, lack of regulation and lies are what’s made Spain’s property industry what it is today, do you really think decent people want to colaborate with that? Have you learned nothing?

      Please just go away and leave the forum to those we can trust to know right from wrong and help those cheated by a corrupt system that has cheated so many and continues to do so.

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