Anniversary of demolition of Prior’s Home

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    • #56050

      I hadn’t realised until I read a thread on another forum that it is 3 years today since the Prior’s home was demolished. I understand that they are still homeless and have received no compensation whatsoever.

      This sorry episode casts a long shadow of shame over the Region of Andalucia and over Spain in general.

      The day the socialist government of Andalucia is removed by the ballot box cannot be a day too soon. This sorry bunch of self serving politicians are an absolute disgrace and they ought to hang their heads in shame for what they have done to the Priors.

      In the meantime may the property market in Andalucia RIP


    • #102277

      It is a disgrace and it does not matter who is power in Spain, socialist or the PP. The Junta is full of shameless people.

    • #102278

      I fully agree with both of your comments,I wish we had never built in this country but I have to make the best of it,the politicians have no shame,kinda reminds me a bit if the UK.

    • #102280


      To mark the third anniversary of the demolition of their home in Vera, Helen and Len Prior sent nearly 400 New Year cards to politicians, members of the Junta de Andalucia, mayors, legislators, judges and even the King of Spain to underline their continued fight for justice.

      Recipients in the UK included the Prime Minister, members of parliament and the British Ambassador to Spain. All Spanish and English MEPs also received cards. This action was supported by two organisations fighting urban abuse injustices in Andalucia, AUAN in the Almanzora Valley and AULAN in Levante.

      The international scandal of the demolition in Vera has contributed to a European-wide crisis of confidence in the Spanish housing market and the card shows a graph of the sharp descent in house sales to foreign buyers over the last four years which reflects this.

      In the case of the Priors, appeals and counter-appeals between Vera council and the Junta de Andalucia continue. In the meantime the barrister for the Priors has requested that the Judge order Vera council to compensate them now, on the understanding that if the final decision goes against the Junta, the council can recover the costs from them. The result of this request is still not known.

      Three years of homelessness, financial and emotional distress is a cruel and inhumane treatment of these innocent victims of urban abuse who still wait in limbo for justice.

      The text of the card reads : Our New Years wish is a just and intelligent solution for the innocent victims of urban abuse in Andalucia.

    • #102282

      I have nothing but sympathy and admiration for this couple, and extreme anger at the Spanish authorities who have it in their power to solve their situation quickly and fairly. The Priors are simply caught between two ‘parties’ neither of whom want to lose face or money, and are too self-serving to feel any sense of urgency for this poor couple.

      Thank you Mark for posting their card for our info. – let’s hope it stirs some guilt somewhere and something will be done now. Enough is enough.

      I can’t stand the woman, but can’t Cherie Blair use her Human Rights Act and do something worthwhile with it for a change?

    • #102291

      One does not need human rights Act. If Britian can bring a case against Iceland for the financial losses under terrorism there are many legislations in place.

      There is no financial gain to be made by the Blair’s, so needless to say that they will not act.

    • #102308

      I have taken the following link from another forum

      It links to an interesting radio interview with Helen Prior. Apparently she is still living in the garage that was left untouched when they demolished her house. She also mentions that her house was the only one of a number in her vicinity that was knocked down and since the demolition others have been built.

      This sort of thing could only happen in Andalucia, which seems to be a European region in name only.


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