Better Documentation Procedures for better data encapsulatio


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      The Universal Decimal classification (UDC) system has been adopted for classification of scientific and technical information related to the survey and resurvey of land records in scores of developed countries. The Document cards or the special index cards are prepared for faster retrieval of relevant information.

      Library accession lists are compiled and circulated for better documentation of the data generated. Articles in technical journals are scanned and selected bibliographies related to the geography of a particular area are prepared and circulated. Even then, much needs to be done to get a better view of the documentation procedures in vogue.

      When documenting real estate Kochi City’s urban development authorities have been toying with the idea of using precise scientific instruments and innovative methodologies for speeding up the digitization of land records. The age-old practices followed so far were not only time consuming but also prone to frequent errors.

      Even though the land records section of the central survey office took much effort to preserve the documents developed several decades ago, many of the old records if not laminated are in danger of getting lost permanently. The utility of the old documents will become important only when enacting new policies and when rewriting the existing rules and regulations governing land use in particular areas of the city.

      Due to the fast pace of urbanization, it is difficult to make out as to what type of use the land in an urban area has been put to in the past. Also to preserve certain fragile lands such old records are highly relevant. Not only that, when land disputes arise over newer uses for landed properties, such records can be used as evidence against real estate speculators and other profiteers without any concern for the environment.

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